Author Topic: SWA: Legends - Rulebook  (Read 20131 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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SWA: Legends - Rulebook
« on: May 14, 2016, 10:10:00 PM »

Main Story
The war is over, but it has not been won. Although many are skeptical of the newly minted peace, the Battles of Akiva and Jakku have all but exhausted every last resource of the New Republic and Galactic Empire, forcing both parties to agree to the Galactic Concordance - a formal armistice and resolution to the Galactic Civil War. The bold new task of creating a new galactic order has arrived at the doorstep of many leaders, some of whom still prefer the sword to the olive branch. While the New Republic has opted for drastic measures to ensure galactic peace - to include mandatory demilitarization protocols and a decentralization of galactic governance - others still see the galaxy as a state of perpetual war, and that power is the only true pathway for progress. Although the Imperial Future Council has collapsed, many still cling to the strength of their Star Destroyers and see themselves as heirs to the "True Empire". Only time will tell if a new threat will emerge, or if the New Republic's resolutions will work... the fate of the galaxy is now in the hands of those who can make one for themselves!

Player Characters
In this game, players will become Legendary Units - characters who were triumphant heroes of the Galactic Civil War. Using their position, power, and prestige, these characters have assumed command of a vast array of resources and have amassed a large following based on the strength of their leadership. Having gathered their organization to a single system, these characters will work towards the ideals and agendas set forth by the faction they represent OR the faction they wish to forge for themselves. There are no limits to ambition.

Legendary Class System
Considering how maximum power can best be achieved by dedicating oneself to a single craft and career, Legendary Units must conform to a single class system (detailed below). These classes represent the "archetype" of the Legendary Unit, and are by no means one-dimensional versions of their abilities, rather they are representative of the tangible skillset the Legends bring to the game itself.

MILITARY --- Grand Admiral, Lord General, Supreme Executor... whatever you want to call yourself, you are the Commander-in-Chief of your organization and you rule by the sword. As a military officer first and foremost, your in-game abilities will be focused towards militaristic endeavors and conquest.

POLITICS --- Senator, Grand Moff, Minister... you prefer the fine art of conversation and negotiation in order to achieve your goals. Although diplomacy is difficult, you know it will pay off in the long run because it builds relationships and establishes favorable political outcomes.

BUSINESS --- CEO, Baron Administrator, Warden... the tides of war are forever changing, the coin continues to drop. Commerce and business are the only certainties in the galaxy, for what are allegiances compared to wealth and prosperity? You will make the galactic economy strong again.

THE FORCE --- Jedi, Sith... what are they anymore? With the Emperor and Darth Vader dead, and Luke Skywalker tasked with rebuilding the New Jedi Order, the Force has awakened, and it is calling out to those who will learn its ways. Training may have been given by the hands of the Emperor or Vader himself, or through an exiled Force user - no matter your background - you have achieved enough power to be a Sith Lord, or have chosen to walk in the way of the Light Side as a Jedi Knight. In times like these, there is no middle ground, and no quarter.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: SWA: Legends - Rulebook
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 07:31:15 PM »
The Aftermath Galaxy consists of 50 planetary systems. Some old, some new. These systems have two designations, the first is the Strategic Class, and the second is the Resource Sector. These features determine a system's basic capabilities and economic output.

Planet List
1. Coruscant (V) -- Commercial
2. Dantooine (I) -- Agricultural
3. Alderaan Asteroids (II) -- Geological
4. Tatooine (II) -- Commercial
5. Hoth (I) -- Geological
6. Bespin (III) -- Geological
7. Yavin IV (II) -- Agricultural
8. Corellia (V) -- Industrial
9. Kuat (V) -- Industrial
10. Rothana (III) -- Industrial
11. Kamino (II) -- Industrial
12. Geonosis (III) -- Industrial
13. Rhen Var (II) -- Geological
14. Sullust (III) -- Industrial
15. Mon Calamari (IV) -- Industrial
16. Bothawui (III) -- Agricultural
17. Endor (II) -- Agricultural
18. Dagobah (II) -- Agricultural
19. Kashyyk (III) -- Agricultural
20. Mustafar (III) -- Industrial
21. Naboo (III) -- Agricultural
22. Kessel (IV) -- Geological
23. Jakku (II) -- Geological
24. Takodana (III) -- Agricultural
25. Mandalore (IV) -- Industrial
26. Nal Hutta (V) -- Geological
27. Nar Shaddaa (III) -- Commercial
28. Klatooine (III) -- Geological
29. Gamorr (II) -- Geological
30. Ryloth (III) -- Geological
31. Anoat (III) -- Geological
32. Ord Mantell (III) -- Commercial
33. Neimoidia (IV) -- Industrial
34. Utapau (III) -- Industrial
35. Fondor (IV) -- Industrial
36. Corulag (III) -- Agricultural
37. Eriadu (IV) -- Commercial
38. Wayland (II) -- Commercial
39. Carida (III) -- Agricultural
40. Byss (IV) -- Industrial
41. Hapes (V) -- Industrial
42. Chandrila (IV) -- Agricultural
43. Rendili (IV) -- Industrial
44. Thyferra (IV) -- Geological
45. Vergesso Asteroids (III) -- Geological
46. Bonadan (IV) -- Industrial
47. Bandomeer (III) -- Commercial
48. Druckenwell (III) -- Commercial
49. Duros (III) -- Industrial
50. Onderon (IV) -- Agricultural

