Author Topic: ROTE: Campaign Compendium  (Read 15754 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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ROTE: Campaign Compendium
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:43:21 PM »
Hello. This compendium will contain all the templates needed to build characters, starships, or any other unit needed to construct your own campaigns or units.

Anyone wishing to utilize this compendium to construct a unit can do so, but for the purpose of the general theme and design of ROTE, please respect another player's wish to remain "SL only" if they choose. This Compendium is meant for player who wish to "game up" the Tales From Hutt Space with RPG style mechanics.

1. Please refer to the Character Template to build ANY UNIT/CHARACTER, to include the Master/Player Character as well as Level 1 thugs/followers.
2. Master Characters start off with 20 DEV points, followed by Companions with 10 DEV, Agents with 5 DEV, Specialists with 3 DEV, and Supporters with 1 DEV.
3. The "initial organization" of the player is a total of 100 DEV. This includes 1 Master, 2 Comps, 4 Agents, 8 Specs, and 16 Sups.
4. The initial line of credit for building a custom starship is 1000 points (or 1000 KC) for Masters, 500 for Companions, 300 for Agents and Specialists, and 100 for Supporters.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 04:22:59 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: ROTE: Campaign Compendium
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2016, 12:46:38 PM »

TYPE: _________ Pick your character/unit type from the list below to begin.
Master -- This is the Player Character. Begins with 20 Development (DEV) points.
Companion -- Equally formidable yet less powerful characters directly associated with the Master. Begins with 10 DEV points.
Agent -- Highly skilled or important characters who are loyal to the Master. Begins with 5 DEV points.
Specialist -- Characters or units with some substantial ability who follow the Master. Begins with 3 DEV points.
Support-- Characters or generic units with little to no exceptional abilities. Begins with 1 DEV point.

NAME: ___________________
OCCUPATION: ____________
LEVEL: __________ (Level = Number of invested DEV Points.) Occupation, rank, organization, etc.
ALIGNMENT: ________ Use a D&D alignment chart. Also, include percentages for Dark/Light.
RACE: _______ The character's race will determine the Baseline Stamina.
HOMEWORLD: _________
HEIGHT: __________
WEIGHT: __________ The character's weight may modify Baseline Stamina.
DOB/AGE: _________ The character's age may modify Baseline Stamina.
SEX: _________
STAMINA: _______ = (Baseline Score + Modifiers + Strength + Force Power)

Baseline Stamina Scores
Small Aliens, Children, Droids (4)
Humans, Humanoid Aliens (5)
Wookies, Codru-Ji, Exotic Aliens (6)
Cyborgs, Genetically Enhanced (7)
Abnormally Large Aliens (8)
Mammoth Alien Beasts (9)
Titanic Creatures (10)

Stamina Modifier Scores
Mechanical (+1) -- Utility Droids
Limited (+2) -- Elderly, Handicapped, Obese, Hutts, Recently Incapacitated, Severely Injured
Undeveloped (+3) -- Children, Overweight
Below Average (+4) -- Can run a 12-minute mile, can bench press the bar.
Average (+5) -- Can run a 10-minute mile, can bench press their weight x0.5
Conditioned (+6) -- Can run a 9-minute mile, can bench press their weight x0.8
Fitness (+7) -- Can run an 8-minute mile or 30-minute 5k, can bench press their weight.
Excellent (+8) -- Can run a 7-minute mile, can bench press their weight x1.5
Superior (+9) -- Can run a 6-minute mile or 20-minute 5k, can bench press their weight x1.8
Outstanding (+10) -- Can run a 5-minute mile, can bench press their weight x2.
Pinnacle (+11) -- Can run a 4-minute mile or 15-minute 5k or 2-hour marathon, can bench press their weight x3 or more.

SKILL RATINGS: Use DEV points to increase these ratings. They are considered to be areas of expertise, talent, or inherent properties of the character or unit. After each skill will be a description of how they are utilized in-game, as well as additional bonuses they may carry.

