Author Topic: KWENN & KWENN STATION  (Read 22225 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: October 08, 2015, 10:16:30 PM »
For all storylines pertaining to Kwenn and Kwenn Station.

Players will start the campaign here.
Setting: (3) Imperial Star Destroyers with support vessels have shown up, presumably for Kwenn Station to permanently make available its services and docking bays for the Galactic Empire. Players could either be part of this Imperial parade (as an Imperial player) or already at Kwenn Station (anybody else). What happens here will plant the seeds of events and activities for the rest of the campaign!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 01:03:16 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 10:38:25 PM »

« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 06:37:25 PM by GCW Hale »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2015, 11:12:13 AM »

Just hours ago, the Imperial 501st Legion had invaded Theed Palace and assassinated Queen Apailana. Gunnar's friends, three Jedi Masters, were among the slain. After the Kessel Conclave was brutally crushed just weeks ago, the Naboo Conclave was supposed to be the next best stronghold for the Jedi. The plan was to remain hidden on Naboo - utilizing underground networks and assistance from the Gungans - until the Jedi Order could be ready to once again seek out Darth Vader and the Emperor and destroy them. Some believed in the Jedi prophecies, that if one Sith Lord could destroy the Jedi Order, then so could one Jedi Knight destroy the Sith. Rumors of Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan still being at large gave the Order hope, for their plan was to function as the failsafe by playing the long game. In the meantime, many other Masters concluded that the time to strike at the Empire was now - for the vast Old Republic war machine was still rebuilding itself from the Clone Wars. There were still CIS warlords, and entire combat ready fleets still out there somewhere causing mayhem. Others however still felt strong loyalty to the Republic, and that the Empire was nothing more than an illegal government ushered into power under false pretenses. People wanted a Supreme Chancellor and the Senate back, not a single Emperor to rule in its place. For many, this meant that unusual alliances would need to be made in order to grow in strength and stand up against the Empire. Confederate remnants, Republic loyalists, and Jedi sympathizers now found themselves strange bedfellows... but to what extent?

The shimmering, swirling blue whirlpool of hyperspace soon came to a blackened starlit pause as the Royal XIV reverted to sublight travel. News of the Battle of Naboo, or as the Nubians were calling it - the Crisis of Apailana - had yet to sublight news traffic. If any news was being spread, it was going to happen by word of mouth. The Galactic Empire tended to wait until an event was long over before they made a press release. This ensured a completely tailored news report that contained all the "facts". The fact that the Royal XIV had yet to be issued a warrant for interdiction made the entry into Kwenn space a matter of formality. Besides, the Pabol Sleheyron trade route wasn't exactly the most patrolled route in and out of Hutt Space. The team decided that it was best to make a landing at the Old Hutt Spaceport. Although Kwenn Station was tempting, it was far more heavily trafficked, and Gunnar especially needed to avoid places with lots of people at the moment.

The sleek, dim blue interior of Old Hutt Spaceport belied its outward run down appearance. The spaceport itself didn't have much going for it - just a handful of junkers, maintenance depots, and mining workshops. Ages ago, Kwenn used to be a wealthy mining colony, but after its natural resources were exhausted and the various mining stations around the planted closed down, all that remained was the Hutt Spaceport.

Once landing checks were completed for the Royal XIV, Talia spoke up. "I know we're here for a brief stop only, but our priority should be to get new transponder and flight data computer," assured that this was the best direction to take.

Bergs agreed, turning to Gunnar, "I think you should stay here, there's too much to risk with a Jedi at this spaceport. It might be time for a change of clothes..."

Gunnar sighed. As a point of pride and symbolism, he continued to wear the sacred garments of the Jedi Order, but with so many deaths in the last year - it was time to think about survival and preservation. "I'm sure I can find something onboard the ship, but that goes for all of us. We need new personas."

Everyone agreed, Talia finished with "Right, well Bergs and I will take a walk. I can say I'm on a mission from the RNSF, which is ridiculous, but at least believable for the time being..."

