Author Topic: Galactic Republic  (Read 18226 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Galactic Republic
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:38:18 PM »
1. Capital Ships
2. Starfighters & Auxiliary Craft
3. Ground Units
4. Special Units

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2013, 10:57:29 PM »
Enhanced "Republic"-class Star Destroyer LIBERATOR   (RSD)
Cost: 1685 KC + 3 SU
Unique Maintenance: 1 SU
Length: 1600 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 3400
Armor: 1600
Hull: 800
Systems: 800
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
60 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (900)
60 Heavy Ion Cannons (240)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
8 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
100 Infantry Squads
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. Formerly the ISD-I Punisher of the Imperial Remnant. It was the only Star Destroyer under Hale's command that was not lost to the Pellaeon-Mothma Treaty or used as a bargaining ship to secure favor elsewhere. However, due to certain military restrictions placed on this ship in the Pellaeon-Mothma Treaty, the RSD Liberator is to never leave Coruscant space, and so it remains there to this day as a permanent guardian and a reminder that cooperation and peace can exists between two of the bitterest enemies. The vessel is crewed by many different humanoid species to symbolize the progressive philosophy of the Galactic Republic. The ship's entire ground compliment was cleared out to make room for the more larger Republic starfighters.

Bulwark-class Battlecruiser (BBC)
Cost: 2737 KC + 5 SU
Production Time: 27 Days
Length: 2500m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 5000
Armor: 2500
Hull: 1250
Systems: 1250
UCR: 2
Launch Bays: 5
250 Turbolaser Cannons (2000)
250 Ion Cannons (750)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
10 Starfighter Squadrons
1000 Infantry Squads
10 Heavy Vehicles
50 Light Vehicles
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. May enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

MC-90 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC-90)
Cost: 1640 KC + 3 SU
Production Time: 16 Days
Length: 1400m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 3500
Armor: 1400
Hull: 700
Systems: 700
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
75 Turbolaser Batteries (900)
30 Ion Batteries (150)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
6 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
100 Infantry Squads
10 Light Vehicles
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver.

MC-80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC-80)
Cost: 1430 KC + 3 SU
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 3250
Armor: 1300
Hull: 650
Systems: 650
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 2
48 Turbolaser Batteries (576)
20 Ion Batteries (100)
6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Unit Capacity:
4 Starfighter Squadrons
12 Auxiliary Craft
3 Medium Transports
300 Infantry Squads
20 Light Vehicles

Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser (DHC)
Cost: 1137 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 11 Days
Length: 1200m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2400
Armor: 1200
Hull: 600
Systems: 600
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 2
10 Heavy Quad Turbolaser Cannons (400)
10 Ion Cannons (30)
Unit Capacity:
2 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
900 Infantry Squads
70 Light Vehicles
Notes: Can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings. The Dauntless-class was designed by SoroSuub to give the Republic a strong offering on the ground battlefield as a modern warship capable of competing with the Acclamator-class.

Republic Assault Frigate (RAF)
Cost: 800 KC + 3 SU
Production Time: 8 Days
Length: 700m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 350
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1 (External Docking Tube)
15 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (240)
30 Quad Laser Batteries (360)
Unit Capacity:
1 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: The RAF is one of the Republic's strongest yet weakest warships on the battlefield. Although the overhaul of the Dreadnaught increased the speed and firepower of the vessel, significant cuts were made in armor plating, hull reinforcement, and shield generators. Additional supply materials were also required to convert old Dreadnaughts, and so the vessel is more costly than a typical ship of its size.

NeutronStar II-class Battle Cruiser (NSBC-II)
Cost: 635 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 6 Days
Length: 600m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 300
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (240)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Starfighter Squadron
250 Infantry Squads
25 Light GAVs
Notes: May enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

QuasarFire-class Bulk Cruiser (QFBC)
Cost: 483 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 340m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 680
Armor: 340
Hull: 170
Systems: 170
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 4
1 Quad Laser Battery (12)
1 Auxiliary Tractor Beam (25m)
Unit Capacity:
4 Starfighter Squadrons
6 Auxiliary Craft

Corellian Gunship (CGUN)
Cost: 323 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
Length: 125m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 250
Armor: 185
Hull: 125
Systems: 125
UCR: 7
Launch Bays: 0
8 Turbolaser Batteries (96)
6 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (48)
6 Concussion Missile Tubes (12)

GR-75 Patrol Cruiser (GR-75)
Cost: 185 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 90m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 180
Armor: 90
Hull: 90
Systems: 90
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 0
2 Quad Laser Batteries (24)
8 Ion Cannons (24)
8 Concussion Missile Tubes (16)
Notes: Utilized to great extent by the Rebel Alliance, this retrofitted version of the famous Medium Transport was designed to protect supply convoys by masquerading as part of them. Now it finds use as a system defense vessel.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 01:22:49 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 12:51:14 PM »
A-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Light SF
Unit Cost: 80 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 10 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 120
UCR: 10
24 Heavy Laser Cannons (48)
24 Concussion Missile Launchers (48)

B-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 160 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 17 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 408
UCR: 3
36 Light Ion Cannons (36)
36 Heavy Laser Cannons (72)
24 Advanced Torpedo Launchers (96)

E-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 110 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 11 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 264
UCR: 7
36 Heavy Laser Cannons (72)
12 Proton Torpedo Launchers (36)

X-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 123 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 13 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 312
UCR: 6
48 Laser Cannons (48)
24 Proton Torpedo Launchers (72)

Y-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 142 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 16 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 384
UCR: 4
24 Heavy Laser Cannons (48)
24 Light Ion Cannons (24)
24 Proton Torpedo Launchers (72)

Recon Y-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 112 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 16 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 384
UCR: 6
24 Laser Cannons (24)
Notes: These Recon Squadrons operate as an entire group because each of them carry advanced ComScan equipment as well as sophisticated ComScan Jammers capable of defeating any detection attempt. They are capable of scanning systems and remaining undetected at the same time. These squadrons are also capable of operating independently from any Fleet or Fleet Escort.