Strategic Class
Class I -- SV 20 (50 KC)
Class II -- SV 40 (100 KC)
Class III -- SV 60 (150 KC)
Class IV -- SV 80 (200 KC)
Class V -- SV 100 (250 KC)

SV = Strategic Value (to be explained later)
Class Level = the number of System Features the player can utilize that system for once they take it over.

System Features
Shipyard -- Allows for manufacturing of capital ships and auxiliary craft.
Factory -- Allows for manufacturing of starfighters and auxiliary craft.
Academy -- Allows for training of infantry.
Arsenal -- Allows for manufacturing of vehicles.
Facility -- Produces 1 R&D point.
Markets -- +50 KC output.
Loyalists -- SV +20.
Recycling -- +1 SU.

Resource Sector and Economy Bonus
Commercial -- 1 SU, +200 KC
Agricultural -- 2 SU, +100 KC
Geological -- 3 SU, +50 KC
Industrial -- 4 SU

Designated Capitol
Any system can be the designated capital of a faction.
If so, it's basic features are replaced with the following statistics:
SV 500, permanent features (shipyard, factory, academy, arsenal, and facility), 500 KC, and 10 SU.

Designated Stronghold
You may select one system other than your Capital to be a "Stronghold" of your faction. If so, it gets +100 SV, and produces +1 SU on Action Days.

Action Days & Administration
Every Saturday is an Action Day, and so your faction may collect income (KCs, SUs, and R&D) produced by all systems you control. Construction orders, Recruit conversion, and R&D applications can be ordered at any time. In the case of R&D, bonus tech is unlocked immediately.

The Legend's Fleet
Your Fleet must conform to the 1:2:4 model. The first tier is your Flagship, which can be one vessel of any size. The second tier are your Line Ships, you can only have 2 of these, and they must be at least one size below your Flagship. The third tier are your Support Ships, you can only have 4 of these, and they too must be one size below your Line Ships. If you wish to create a "Micro Fleet" with a Small Capital Ship as the Flagship, then your Line Ships need to be AUX Groups, and your Support Ships need to be SF Squadrons. Independent AUX Groups and SF Squadrons MUST BE ASSIGNED 1 Crew in order to operate outside of a mother ship.

Defense Fleet Support Limit
Due to the Galactic Concordance, caps must be placed on defense spending. Systems can support up to their economic output x2 in Space Units, however, Defense Fleets do not need to rely on your Legend's Crew in order to be operated (they come with "local crew"). Starfighters do not need count against the support limit, but no more than 6 SF Squads can be stationed on the Ground at any time. Ground Units do not count against the support limit, but they do need to be supplied by your Legend.

Fog of War
Everything is transparent. The films give us an impression that things happen fairly quickly and knowledge is spread due to the amount of HoloNet communication. All movements and locations will be posted at all times.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 07:28:32 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: SWA: Legends - Rulebook
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2016, 01:36:46 PM »
Picking A Capital
After the Galactic Concordance, the traditional centers of power, manufacturing, and finance were legislated away. Although some infrastructure remains, systems need a Legend in order to provide direction. Where the Legend goes, intergalactic investment will follow. Designated Capitols can change if the Legend so wishes. In that event, the system will revert to its default configuration.