Gunnar knew there was a risk coming to Hutt Space, but Talia's language abilities and knowledge of the underworld were reasons enough to come. The problem would be leveraging the team's abilities and talents into opportunities. Hutt Space was reckless and ruthless, and there wouldn't be much in the way of work to find a decent living. With so many doubts racing in his head, Gunnar took a pause and meditated, hoping to find clarity through the Force.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 05:47:34 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline gallpizi

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« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2015, 03:36:48 PM »

Bridge of Imperial Star Destroyer Mrk I Shadow's Blade

Captain Scapro Tyler stood on the bridge of his flagship, staring out into vastness of space as he stood there with his back rigid. His hands were clasped behind his back as he took in the awe of space as if it was his first time seeing it. A deep breath in followed by a long exhale before he turned to his Executive Officer, Commander Bail Linth who was standing behind him awaiting his orders.

"Have Commander Evoros launch a flight to CSP. It would be dreadfully suicidal for anyone to attempt to strike on us here with three Star Destroyers orbiting the planet however if someone does wish to commit suicide we will not be surprised by it."

Commander Linth nodded her head softly, " Of course Sir." The words came out almost like on instinct as she pulled out her data pad and began to type a few commands in it, relaying the Captain's orders swiftly. Within moments four TIE Fighters could be seen streaking out from beneath the bow of the ship and spreading out into a flying V in front of the Shadow's Blade.

Scarp watched this with a wonder and awe, remember his days piloting a V-Wing during the Clone Wars. It felt like a lifetime ago. All of the names and faces almost came flooding back to him however he was able to keep them at bay as he stood there, taking stock of his command.

A Star Destroyer was practically a fleet all by itself. With an entire wing of TIEs it was a force to be reckoned with. Now three of them were in orbit around Kwenn with their compliment of support vessels. Each Star Destroyer had 2 Carrack- class Light Cruisers escorting them. The Captain of each Star Destroyer could exercise direct control over their two escorts. In an odd and unusual twist, High Command had sent the three Star Destroyers to the planet of Kwenn independent of each other and while they all had the same mission which was to keep order in the region and the shipping lanes open they had a degree of latitude in how to accomplish their objectives providing two of the three Star Destroyers remained at Kwenn at all times.

Scapro understand the unusual situation of having three Star Destroyers in the field under no unified command so he had organized a meeting of the other two Captains a few days prior. They discussed their tactics and thoughts of how they would accomplish their mission and resolved to meet weekly in order to gauge their progress and share information. Scapro couldn't help but think that this was a loyalty test of some sort for the three Captains however he pushed that thought from his mind as well.

Just After the Clone Wars Ended

Scapro was the commander of a squadron of V-Wings. His last few days had been a blur. The Jedi had attempted to kill the Chancellor? The Republic had become the First Galactic Empire? None of this made any sense to him! The Jedi had fought more bravely than some of his own comrades and subordinates yet he was to believe that every single one was now a traitor? It just didn't make sense!

As the days drew into weeks and months they saw some downsizing among the fleet. Forced Retirements were discussed in hushed whispers. Men and women previously thought to be loyal to their duty were discussed as if they were traitors and drummed out of the force. Scapro himself benefited from this in ways he couldn't begin to imagine. Due to his record as a combat pilot and his apparent loyalty he found himself moving up the ranks quite quickly.

Present Day

The gray hair at the edges of his temple showed just what a toll the burden of command had taken on him. Directives coming out of ISB and Fleet Command expected ship commanders to rule with an iron fist. No real latitude was given to interpret orders. Hence why Scapro felt this command structure was a test in an effort to weed one if not all of the commanders out for being disloyal.

The politics of being a loyal officer was cumbersome to say the least and quite unsustainable.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 12:28:45 AM by GallPizi »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 12:25:37 AM »
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The Black Dragon exited hyperspace over Kwenn in a rendezvous with the Imperial Fleet which had arrived earlier. The ship was currently being piloted by droids, so that Veyana could communicate with Emperor Palpatine via the HoloNet.

Kneeling on the HoloNet platform, Veyana lowered her head before transmitting.