Piloting (PIL) ___
Gunnery (GUN) ___
Explosives (EXP) ___
Warfare (WAR) ___
Electronics (ELT) ___
Social (SOC) ___
Leadership (LED) ___
Strength (STR) ___
Intelligence (INT) ___
Dexterity (DEX) ___

INFLUENCE RATING: ________ = (LED) + (SOC). Master Characters can have up to 2 Companions, 4 Agents, and 8 Specialists, and 16 Supporters. The Influence Rating is the amount of extra Development Points that can be invested into the Master Character's entourage, so long as those units are following the Master Character. For example, if the Master Character has an Influence Rating of 6, then a total of 6 DEV points can be used to boost the skills of a single unit, or spread it out evenly amongst lower-level units.

FLIGHT RATING: ________ = (PIL) + (DEX). This rating measures the overall piloting, flying, and driving capability of a character.

TECHNICAL RATING: _______ = (GUN + EXP + ELT + INT). This rating is essentially the degree of mechanical skill the Master Character has. Used when repairing a droid, ship's hull, installing new equipment, slicing into computer systems, handling high-explosive ordinance, handling weapons, and a handful of other actions that require a level of proficiency to accomplish.

COMBAT RATING: _______ = (WAR) + (STR). This rating is the effectiveness of a unit in ground battles.

ARMOR CLASS: _________ You can call the outfit/armor whatever you want, but refer to the chart below to determine its related class based on what its made out of.

Armor Class and Variety
Common Clothing (1) -- (+2 Stamina bonus)
Personal Protective Equipment/Wear (2) -- Hard hat, knee pads, occupational wear, etc. (+1 Stamina Bonus)
Layered Natural Materials (3) -- Studded leather, wood
Synthetic Materials (4) -- Plastics
Hardened Natural Materials (5) -- Iron (-1 Stamina)
Layered Synthetic/Polymer Materials (6) -- Leather and plastic (-2 Stamina)
Hardened Composite Alloys (7) -- Steel (-3 Stamina)
Fortified Alloys (8) -- Durasteel (-4 Stamina)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: ROTE: Campaign Compendium
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 07:58:31 PM »
Small SF = 1 (<10m) No officers, No bridge, SCR = 1
Light SF = 2 (~10m) No officers, No bridge, SCR = 1
Heavy SF = 3 (>15m) No officers, No bridge, SCR = 2 (or 1 Pilot w/ 1 Astromech)

Small AUX = 3 (~20m) No officers, No bridge, SCR = 2
Light AUX = 4 (~30m) OCR = 1, BCR = 1, SCR = 2
Heavy AUX = 5 (~50m) OCR = 1, BCR = 1, SCR = 4

Small CAP = 6 (~100m) OCR = 2, BCR = 6, SCR = 60
Light CAP = 7 (~300m) OCR = 4, BCR = 14, SCR = 140
Heavy CAP = 8 (~900m) OCR = 8, BCR = 24, SCR = 320
Large CAP = 9 (~1200m) OCR = 12, BCR = 36, SCR = 720
Super CAP = 10 (~2400m) OCR = 20, BCR = 50, SCR = 1600

OFFICER CREW REQUIREMENTS: This is the maximum number of officers onboard the ship that can take command. As a bonus, the Officers can actually reduce the Ship Crew Requirement by combining their total Technical Ratings and subtracting that number from the SCR.

BRIDGE CREW REQUIREMENTS: This is the absolute minimum number of personnel needed to use the vessel, also known as the "skeleton crew". So even if the Officers reduce the Ship Crew Requirement to 0, the Bridge Crew is still required no matter what.

SHIP CREW REQUIREMENTS: This is the required minimum number of personnel needed to use the vessel. Any additional personnel can be utilized as Gunners.

GUNNERS: When a unit is assigned as a Gunner, they are assigned to man 1 Weapon Emplacement, except warheads. The benefit of using a Gunner is that they get to add their Gunnery Skill to the Targeting Rating of the weapon they are firing. Astromech Droids unassigned to Ship Maintenance can also function as Gunners with a Gunnery Skill of 2.