Why Strategic Value Is Important
Strategic Value is the collective political and productive willpower of a system. This number will be important to manage because Strategic Value represents the the number of Recruits your faction can utilize in various capacities. To determine the number of Recruits, simply combine the cumulative SV across all your systems and divide that number by 10. While supplies and finances are critical to the growth of your faction, Recruits are essential if you want to expand your influence, as they can be utilized one of three ways:

1. CREW must be activated in order to operate your capital ships. Each ship has an Action Point value, and this is the minimum number of Crew it takes to operate that ship in a Fleet.

2. INFANTRY can be put through your Academies and converted into soldiers.

3. OFFICERS are agents of the Legend and can enhance their influence. They come in four varieties: Staff Officers (Military), Consular Officers (Diplomatic), Corporate Officers (Business), and Force Apprentices (Force).

4. GOVERNORS are required to effectively manage a system outside of your Capital. Though their footprint is small, their presence is nonetheless vital.

5. SCIENTISTS are required to set up a Facility and conduct R&D in order to generate R&D Points. The more scientists working, the more R&D you generate.

How Strategic Value Is Utilized To Take Control
Each Legend has their own particular strategy when it comes to taking control of other systems, however, each of these strategies will conform to the same basic rule: you must reduce a system's Strategic Value to 0 before it becomes yours. This reduction comes by completing Missions.

1. CONQUEST [Available to Military and Dark Side Legends] -- Conquest missions are triggered when your Fleet is victorious in space (all enemy capital ships are either destroyed or in retreat). When that happens, SV reduction begins. On the same day as victory in space, the system immediately takes a one-time SV reduction equal to your Fleet's total Action Points. At this point, you can either commence with your ground invasion and/or begin a blockade. From that point on, SV reductions can only come from your Infantry and Staff Officers. After landing troops on the ground and destroying all enemy Infantry, the system again takes a one-time SV reduction equal to your Army's total Action Points. Once your Army is the sole military presence on the ground, SV reduction happens once every 24 hours in increments equal to the number of Infantry Squads and Staff Officers on the ground, plus the Legend's Prestige. When SV reaches 0, the system is transferred to your faction's control and its SV is reset. Upon the resolution of any Conquest Mission, your Legend gets +1 Prestige point.

2. DIPLOMACY [Available to Diplomatic and Light Side Legends] -- Diplomacy missions are triggered when a Diplomatic Legend arrives with (and only with) his or her Consular Ship at a neutral system. When the Legend lands on the Ground, the system immediately takes a one-time SV reduction equal to 10 points plus the number of Consular Officers with the Legend, plus the Legend's Prestige. Normal SV reductions occur every 24 hours in increments equal to the number of Consular Officers on the ground, plus the Legend's Prestige. When SV reaches 0, the system is transferred to your faction's control and its SV is reset. Upon the resolution of any Diplomacy Mission, your Legend gets +1 Prestige point.

3. EXPANSION [Available to Business Legends] -- Expansion missions are triggered when a Business Legend arrives at a neutral system. In order to begin Expansion, you must first pay an amount equal to that system's normal Action Day output x2 (KCs and SUs), at which point the system will take a one-time SV reduction equal to 10 points plus the number of Corporate Officers with the Legend, plus the Legend's Prestige. Normal SV reductions occur every 24 hours in increments equal to the number of Corporate Officers on the ground, plus the Legend's Prestige. Upon the resolution of any Expansion Mission, your Legend gets +1 Prestige point.

4. BLOCKADE [Available to all Fleets, no Legend required] -- A system is effectively blockaded when your Fleet is the sole power in space, and your ships occupy all 4 orbital zones of grid. Blockaded systems do not produce any cash or supplies, and they take a 2 point SV reduction per day. When a system gets to 0 SV, its Strategic Class is downgraded to the next lowest level and it will remain that way for 4 Action Days. After the downgrade occurs, no further penalties are applied to the system. Upon the resolution of any Blockade, your Legend gets +1 Prestige point regardless of if he or she was present.