< Master, I have arrived at Kwenn. >

< Lady Priya, you may begin your search for Jedi survivors. Lord Vader's recent missions have all but crushed what is left of the Jedi Order, and he is blinded by his obsession to find Obi-Wan Kenobi. >

< Yes, my master. >

< The Hutts are as cruel and ruthless as the Sith; Spare no expense - offer no quarter - do whatever is necessary to complete you mission, for I have felt a great disturbance in the Force, and believe Hutt Space is the epicenter. >

< Of course master. >


With that, Veyana returned to the cockpit and took control of the ship. After scanning the system, she noticed multiple Nubian vessels at Kwenn Station and a single Nubian at the Old Hutt Spaceport. She knew the Imperial Fleet would be conducting some "security assurance" patrols on Kwenn Station, and there was something about the Old Hutt Spaceport that was seemingly bidding her to come. She recognized this as the Force, and so she listened.

Speeding down the Old Hutt Spaceport and making a landing, she activated the ship's security protocols and disembarked.


Clad entirely in black, her sultry silhouette could be seen stepping cautiously down the loading ramp. Soon afterwards, several seeker droids emerged from the Black Dragon and sped outward. For the moment, Veyana was relying on both the Force and droids to begin her search.

It wouldn't take long before she would find something, or some one of value.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 09:39:26 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 09:25:01 PM »

A Stick In The Eye (Pt I.I)

  Kwenn Station had long been a distant jewel in the crown of the Hutts' Interstellar Empire.  While you wouldn't find the banners of their clans hanging readily on display or regularly encounter the devious beings themselves, their proverbial stench lingered from the star-docks to the air-locks.  From the more reserved and exclusive upper quarter to the lower shadowport levels where debauchery pervaded.  Officially, a Board of Directors oversaw the station at the behest of private investors, while the reality was the Hutts slimy hands were either deep in the pocket or far up the waste-hole of most of the actors here- manipulating their every move, inspiring their every worried perspiration.

  Thousands of beings called Kwenn station home.  Hundreds of ships pass through Kwenn Interdicted space on a daily basis.  A dozen or so puppets pull the strings.  The Hutt overlords rang the register and collected the cash.  The routine went on seamlessly for the last several hundred years.  The Republic tried twice to wrest control of Kwenn Station, both times defeated in strategy and wits by the Hutts.  The Empire has come knocking however, and the Republic, it is not..

"A Hutt can live upward of eighteen hundred years.  The innate patience born out of such lengthy lifespans serves Hutts well both in knowing when to bend.. and knowing when to exact revenge."- opening excerpt from Beware the Hutt, an early work by Arporo Sagatii of Duros, Renown Galactic Historian and Philosopher of eons past

  Kwenn Station Shadowport - West Landing Bay

  The environment was fairly tame as far as Shadowports went in and around Hutt Space.  Sure it was off the books, and full of criminals, but sometimes books can be over-rated, and criminals can be under-rated.  The smooth orderly operation of the shadowport was a reality in no small part due to the Grand Council of Ancients personal interest in the strategic gateway to Hutt Space.

  Legitimate commercial traffic seeking to skirt taxes and customs lined up in berths within the massive hangar along side full-fledged smugglers in the vast well-equipped and always accomodating bays.  Deeper within the station structure and still part of the shadowport, there were temporary quarters, several watering holes, numerous traders and all the service outlets the likes of which any species of space-traveler might find need for, from legal to illicit and from harmful to down right pleasing.

  On what seemed to start out as any other normal cycle amidst the Shadowport, the Western Landing Bay was relatively dull and barely hummed with activity.  Throughout, several dozen small to large freighters sat comfortably resting, perhaps guzzling fuel or power in some cases.  As for one particular immediate arriving ship, Pachanga the Hutt- the Ancient Councils eyes and ears on Kwenn, with the company of his personal Nikto guard and acting interpreter- Jempeng Impalis, was personally checking on the off-loading of several Wookiee slaves recently captured on Kashyyyk by Trandoshan trappers.

  It was rare for a Wookiee to abide by any form of imprisonment willingly.  The sight of a quartet of them  chained and dragging themselves along by direction of their Trandoshan captors was a particularly notable sight.  A trio of towering and solid looking lizard men had led the shaggy-titan prisoners, chained by throat, wrist and ankle, to a hunched standing position beneath the idling Nella 342 freighter that brought them here.