SF Attack Rating = (Flight Rating of Pilot) + (Flight Rating of Co-Pilot) + (Speed) + (Maneuver) + (Number of Weapons Being Fired at Target) - (Fire Control)
SF Defense Rating = (Flight Rating of Pilot) + (Flight Rating of Co-Pilot) + (Speed) + (Maneuver)
AUX Attack Rating = (Flight Rating of Commanding Officer) + (Targeting Rating) - (Distance) - (Fire Control)
AUX Defense Rating = (Flight Rating of Commanding Officer) + (Speed) + (Maneuver)
CAP Attack Rating = (Warfare Skill of Commanding Officer) + (Targeting Rating) - (Distance) - (Fire Control)
CAP Defense Rating = (Warfare Skill of Commanding Officer) + (Speed) + (Maneuver)
GAV Attack Rating = (Flight Rating of Pilot) + (Gunnery Skill of Pilot OR Co-Pilot) - (Range) - (Fire Control)
GAV Defense Rating = (Flight Rating of Pilot) + (Speed) + (Maneuver) + (Environment)
INF Attack Rating = (Combat Rating) + (Dexterity) - (Range) - (Fire Control)
INF Defense Rating = (Combat Rating) + (Dexterity) + (Environment)

FIRE CONTROL = Subtract (Attacker's Size - Defender's Size) only when bigger units are attacking smaller ones (by class).
WEAPON ACCURACY = (Attack Rating / Defense Rating), round down to nearest whole number
IMPACT DAMAGE = (Number of Weapons Fired) x (Weapon Accuracy, round down to nearest whole number) x (Damage)

A NOTE ON WEAPON EMPLACEMENT OPTIONS BY VESSEL TYPE Regardless of given weapon ranges, all energy weapons for Starfighters can only be fired in the SAME GRID as their target, and warheads can be fired on any arc. Auxiliary Craft and Capital Ships can have UP TO their size in turreted weapons. Turrets have no directional restrictions. All other weapon emplacements must be placed on a designated arc. Because we have Hexgrids, the arcs are based on the true nautical bearings of 000, 045, 135, 180, 225, and 315. Each arc can fire along its adjacent grids in addition to its own. Here is a visual reference (with a 000 arc as an example):

TARGETING RATING = Missile (8), Laser (7), Blaster (7), Ion (6), Torpedo (6), Turbolaser (5), Rocket (4), Bomb (3)

Stock Weapons
Point Defense Blaster (Range: 0, Damage: 1) (Cost: 8 Points)
Blaster Cannon (Range: 0, Damage: 2) (Cost: 9 Points)
Laser Cannon (Range: 0, Damage: 4) (Cost: 11 Points)
Laser Battery (Range: 0, Damage: 6) (Cost: 13 Points)

Light Mod (-1 Damage, +1 TR) (Cost: +2 Points per Weapon, incompatible with Heavy Mod)
Heavy Mod (+1 Range, -2 TR) (Cost: +3 Points per Weapon)
Enhanced Mod (+3 Damage) (Cost: +6 Points per Weapon)
Dual Emplacement (+1 TR) (Cost: +4 Points per Emplacement)
Quad Emplacement (+2 TR) (Cost: +8 Points per Emplacement)
Turret Configuration (Cost: +6 Points per Emplacement) (Max # of Turrets = Size)
Stock Weapons
Ion Cannon (Range: 1, Damage: 4) (Cost: 11 Points)
Ion Battery (Range: 1, Damage: 6) (Cost: 14 Points)

Light Mod (-1 Range, +1 TR) (Cost: +2 Points per Weapon)
Heavy Mod (+1 Range, -1 TR) (Cost: +2 Points per Weapon)
Enhanced Mod (+3 Damage) (Cost: +6 Points per Weapon)
Dual Emplacement (+1 TR) (Cost: +8 Points per Emplacement)
Quad Emplacement (+2 TR) (Cost: +16 Points per Emplacement)
Turret Configuration (Cost: +8 Points per Emplacement) (Max # of Turrets = Size)

