Author Topic: Corporate Sector Authority  (Read 14610 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Corporate Sector Authority
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:39:52 PM »
1. Capital Ships
2. Starfighters & Auxiliary Craft
3. Ground Units
4. Special Units

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Corporate Sector Authority
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 05:16:27 PM »
Enhanced Imperial-class Star Destroyer FLAGSHIP (E/ISD)
Cost: 1685 KC + 3 SU
Unique Maintenance: +1 SU
Length: 1600m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 3400
Armor: 1600
Hull: 800
Systems: 800
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
60 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (900)
60 Heavy Ion Cannons (240)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
6 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
10 Viper Probe Droids
10 Imperial Landing Barges
1000 Infantry Squads
50 Light GAVs
10 Heavy GAVs
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. This one and only Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the CSA Picket Fleet was acquired from the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Coruscant. It features boosted shields. (Unique Vessel: if this ship is destroyed, it may not be reproduced).

Modified Invincible-class Heavy Dreadnaught (IHD)
Cost: 1453 KC + 3 SU
Production Time: 15 Days
Length: 2011m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 4000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 500
Systems: 500
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1
12 Turbolaser Batteries (180)
30 Quad Laser Cannons (120)
6 Concussion Missile Tubes (12)
Unit Capacity:
1 IRD Starfighter Squadron
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
100 Infantry Squads
Notes: This massive battlecruisers make up for their relatively weak firepower by simply being large enough to survive every combat engagement, either from border defense to local enforcement. In order to make these vessels more combatworthy, CSA engineers gutted many of the internal systems and components to make room for a massive power plant. However, these modifications required significant cuts in the ship's armor and hull rigging.

CSA-class Victory Star Destroyer (C/VSD)
Cost: 1015 KC + 2 SU
Production time: 10 Days
Length: 900 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1800
Armor: 900
Hull: 450
Systems: 450
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 1
10 Quad Turbolaser Cannons (320)
40 Dual Light Turbolasers (480)
80 Concussion Missile Tubes (160)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Unit Capacity:
3 IRD Starfighter Squadrons
24 Auxiliary Craft
200 Infantry Squads
Notes: Can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings. These CSA variants of the Victory I-class were refitted to carry more onboard space units to help the vessel perform its duties in space.

Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser (INT)
Cost: 615 KC + 1 SU
Production time: 6 Days
Length: 600m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 300
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 1
20 Turbolaser Cannons (160)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
4 Gravity Well Generators
Unit Capacity:
2 IRD Starfighter Squadrons
6 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: When Gravity Well generators are online, all ships exiting hyperspace in the same system must do so in a grid space adjacent to the Interdictor; all ships desiring to enter hyperspace must do so in DEEP SPACE ZONES only.

Bonadan-class Escort Cruiser (BEC)
Cost: 695 KC + 1 SU
Production time: 7 Days
Length: 600m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 300
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 2
20 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (160)
20 Dual Ion Cannons (120)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
2 Light Starfighter Squadrons
2 Heavy Starfighter Squadrons
24 Light Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Built off of the ubiqitous Immobilizer 418 platform, this variant is a starfighter escort designed to provide additional starfighter and auxiliary support to the CSA Picket Fleet.

Marauder-class Corvette (M/CORV)
Cost: 325 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
Length: 195m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 390
Armor: 195
Hull: 100
Systems: 100
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 1
8 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (96)
4 Proton Torpedo Launchers (12)
Onboard Units:
1 IRD Starfighter Squadrons
6 Auxiliary Craft
8 Infantry Squads
Background: Although intended to be a multi-platform patrol ship, Republic Seinar Systems had difficulties selling these ships to the Republic due to its inefficient bureaucracy.  These vessels were then produced for numerous parties, most notably the Corporate Sector Authority, where they find use as patrol and interdiction vessels.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 05:31:51 PM by GCW Hale »