  The Prime 'Doshan who approached Pachanga bore special distinction of the presumed battles ferocity, missing an arm and an eye-ball himself, both definitely freshly inflicted injuries.  The Trandoshan hissed and croaked its demands to the Hutt,

  *Sssss* "Sixteen-thousand a pieccccccccee", the lizardly alien cut to the chase and assumingly stated, holding out his scaly taloned hand, palm side-up.

  The Hutt immediately scoffed and perked up his posture to fluff his chest, "Ha! Booga-yanna! Deesee nah poko poo.  Wookiee baga soso kempala!  Tweeka tamapo, eepah? Geh-choska!"

  The Nikto relayed the message, "Lord Pachanga say this not Customs Port on upper levels, this shadowport.  Wookiees legal trade.  You come here, skip tax, still want the legal going rate?  Twelve each, or get lost,"

   The Trandoshan snarled its lip slightly before croaking out some indecipherable message to the trio of compatriots who began leading the battered and demoralized wookie captives back aboard the ship they all stood beneath.  As they turned go back up the ramp, a loud whooping siren somewhere distant in the massive hangar area bellowed a generic warning for smugglers and other concerned types,



  A few awkward moments of silence ensued before the message began to repeat itself, then being abruptly drowned out by mass commotion.  The relative calm and quiet of the West Hangar bay was interupted by a trampling hasty exodus of spacers and visitors who came pouring forth in to the Bay nearly all at once in hurried fashion from various entry ways leading from other areas of the shadowport and station.

   As the initial flight ensued around them and freighters began elevating and careering toward one of numerous large gaping exit frames of the hangar bay, the Trandoshan growled out for his companions to cease their trudge and bring the Wookiee slaves back.

    *Ssss* "Twelve a pieceeee" the 'Doshan agreed as a matter of the circumstance.  The Wookiees were legal, but not necessarily everything about his ship and crew.

     The Hutt was rather pre-occupied with the notion of the even newer arrivals and barely allowed his purpose here in the hangar bay of pesonally handling the wookiee transaction to hold his attention,

    "Chooga, chooga.  Boo kapa rowcama, Fo-Fo booma," he spoke more to the Nikto as he quickly slithered off in the opposite direction of the dwindling trickle of late coming depatures ahead of the Imperial arrival.

    The Nikto paused for a moment and glanced to the Wookiee captives to assure himself of their number as if to calculate and question the Hutts quoted figure.  Thinking better of questioning the Hutt, he simple relayed the Hutts number to the Trandoshan while sorting out a small handful of credit chits from his inner pocket, expecting the scaled alien to correct the Hutt of the true value himself,

  "Four-four thousand then," the Nikto informed the Trandoshan as he deposited the chits in to the beings singular hand.

   The 'Doshan seemingly smiled, clasped his hand and turned to depart, another fully satisfied Hutt customer.  A half dozen or so lesser Hutt thugs from various typical species of the sort took over handling of the Wookiees and began escorted them away at the point of vibro-axes and shock-pikes.

   Jempeng gave a short jog to catch up to Pachanga.  He was not new to serving Izissi clan, but he was new to Pachanga, so he decided to speak up,

  "The Trandoshan," he began before being cut off by his master.

  "[Can barely count, none of them can,]" the Hutt informed him.

  The Nikto considered for another moment, his facial organ tube reacting as though to exhibit facial expression, while following his master,

   "And Imperials?" he probed the Hutt as to what this arrival meant.

   "[Unfortunately, they can count..]," Pachanga retorted, intentionally leaving everyone hanging as the lights faded and the scene ended..
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 11:25:07 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline gallpizi

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« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2015, 10:42:27 PM »
Bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Mrk I Shadow's Blade

Captain Tyler stood behind one of the enlisted men who manned the scanning consoles on the bridge. The exiting of the Black Dragon aroused the suspicion of one of the men even though it transmitted the proper codes. Scapro placed a hand on the shoulder of the man, nodding his head sagely as he spoke, "Always go with your gut Petty Officer. It is better to report something unnecessary to a superior than to withhold information" And with that he stepped away, thinking as he walked back towards the windows looking out on the station.