Stock Weapons
Turbolaser Cannon (Range: 1, Damage: 8) (Cost: 15 Points)
Turbolaser Battery (Range: 1, Damage: 12) (Cost: 19 Points)

Light Mod (-1 Range, -2 Damage, +1 TR) (Cost: +2 Points per Weapon, incompatible with Heavy Mod)
Heavy Mod (+1 Range, -1 Damage, -1 TR) (Cost: +2 Points per Weapon)
Enhanced Mod (+3 Damage) (Cost: +6 Points per Weapon)
Dual Emplacement (+1 TR) (Cost: +10 Points per Emplacement)
Quad Emplacement (+2 TR) (Cost: +20 Points per Emplacement)
Turret Configuration (Cost: +10 Points per Emplacement) (Max # of Turrets = Size)
Stock Warheads
Concussion Missile (Range: 0, Damage: 4) (Cost: 12 Points per Launcher)
Proton Torpedo (Range: 0, Damage: 8) (Cost: 15 Points per Launcher)
Ballistic Rocket (Range: 1, Damage: 15) (Cost: 20 Points per Launcher)
Proton Bomb (Range: 0, Damage: 20) (Cost: 23 Points per Launcher)
Point Defense Mod (-2 Damage) (Cost: -2 per Launcher) (Missiles and Torpedoes only)
Assault Mod (+1 Range) (Cost: +4 Points per Launcher)
Advanced Mod (+2 TR) (Cost: +4 Points per Launcher)
Heavy Mod (+3 Damage) (Cost: +6 Points per Launcher)
Tube Conversion (May fire an additional warhead at a secondary target) (Cost: x2 Points per Launcher)

Infantry = 1
Speeder Bike = 1, MCR = 1
Small GAV = 2, MCR = 1
Light GAV = 3, MCR = 2
Heavy GAV = 4, MCR = 2
Large GAV = 5, MCR = 4
Super GAV = 6, MCR = 6

Blaster Pistol [1] (Range: 5, Damage: 4) (Cost: 9 KC)
Blaster Carbine [2] (Range: 5, Damage: 6) (Cost: 11 KC)
Blaster Rifle [3] (Range: 8, Damage: 8) (Cost: 16 KC) (Stamina -1)
Blaster Cannon [4] (Range: 8, Damage: 10) (Cost: 20 KC) (Stamina -2)
Blaster Artillery [5] (Range: 10, Damage: 12) (Cost: 22 KC)
Blaster Turret [5] (Range: 10, Damage: 15) (Cost: 25 KC)

Light Mod [3] (Range -1, Damage -2, Cost -3 KC, Stamina +1)
Heavy Mod [3] (Range +1, Damage +2, Cost +3 KC, Stamina -1)
Pulse Mod [3] (Range -1, Damage +2, Cost +3 KC)
Repeating Mod [3] (Range -2, Damage +2, Cost +4 KC)
Plasma Mod [5] (Pistol Only, Damage +5, Cost +5 KC, Stamina -1)
Assault Mod [5] (Carbine Only, Range +3, Damage +3, Cost +6 KC, Stamina -2)
Sniper Mod [5] (Rifle Only, Range +7, Damage +9, Cost +16 KC, Stamina -3)
Machine Mod [5] (Cannon Only, Range -6, Damage +16, Cost +24 KC, Stamina -4)