5. OCCUPATION [Available to all Armies, no Legend required] -- A system is effectively occupied when your Army is the sole power on the ground, and your troops occupy all 4 ground zones of the grid. Occupied systems take a 4 point SV reduction per day. When a system gets to 0 SV, your faction may choose to either Pillage or Annex. If you Pillage a system, then its Strategic Class is downgraded to the next lowest level and it will remain that way for 4 Action Days. No further penalties are applied to the system after it has been Pillaged. If you Annex the system, then you immediately collect all Supply Units and Cash that system produces on a normal Action Day. So long as your Army remains on the ground, you will collect all Supply Units (but NOT cash) each Action Day. Upon the resolution of any Occupation, your Legend gets +1 Prestige point regardless of if he or she was present.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 08:17:22 PM by GCW Hale »

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Re: SWA: Legends - Rulebook
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2016, 08:15:56 PM »
Legendary Unit Features
Military Legend -- Prestige Level 3. Staff Officers provide your Fleet with Bonus Action Points that cab be utilized during Combat (1 point per Officer). Your Military Technology projects cost 1 less R&D point to complete. Your Capital Ships cost 1 less Supply Unit to manufacture. Your Infantry Squads take -3 days to train.
Diplomacy Legend -- Prestige Level 2. Consular Officers double as Governors. Your Intergalactic Policy projects cost 1 less R&D point to complete. From your entire Fleet, you may select one ship to be your Consular Ship. This ship cannot fire any weapons, but gets +25% Shields, and can contribute its Action Points to the rest of the Fleet. SF Squads can be utilized for Escort Patrol only.

Business -- Prestige Level 1. Corporate Officers generate 25 KCs each Action Day. Your Governors can change a System's Resource Sector at will (changes are applied on the next Action Day). Your Intergalactic Policy and Military Technology projects cost 1 less R&D to complete.

Force User -- Prestige Level 1. Your Designated Stronghold gets an additional +20 SV due to your connection with the Force, and it also becomes your faction's designated Force Training Ground. While at your Stronghold, your Apprentices generate 1 Force Point every 24 hours. Force Points can be used to transform your Apprentices into powerful Force-Using Units that can expand your factions capabilities by leaps and bounds.

Research & Development
Your Facilities will produce R&D Points which can be used to unlock special bonuses that give your faction an advantage. The projects can be completed in any order you wish, they are merely ranked to indicate R&D point cost.

Military Technology
A. Space Combat Systems (2 R&D Points) This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Shipyard Upgrade (2 R&D Points) Unlock one restricted space unit from your spec list (SF, AUX, or CAP).
2. Enhanced Ion Cannons (5 R&D Points) +1 Damage
3. Quad Laser Cannons (8 R&D Points) All "Laser Cannon" emplacements become Quad Laser Cannons (8 Damage, +2 UCR vs SF)
4. Heavy Turbolasers (10 R&D Points) +2 Damage
5. Enhanced Shield Generators (20 R&D Points) +10% Shields to all your Capital Ships
6. Durasteel-Reactive Polymer Armor Plating (20 R&D Points) +10% Armor to all your Capital Ships

B. Ground Combat Systems (3 R&D Points) This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Academy Upgrade (3 R&D Points) Unlock one restricted INF unit from your spec list.
2. Factory Upgrade (4 R&D Points) Unlock one restricted GAV unit from your spec list.
3. Survival Training (5 R&D Points) Your INF get +1 UCR.
4. Turbocharged Engines (6 R&D Points) Your GAV get +1 UCR.

Intergalactic Policy
A. Imperial Mandate (1 R&D Point) Conquest Missions for your Legend are unlocked. You cannot research Republic Charter. This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Directed Media (5 R&D Points) Your Capitol and Stronghold get +20 SV.
2. Forced Labor (6 R&D Points) Your systems generate +1 SU.
3. Special Projects Tax (10 R&D Points) You may levy a -100 KC tax on your systems on Action Days; if so, for each system that was taxed, 200 KCs get added to a Special Projects Account that can only be used towards building Superium Star Destroyers or Planet Defender Superlasers.
4. Army Garrisons (20 R&D Points) Each of your systems get a permanent Stormtrooper Squad.
5. Imperialism (30 R&D Points) Whenever you begin any Conquest Mission, the system takes a 10 point SV reduction.
B. Republic Charter (1 R&D Point) Diplomacy Missions for your Legend are unlocked. You cannot research Imperial Mandate. This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Bill of Rights (5 R&D Points) All of your systems get +10 SV.
2. Labor Unions (6 R&D Points) Your Capitol and Stronghold generate +2 SU.
3. Restoration Tax (10 R&D Points) You may levy a -100 KC tax on your systems on Action Days; if so, for each system that was taxed, 200 KCs get added to a Restoration Fund that can be only be used towards building Senate City or Planetary Shield Generators.
4. Peacekeepers (20 R&D Points) Each of your systems get a permanent Vanguard Squad.
5. Liberalism (30 R&D Points) Whenever you begin any Diplomacy Mission, the system takes a 10 point SV reduction.