Commander Linth was standing there and when Captain Tyler returned she snapped back to attention which was quickly waved away by the Captain. They stood there in silence for a few moments before Scapro finally spoke.

"Have Commander Evoros ready a second flight of TIEs as well as two Lambda- class Shuttles. I want a platoon of Colonel Ghent's Stormtroopers ready as well and on the flight deck." As he spoke Commander Linth tapped furiously on her data pad before looking up at him, waiting for perhaps more or maybe even an explanation as to what this was for.

"Inform the Captain's Invincible and the Fury that I will be taking a team to the station for an inspection as well as to begin the line of communication with the local leaders. You will be in command in by absence" As he spoke Commander Linth kept tapping however upon hearing that he was going as well her eyes got a bit softer, as if she cared for the man more than simply as XO of the ship.

"As you wish Sir." Her words were a bit softer and with less resolve than before. Scapro merely nodded his head as he turned and left the bridge, a Naval Trooper announcing that he left the bridge as he did so.

On the Flight Deck

By the time Captain Tyler made his way down to the Flight Deck a full Platoon, 40 in all, Stormtroopers were standing at attention near the shuttles. Captain Tyler nodded his head as he also noted that the flight of TIEs were in launch position, awaiting but a word.

Tyler strode forward, being joined by Captain Vinda who was clad in a dark black uniform showing she was in the Imperial Army and not the Navy. The uniform contrasted nicely with her mocha skin, really helping to highlight her skin tone.  She would stand beside Captain Tyler, looking at him for a moment before speaking.

"Sir, I was thinking we should have the first shuttle come in and offload half of the platoon before our shuttle docks with the two of us as well as any other staff as well as the other half of the Stormtroopers." As she said this she continued to keep stride with him, heading towards the shuttle.

"That will be fine Captain." A slight, imperceptible nod was given as the two of them strode up the ramp of the waiting shuttle and boarded it. The troopers then filed in as quickly as one could imagine and the shuttles found themselves launching within three minutes.

Kwenn Station

They followed the plan that Captain Vinda had suggested, the first shuttle landing and discharging it's compliment of Stormtroopers before the second shuttle landed. The entire time the flight of TIEs flew a CSP near the landing bay that they were directed to. No one would randomly sneak into their bay by 'accident' that was for sure!

The second shuttle touched down and the ramp lowered, allowing the remainder of the troopers to discharge and fan out before finally the two Captains, equal in name only as a Captain in the Navy is considered equal to a Colonel in the Army, strode down the ramp, Captain Vinda slightly behind Captain Tyler as they walked, eyes scanning. Captain Tyler and her both carried blaster pistols in thigh holsters however neither expected to have to use them.

They wondered what sort of reception this station would have...
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2015, 01:09:01 PM »

Gunnar was peacefully meditating on the lower levels of the ship, carefully attuning himself to the Force. It had been too long since the last time he took a moment to enter a deep meditative state, yet it was critical to maintaining a stronger connection to the Force. All he could feel was the past - visions of Jedi falling to Vader or getting shot down by blaster fire - it was all to much. However, Gunnar's visions broke as he suddenly sensed a familiar reverberation through the Force. Like a rock thrown in water, the presence he felt came in like ripples, though dark and cold. He was certain now somebody strong in the Dark Side was nearby, who though, exactly?

"Right, we need a new R2-unit, fully configured for transponder coding and decoding," asked Talia politely. The person she was talking to was a particularly rough looking Klatoonian by the name of 'Big Brok', clearly in reference to his massive belly.

"See if you were just looking for a normal R2-unit I could give you a fair price, but coding and decoding transponder units... now, that's another story..." replied Big Brok. "And it may cost additional fees."

Talia looked at Bergs with some contempt, "We don't have too much money. How about a trade?"

"I'm listening..."

"Two Nubian 56-class speeder bikes."