Elite X-Wing Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Unit Cost: 200 KC
Production Time: 8 Days
Length: 13 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 468
UCR: 10
48 Heavy Laser Cannons (96)
48 Advanced Torpedo Launchers (96)
Notes: Specially modified X-Wings equipped with the latest and greatest starfighter performance technology and weapons systems. Due to the relative expense of each starfighter in this squadron, these X-Wings are only assigned to the very best pilots in the entire Republic, or as often Rogue Squadron needs them. Capable of operating independently of any Fleet or Fleet Escort. Capable of conducting ComScan operations. Limited to 1 squadron in existence at any time.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 01:37:12 PM »
HWK-290 "Hawk" Light Freighter (HWK)
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 22 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 30 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 60
UCR: 7
4 Heavy Laser Cannons (8)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
2 Ion Canons (6)
Unit Capacity:
2 Infantry Squads
Notes: Developed by an exclusive contract with the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the HWK-290 saw extensive use by the Rebel Alliance as a versatile transport both in and out of combat.

Republic Assault Transport (RAT)
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 46 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 45 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 135
UCR: 5
4 Turbolaser Cannons (32)
2 Ion Cannons (6)
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (6)
Unit Capacity:
2 Infantry Squads

Combat Utility Transport (CUT)
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 50 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 60 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 180
UCR: 5
2 Plasma Cannons (10)
1 Auxiliary Tractor Beam (50m)
Unit Capacity:
10 Infantry Squads

GR-75 Medium Transport (GR-75)
Type: Dropship
Cost: 70 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 90 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 270
UCR: 3
1 Quad Laser Cannon (4)
Unit Capacity:
1 Supply Unit
100 Infantry Squads
1 Heavy Vehicle
4 Light Vehicles
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 11:07:22 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 11:37:32 PM »
Republic Marine Squad
Type: Basic Infantry
Unit Cost: 1 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 4
Durability: 3
Attack Rating: 3
Notes: Republic Marines are the infantry backbone of the Republic Defense Force. Trained to be sailors and soldiers, Republic Marines are deployed everywhere.

Republic Commando Squad
Type: Elite Infantry
Unit Cost: 2 KC
Production Time: 14 Days
UCR: 6
Durability: 8
Attack Rating: 5
Notes: Although much of the success of the Rebel Alliance was owed to Commando units, they were too few to be employed on a large enough scale to make more of a difference. With a proper government in place, many Rebel Alliance veterans are now the trainers and instructors of a new generation of Republic Commandos, who are now considered THE elite fighting force within the Republic Defense Force.

Republic Vanguard Squad
Type: Elite Infantry
Unit Cost: 3 KC
Production Time: 14 Days
UCR: 8
Durability: 12
Attack Rating: 10
Notes: The Republic Vanguard are the most elite soldiers of the Republic Defense Force, as they are cross-trained in a myriad of different climates and environments, as well as given thorough training in special weapons and tactics. Although their primary duties are to defend the Republic Senate, these units are often employed by the Republic Special Operations Command.

Republic Ranger Squad
Type: Super Elite Infantry
Unit Cost: 10 KC
Production Time: 21 Days
UCR: 10
Durability: 50
Attack Rating: 40
Notes: Must be assigned to the same ship or location as a Jedi unit.
Background: Republic Rangers are superior commandos trained exclusively by the Jedi Order. Owing their historical roots to the Antarian Rangers of yesteryear, Republic Rangers are typically recruits who are Jedi Praxeum washouts, but still want to participate in the Jedi Order's mission across the galaxy. They are often assigned to individual Jedi Knights and Masters and work side-by-side with them through everything, so that their teamwork is seemless. Equipped with heavy weapons and powerful exosuits with built-in jetpacks like the ARC Troopers from the Clone Wars, Republic Rangers are quite capable of keeping up with their Jedi peers on any battlefield, as well as doing the "dirty work" of the Jedi Order.

All-Terrain Personal-Transport (AT-PT)
Type: Light Vehicle
Unit Cost: 6 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
UCR: 6
Durability: 40
Attack Rating: 20

T-47 Airspeeder
Type: Light Vehicle
Unit Cost: 8 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 7
Durability: 60
Attack Rating: 30 (+30 vs AT-ATs)

V-Wing Combat Airspeeder
Type: Heavy Vehicle
Unit Cost: 13 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 8
Durability: 80
Attacking Rating: 40
Notes: This craft is capable of being launched from Low Orbit and immediately descending to a planet's surface without the need for a Dropship due to its extremely high flight ceiling.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 11:46:27 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 11:47:16 PM »
Jedi Guardian
Type: Special Unit
Unit Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 28 Days
UCR: 12
Durability: 300
Attack Rating: 100
Notes: Jedi Guardians represent the new generation of the Jedi Order. Trained exclusively at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, Jedi Guardians are young and amateur Force users compared to more experienced and veteran Knights and Masters, yet they have honed the Force when it comes to boosting their physical prowess and combat abilities with the lightsaber. They often accompany Knights and Masters, or are independently deployed to hotspots around the galaxy where the Republic needs immediate Jedi presence - more so in the role of law enforcement - rather than in diplomatic or peaceful inquiry. Any number of Jedi Guardians may reside on Yavin IV, but only up to 10 can be deployed off-planet at any given time. These units can operate independently of any fleet but count against the total Command Point allowance in whatever status they reside in (Active/Defense).
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 03:17:39 PM by GCW Hale »