Squad Emplacement [5] (Requires 2 Personnel to use, Damage x2) (Cost: x2)
Vehicle Mounted [1] (Cannon and Artillery Only, Range -2, Damage +10) (Cost: +8 KC)
Dual Emplacement [3] (Requires Vehicle Mount, Cost: +2 KC per weapon)
Infantry Exclusive Weapons
Flamethrower [10] (Range: 1, Damage: 10) (Cost: 11 KC) (May use Heavy and Plasma Mods) (Stamina -1)
Shotgun [10] (Range: 1, Damage: 20) (Cost: 21 KC) (May use Heavy and Plasma Mods) (Stamina -1)
Bowcaster [10] (Range: 3, Damage: 8) (May use Heavy and Plasma Mods) (Stamina -1)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 04:15:26 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: ROTE: Campaign Compendium
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 07:59:23 PM »
Max Build Point Cap: Size x 200
Class: Manufacturer, Make/Model, etc.
Type/Size:  Small (3) = 30 Points / Light (4) = 50 Points / Heavy (5) = 70 Points
Length: 1 meter = 1 Point (Note: Auxiliary craft >49 meters are required to be Heavy)
Hyperdrive: Yes = 10 Points / No = 0 Points / Stock Hyperdrive Rating = x2, Reductions by 0.25 cost 5 Points
Astromech: 1 Droid = 10 Points (at least 1 is required if ship has a hyperdrive)
Crew: 1 Crew = 10 Points (Minimums are based on size)
Capacity: 1 Passenger or 1 Cargo Unit = 1 Point (Max = Length x2)
Speed: 1 Speed = 20 Points (Max = Size)
Maneuver: 1 Maneuver = 10 Points (Max = 8)
Shields: 1 Shield = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Armor: 1 Armor = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Hull: 1 Hull = 1 Point (Required Minimum = Length/2, Max = Length x2)
Weapon Emplacements: 1 Emplacement = 10 Points (Max = Size x 2)
Weapon Cost: (See Weapons Chart)

Guided examples:

Class: CEC YT-1300 Light Freighter
Type/Size: Light AUX (4) = 50 Points
Length: 35 meters = 35 Points
Hyperdrive Rating: x2 = 10 Points (Stock)
Astromech: 1 = 10 Points
Crew: 2 = 20 Points
Capacity: 35 = 35 Points
Speed: 1 = 10 Points
Maneuver: 3 = 30 Points
Shields: 35 = 35 Points
Armor: 35 = 35 Points
Hull: 35 = 35 Points
Weapons: (2 Emps = 20 Points)
2 Laser Cannon Turrets (RNG: 0, DMG: 4, TAR: 7, ARC: N/A) = 17 Points (each)

TOTAL COST: 361 Points

Class: CEC YT-1300 Light Freighter
Type/Size: Heavy AUX (5) = 70 Points
Length: 35 meters = 35 Points
Hyperdrive Rating: x0.5 =  40 Points
Astromech: 1 = 10 Points
Crew: 2 = 20 Points
Capacity: 35 = 35 Points
Speed: 3 = 30 Points
Maneuver: 8 = 80 Points
Shields: 105 = 105 Points
Armor: 70 = 70 Points
Hull: 35 = 35 Points
Weapons: (5 Emps = 50 Points)
2 Heavy Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (RNG: 1, DMG: 16, TAR: 9, ARC: N/A) = 64 Points (each)
2 Concussion Missle Launchers (RNG: 0, DMG: 6, TAR: 8, ARC: 000) = 14 Points (each)
1 Rapid-Fire Blaster Cannon (RNG: 0, DMG: 4, TAR: 7, ARC: N/A) = 11 Points

TOTAL COST: 747 Points


Max Build Point Cap: Size x 200
Class: Manufacturer, Make/Model, etc.
Type/Size:  Small (1) = 10 Points / Light (2) = 30 Points / Heavy (3) = 50 Points
Length: 1 meter = 1 Point (Note: Starfighters >15 meters are required to be Heavy)
Hyperdrive: Yes = 10 Points / No = 0 Points / Stock Hyperdrive Rating = x2, Reductions by 0.25 cost 5 Points
Astromech: 1 Droid = 20 Points (Maximum Onboard = Size)
Crew: 1 Pilot = 20 Points (Minimum 1, Maximum 2)
Speed: 1 Speed = 20 Points (Max = 3)
Maneuver: 1 Maneuver = 10 Points (Max = 8)
Shields: 1 Shield = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Armor: 1 Armor = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Weapon Emplacements: 1 Emplacement = 10 Points (Max = Size x 3)
Weapon Cost: (See Weapons Chart)