"What good are Nubian speeder bikes on Kwenn Station? Does this place look like a vacation spot? I need something... like..."

Bergs withdrew a large case from his pack and opened it, "DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, with all accessories. Compact, modular, and effective at multiple ranges."

"Oooohhhh... don't see those around here at all... where did you get it?"

"Let's just say I'm a veteran."

"Republic veteran, eh? Well that explains a lot. You're lucky I like the Republic, business was good during and before the Clone Wars. The Empire has been bad for business ever since." Big Brok paused to consider the rifle some more, "throw in those Nubian speeders and we have a deal."

Talia got angry, "I thought you said those were useless to you?!"

To which Big Brok replied, "Yes, but they will cover those 'additional fees' I was referring to."

Talia rolled her eyes, "Very well. But, how about you come back to our ship and we can make the deal there, so we can test the R2-unit before exchanging property?"

"Those are acceptable terms," replied Big Brok.

The group then departed from the storefront, but little did they know a seeker droid was lurking in the shadows, having picked up on Talia's Nubian wardrobe. The droid made a few beeps and transmitted location data back to Veyana Priya, who was not far away...

The group casually walked into the docking bay, with Big Brok and their newly acquired R2-unit in tow. A couple of Bergs' men lowered the loading ramp, which contained two of the 56-class speeders.

"Looks like everything is in order," commented Big Brok. "R2-N2, proceed onboard and perform a Series 1 diagnostic."

The droid beeped and rolled onboard the Royal XIV, where the crew led it to a Scomp Link terminal for the ship's main computer. After a few short moments, the droid beeped again happily and the crew reported a satisfactory result.

"Alright, we have a deal," finished Bergs.

Big Brok nodded, "R2-N2, transfer ownership protocol from me to Bergs Wakeen."

Once the droid beeped, everything seemed to be going well, until Gunnar walked down the loading ramp with a serious look on his face. "I need everyone to get onboard immediately!"

Just as the group began processing what Gunnar had just said, Veyana Priya emerged from the shadows of the docking bay's entrance slowly, with her lightsaber draw. This sight startled everyone, and they boarded the ship to begin take-off procedures.

Veyana removed her hood, revealing herself to Gunnar. "Gunnar Kendrik... I thought you were long dead."

"As did I, Veyana," Gunnar replied, as he ignited his lightsaber. The blue blade hummed. "And now it seems you are in league with the Dark Side of the Force. What happened to you?"

"I was in the Temple when Order 66 happened. How could the Jedi not defend themselves from one Sith Lord and a battalion of clones? This alone showed me the weakness of the Jedi, and how the Light Side could not give me strength. The Emperor helped me find power in my darkest moments, when I was weak, it is him who I serve now... because the Dark Side has given me all I need..." she also ignited her lightsaber, revealing a bright red beam.

"With the Light Side there is love, joy, peace... that is all you need..."

"YOU MOCK MY PAIN!" Veyana then lunged at Gunnar and began wildly attacking him with repeated saber slashes. Her style was that of Form II Makashi, which favored a high guard position that enabled repeated two-handed attacks. It was a powerful form to handle for the uninitiated, because of it's emphasis on dueling. Clearly the Emperor groomed Veyana specifically for her task as an Imperial Inquisitor - trained to hunt and duel Jedi. Luckily for Gunnar, he was a student of lightsaber forms and his mastery of Form V gave him flexibility in all circumstances.

Gunnar easily blocked Veyana's repeated strikes, until he found a moment to exploit the weakness in her attacks, and her concentration and connection to the Force. "It's not too late Veyana, there is hope for you yet. You can still turn away from the Emperor. You once swore an oath to defend the Republic. I was there at your Padawan ceremony, remember?" As Gunnar began working on her mentally, he was able to hold his own in terms of saber technique, employing forceful attacks to back Veyana towards the docking bay entrance. "I see you now as I saw you then... a Padawan who was brave..."

Veyana lunged towards Gunnar again, going on the offensive by employing kicks and a full spectrum of slashing attacks. Clearly Gunnar was upsetting her to a breaking point. "We finish this!" Veyana pulled out a small device from her cloak and activated it. The device was a priority distress beacon, meant to alert all Imperial forces in orbital range of an Inquisitor's need for immediate response. "Surrender and I'll let your friends live!"