C. Declaration of Independence (1 R&D Point) Conquest and Diplomacy Missions for your Legend are unlocked. You cannot research Imperial Mandate or Republic Charter. This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Isolationism (5 R&D Points) Your Capitol and Stronghold get +50 SV. Your Legend may no longer initiate Conquest or Diplomacy missions. All previously captured systems won over by Conquest or Diplomacy revert back to neutral standing.
2. Labor Unions (6 R&D Points) Your Capitol and Stronghold generate +2 SU.
3. State Owned Enterprise (8 R&D) Your Capitol and Stronghold get +250 KC.
4. Infrastructure Development (20 R&D Points) Your Capitol and Stronghold may add one additional feature beyond the Class limit.
5. Protectionism (30 R&D Points) Your System Defense Support Limit is doubled.

D. Treasury and Finance (1 R&D Point) You can research these projects concurrently with any other policy platform. This is a prerequisite project that must be completed before projects below are finished.
1. Federal Banking (5 R&D Points) Your cash reserves earn 2% interest on Action Days.
2. Stock Markets (6 R&D Points) You can buy Supply Units for 200 KCs each, and can sell them for 100 KCs.
3. Deficit Spending (10 R&D Points) You can go -1000 KCs into debt.   
4. Universal Healthcare (20 R&D Points) Each of your systems get +10 SV but -50 KC.
5. Populism (30 R&D Points) Your Capitol is immune to SV reductions. Anything that would reduces its SV normally will be applied in the form of a cash penalty on your next Action Day (-1 KC for -1 SV).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 11:55:36 PM by GCW Hale »

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Re: SWA: Legends - Rulebook
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2016, 11:36:31 PM »
Space Combat
The Integrated System Grid features Deep Space Zones, Orbital Zones, and Ground Zones. Unit-to-Unit combat must occur in the same Zone (Space or Ground). Units in Deep Space cannot be in Combat, but they can move (Sublight or Hyperspace).

Action Points
The momentum of combat is decided by every little decision and every choice has a meaningful impact. These tactical decisions are measured by Action Points.
Hyperspace Movement = All AP (entering hyperspace only)
Sublight Movement = 1 AP (going from Deep Space to Orbit, changing Orbital position, changing Tactical Range)
Dropships = 1 AP (transfers 1 Ground unit from Orbital Zone to related Ground Zone)
Starfighter Ops = 1 AP per Squadron (covers launch, sustaining flight, and recovery)
Auxiliary Ops = 1 AP per Group (covers launch, sustaining flight, and recovery)
Fire Weapon = 1 AP per 1 Weapon
Raise Shields = 1 AP
Damage Control = 1 AP (Repairs 1 Armor Point)
Reboot Servers = 1 AP (Repairs 1 Systems Point)
Attack Position = 1 AP (+1 AR, limit once per round)
Evasive Maneuvers = 1 AP (+1 DR, limit once per round)

Concentrating Firepower
Additional Action Points are required to successfully coordinate multiple ships attacking a single ship.
1st Shooter = 1 AP per Weapon (as normal)
2nd Shooter = 2 AP per Weapon
3rd Shooter = 2 AP per Weapon
4th Shooter = 3 AP per Weapon
5th Shooter and above = 4 AP per Weapon

Tactical Range
Point Blank (0)
Short (1)
Medium (3)
Long (5)
Standoff (10)

UCR Calculations
Universal Combat Ratings will by and large be pre-computed for player benefit, but the numbers are all based on the following charts:
Class = Super (0), Large (1), Heavy (2), Medium (3), Light (4), Small (5), AUX (6), SF (7), GAV (8), INF (9), Legend (10)
Combat Rating = Lacking (1), Sufficient (2), Battle Ready (3), Exceptional (4), Fearsome (5)
Speed = Slow (1), Modest (2), Fast (3), Performance (4)
Maneuver = Sluggish (1) to Dynamic (7)

Space Combat Calculations
1. Shooter [UCR - Shooter's TR] = AR
2. Defender [UCR + Target's TR] = DR
3. AR / DR = Damage Modifier
4. [Total Number of Weapons x Weapon Damage] x Modifier = Total Damage

Turbolaser = 10, -1 UCR vs SF
Ion Cannons = 8
Proton Torpedo = 6
Missile = 4, +2 UCR vs SF
Laser = 2, +1 UCR vs SF
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 12:39:04 PM by GCW Hale »