Guided examples:

Class: Incom Z-95 Starfighter
Type/Size: Light SF (2) = 30 Points
Length: 12 meters = 12 Points
Hyperdrive: x2 = 10 Points
Astromech: 1 = 20 Points
Crew: 1 Pilot = 20 Points
Speed: 1 = 20 Points
Maneuver: 4 = 40 Points
Shields: 12 = 12 Points
Armor: 12 = 12 Points
Weapon Emplacements: 4 = 40 Points
2 Laser Cannons = 22 Points
2 Concussion Missile Launchers = 24 Points

COST: 262 Points

Class: Incom Z-95 Starfighter
Type/Size: Heavy SF (3) = 50 Points
Length: 13 meters = 13 Points
Hyperdrive: x1 = 30 Points
Astromech: 1 = 20 Points
Crew: 1 Pilot = 20 Points
Speed: 3 = 60 Points
Maneuver: 7 = 70 Points
Shields: 39 = 39 Points
Armor: 39 = 39 Points
Weapon Emplacements: 9 = 90 Points
2 Enhanced Laser Cannons = 34 Points
3 Enhanced Blaster Cannons = 36 Points
4 Heavy Missile Launchers = 72 Points

COST: 573 Points


Class: Manufacturer, Make/Model, etc.
Type/Size:  Small (6) = 100 Points / Light (7) = 300 Points / Heavy (8) = 600 Points / Large (9) = 900 Points / Super (10) = 1200 Points
Length: 1 meter = 1 Point
Hyperdrive: Yes (required) = 10 Points / Stock Hyperdrive Rating = x3, Reductions by 0.25 cost 10 Points
Astromech: 1 Droid = 5 Points (Minimum Required = Size)
Crew: 1 Crew = 2 Points (must satisfy SCR initially)
Capacity: 1 Passenger or 1 Cargo Unit = 1 Point (Maximum is the length of the ship x Size)
Speed: 1 Speed = 25 Points (Max = Size/2 round down)
Maneuver: 1 Maneuver = 25 Points (Max = Size)
Shields: 1 Shield = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Armor: 1 Armor = 1 Point (Max = Length x Size)
Hull: 1 Hull = 1 Point (Required Minimum = Length, Max = Length x Size)
Weapon Emplacements: 1 Emplacement = 10 Points (Max = Length/Size, round down)
Weapon Cost: (See Weapons Chart)

Guided examples:

Class: CEC CR-90 Stock Light Corvette
Type/Size: Small CAP (6) = 100 Points
Length: 150 meters = 150 Points
Hyperdrive Rating: x2 = 50 Points
Astromechs: 6 = 30 Points
Crew: 60 = 120 Points
Capacity: 50 = 50 Points
Speed: 2 = 50 Points
Maneuver: 4 = 100 Points
Shields: 150 = 150 Points
Armor: 150 = 150 Points
Hull: 150 = 150 Points
Weapons: (6 Emps = 60 Points)
6 Laser Cannon Turrets (RNG: 0, DMG: 4, TAR: 7, ARC: N/A) = 17 Points (each)

TOTAL COST: 1262 Points

Class: Modified CEC CR-90 Corvette
Type/Size: Small CAP (6) = 100 Points
Length: 150 meters = 150 Points
Hyperdrive Rating: x1 =  90 Points
Astromech: 6 = 30 Points
Crew: 60 = 120 Points
Capacity: 60 = 60 Points
Speed: 3 = 75 Points
Maneuver: 6 = 150 Points
Shields: 300 = 300 Points
Armor: 300 = 300 Points
Hull: 150 = 150 Points
Weapons: (8 Emps = 80 Points)
6 Dual Turbolaser Cannon Turrets (RNG: 1, DMG: 8, TAR: 5, ARC: N/A) = 35 Points (each)
2 Enhanced Ion Cannons (RNG: 1, DMG: 7, TAR: 6, ARC: 000) = 17 Points (each)

TOTAL COST: 1849 Points

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 11:59:47 AM by GCW Hale »