Gunnar deactivated his lightsaber, seemingly compliant with Veyana's request.

"Good... you have come to your senses Gunnar."

However, Gunnar only did this to lower Veyana's guard. Using the Force, he lifted her off the ground and threw her out of the docking bay, then manipulated the docking bay entrance's controls to shut the door. It wouldn't be long before she regained access, but it was just enough time for Gunnar to get onboard his ship and make a getaway.

The angered Veyana returned to the docking bay, having sliced open the door, only to see that the Royal XIV had departed. Calling for her ship, the Black Dragon, it's droid pilots responded and the ship made its way back to the docking bay, where it picked her up.

Gunnar rushed forward to the cockpit, catching up with Bergs and Talia.

"Who was that?" asked Talia.

"We've got bigger problems now," interrupted Bergs, "Star Destroyers!" He then reached for the intercomm and alerted the crew to prepare for action. "They must've arrived when we were docked!"

Talia took control of the ship. During her training as a Security Force officer, she had developed a knack for piloting. A blue light started flashing and beeping, which was linked to a sensor designed to detect high-velocity velocity objects that were incoming. In this case, it was TIE Fighters!

Four TIE Fighters screamed closer to the Royal XIV and began opening fire. The Black Dragon was not far behind, although it had considerable distance to gain. The shields onboard the Royal XIV were fairly premium, and so everyone was confident there would be enough time to make the hyperspace navicomputer calculations.

"What's our destination?" asked Bergs.

"Nal Hutta," replied Talia.

"We'll we're not going to get there in one piece if we don't shake those TIEs!" exclaimed Bergs.

Gunnar sat quietly in one of the passenger seats for the cockpit, trying to reach out to Veyana through the Force to sense her mood. He felt her anger and humiliation.

< Attention TIE group, this is Inquisitor Priya, continue pursuit of the Nubian vessel. Shoot to disable. >

Veyana adjusted the throttle of the Black Dragon to full. The vessel itself was rather remarkable in that it utilized a compound ion engine system to provide thrust. Essentially, four engines were feeding two ion jets, and so the vessel's acceleration and top speed were similar to that of starfighters. The only thing the vessel lacked was high-speed maneuverability.

As the Black Dragon closed range, Veyana activated the weapon systems and began locking on ion cannons. As the weapons were slowly charging, Veyana pondered her encounter with Gunnar. It was her first time fighting a Jedi as an Inquisitor, and in all respects she failed. The Emperor promised her the Dark Side would be strong enough to conquer any fear or foe, and yet she could not defeat Gunnar. Why? This is the question that would haunt her.

Resolving herself to win, Veyana began opening fire.

The ship rocked with green laser fire, but a low rumble was heard as well. Immediately a red light began flashing and beeping, a signal that the shields were failing.

"What was that?" asked Gunnar.

"Ions!" replied Talia. "It's that ship your friend brought along..."

"How much longer until the jump?"

"Not long. It would go much faster if I didn't have to shake these damn TIEs!"

As the ship was spinning and banking, it began unleashing some firepower of its own. The ship did not have much in terms of lasers, but what it did have was a rear-firing proton torpedo launcher.

"Torpedo guidance is online, if you level off maybe we can score a hit or two!" commented Bergs.

"Right!" Talia brought the ship safely to an even plane, and the TIEs followed suit. Just as the ship did this though, a quartet of proton torpedoes were launched. Immediately, one of the TIEs that was following a little too close got struck and exploded. Seeing the torpedoes inbound, two of the other TIEs managed to evade, but the fourth also got hit. The torpedoes that did miss inadvertently hit the Black Dragon, since the TIEs were obscuring Veyana's view. The head-on impact violently shook the Black Dragon off course and barreling away from the Royal XIV, which just moments later entered hyperspace...

Veyana pulled hard on the flight yokes and managed to regain control of the ship. There was barely any visible damage at all, just some burnt marks on the hull and some reduced shield energy to show for it. Exhaling a sigh of relief, Veyana opened up the comms.

