Author Topic: ¥ Braxant Sector - Sartinaynian System - Sartinaynian (Bastion) ¥  (Read 7984 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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  Star: Sartinay
  Orbit: 1st
  Moons: 1
  Rotation Period: 24 Standard Hours
  Orbital Period: 363 Local Days
  Class: Terrestrial
  Diameter: 9,840km
  Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
  Climate: Temperate
  Gravity: Standard
  Terrain: Plains, Plateaus, Gently Sloping Highlands, Seas
  Population: 100 Million (99% Human, 1% Other)

  Bastion is codename for the planet Sartinaynian used by Imperial High Command.  The world was originally settled by Human colonists seeking to escape the Republics Alien inclusive ideals and laws, but ironically had always come to depend on the nearby Muun Banking Clans for financial support.  The population was always a staunch supporter of The New Order and Emperor Palpatine was quick to designate the world as the secret retreat Outer Rim capitol of the Imperial High Command, where Imperial Bureaucracy and Military Government would rule on in unforseen complications or emergencies.  While already a well fortified world, since the Battle of Endor the planets protective layers have only grown.  It is from here that the articulations of The New Order continue to be mapped and delivered.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 12:18:42 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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