< Attention, Imperial Star Destroyer SHADOW'S BLADE, this is Inquisitor Priya. Prepare for my docking. >

Although the situation was over, Veyana began dreading the inevitable HoloNet meeting with the Emperor...

« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 01:11:44 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline gallpizi

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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2015, 01:21:48 PM »
Kwenn Station

Captain's Tyler and Vinda stood at the bottom of the ramp, looking at the Stormtroopers who had taken charge of the hanger. Not a single other soul from the ship appeared to be interested in them and no welcoming committee greeted them. Tyler moved forward, talking to Vinda about the need to keep the station functioning as a supply yard of sorts for the Navy when his comlink chirped. He would take it out of his pocket, thumbing it on.

"Go for Tyler" He said softly, a bit exasperated that he couldn't be off ship for more than 30 minutes before someone demanded something of him.

Meanwhile, on the Bridge of the Shadow's Blade, Commander Linth was coordinating the launch of two additional squadrons of TIE Fighters. Having lost two already to enemy fire was bad enough. Having the ship escape and an Inquisitor preparing to dock with their ship made things all the worse.

"Captain, we have lost two Fighters to a Rebel gunship. An Inquisitor is preparing to dock. I have launched two squadrons to beef up the CSP while we sort out what happened. What are your orders?" Linth stood at the ready, nervous obviously, however willing to do whatever commanded.

Tyler thought for a quick moment before becoming decisive. "Meet the Inquisitor and inform them that I will be back abroad shortly. Meanwhile I want a Battalion of Stormtroopers deployed to the station. Keep a constant alert of one full TIE Squadron and order our escorts to detain and search any ship entering the system. Inform the Invincible and Fury of our actions and advise that we suggest they do likewise. I will be back aboard within two hours. I wish to speak to the Administrator of this station to get to the bottom of what happened."

Without even confirming that the orders were received Tyler shut down the comlink and plugged into the Station's system. He qued up the paging system and paged for the Administrator to make his or her way to the docking bay at the request of the Empire.

Commander Linth moved quickly, following orders and getting a whole Battalion up and running took a lot. She knew what to do though. She had a Platoon provide an honor guard to the Inquisitor upon their arrival and provided escort to the Bridge where she awaited, nervously. She hoped that Captain Tyler would get back soon as she didn't like the thought of being in the presence of such a high ranking person in the Imperial Command while being so Junior.

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« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2015, 10:00:41 AM »
Interlude for The Sentinel: Episode 4

Still mentally recovering from her defeat at the hands of Gunnar Kendrik, Veyana remained onboard the Black Dragon in order to make contact with the Emperor. Stepping onto the HoloNet pad, she knelt. Immediately a giant glowing blue visage appeared, showing the Emperor's shadowed face.

< Inquisitor Priya, I sense much anger in you. >

< I have found a Jedi survivor of Naboo my lord, but I was unable to defeat him. It is the Jedi Knight Gunnar Kendrik. >

< Your failure is of little concern this time Inquisitor, for Gunnar may lead us to survivors of the Kessel Conclave. You must be ready to destroy him the next time you face him. Use your anger and let the Dark Side show you the way. >

< And what if Gunnar could be turned, my lord? >

< He is a Jedi Knight, and the Jedi have become desperate... yet they have a weakness for personal attachments... I foresee that if you try to destroy him, he will resist you. Leverage your former personal relationship with him. Only then will he lower his defenses. >

< Yes my lord. >

< Do not contact me again until Gunnar has embraced the Dark Side. I have more important matters to attend to rather than giving guidance to a weak Inquisitor. >

Veyana hardened her fist. < Yes... my lord. >


Veyana knew tracking down Gunnar would not be easy this time around. She would need additional help and support. Her authority as an Inquisitor could be leveraged to command Star Destroyers if the situation called for, but she knew such a tactic would only further force Gunnar underground. No, instead she needed to discuss options with Captain Tyler upon his return. Perhaps some Imperial Commandos could be leveraged....
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 10:02:33 AM by GCW Hale »