Author Topic: SANCTUM  (Read 16052 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: March 26, 2011, 02:05:33 PM »

  Sanctum is a hidden Rebel Operations Base just recently established at an obscure site near ***************.  It is located on one of the semi-terrestrial moons of a nearby gas giant in the same system and is disguised as a scientific research outpost for a secretly sympathetic galactic conglomerate with most of the actual military base structure laying beneath the surface, as has become the routine of Alliance engineers.  The outpost is situated in the trough of a wide long winding canyon with several well concealed defensive measures littering the landscape.  The canyon itself opens on one end, where the research facility sits, to a plummeting cliffside dropping several thousand meters further to a desolate plain landscape.  Overall making up the dried remains of a sea and tributary.

  The cliff face hosts a small shrouded launch bay running in to the subterranean hangar of the base which can also alternately be accessed by special turbolifts at the Research facility, or one of half a dozen other stealthy observation positions at the top of the opposing end of the canyon or along the niches of it's walls, linked only by a few meters wide and kilometers long tunnels.  Most of the base's structural volume is located in several levels beneath the science outpost including all the necessities to facilitate a subversive military campaign.  It is home to hundreds of soldiers, dozens of pieces of valuable military equipment and populated by a wide variety of sentient personnel with extensive living quarters and vast stores of supplies and resources while serving as the Rebel Leader Calgan Verose's concentration of power, all underground.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 03:01:15 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 10:25:12 PM »

  It was a frigid morning on the barely hospitable rocky moon world that came to be known as Sanctum.  The nearby gas giant loomed closely overhead casting the usual eerie purplish light across the landscape as it occupied a third or more of the entire sky.  The atmosphere was breathable but thin and contained minimally acceptable levels of oxygen.  An average human tired to exhaustion from merely standing still and breathing after three hours without assistance.  The planetoids surface water dried up millennia ago but a rare precipitation occasionally offered moisture for the arid wastes to quickly soak up.  There was little life on the planet save for several curious small lizard and rodent species and scraggly shrub and grass growths.  Most of the moon world's sustainable heat source came from a naturally occurring subterranean series of ventiliation chambers and catacombs where steam heat from the incredibly hot core escaped to the surface in levels able to sustain manageable warmth for larger warm blooded creatures and beings.

  Calgan stood near the edge of the Pellapin Research Facility's main landing platform looking out over the canyon's expanse through a pair of hi-powered macro binoculars as a Corellian YT Thirteen-hundred roared to life behind him and a few members of his staff mulled over details.  He focused in on a pair of speeder bikes two kilometers out, zipping down a lightly beaten trail carved out of the reddish brown sediment only by the repulsor push of the routine patrols.

  A Sullustan emerged from the Corellian YTs belly down the walk plank and called out to Calgan and the group of staff officers near him,

  "Nubokk Yuddra! Nubokk Yuddra!" he shouted with his gloved hands cupped around his mouth to help project his voice over the noisy engines.

  "Sir?" a human officer in the staff assembly asked Lieutenant Verose.

  "Let's go," Calgan said turning to head towards the transport and handing the binoculars off to the officer who tucked them in to his leg holster and followed closely with the others.

  "What's the status of our progress planet-side?," Calgan asked the entourage collective as they strode together up the loading ramp, referring to the main terrestrial planet in the system their moon base occupied.

  A young Twi'lek male began responding, "Sir we've penetrated the arms market deeply, several of our agents are already working with the government offices to secure purchase contracts and our front companies are opening shop.  It will take some time, a couple weeks, but the wheels are being greased.  We should have access to what we need soon to begin manufacturing our own equipment."

  "And recruitment?" Calgan inquired as the ramp hissed up and closed behind them and they proceeded to on board office quarters.

  The young human male officer spoke up, "We've managed to break ground establishing a few small training camps in the rugged rural terrain. ."

  Calgan began to interrupt, "Keeping them. ."

  However he was himself cutoff by the younger, "Keeping them far removed from the urban centers, yes sir."

  "Good work," Calgan plainly stated.  "Contact the fleet and order them to proceed to deep holding positions until called up.  Inform the command center that we are departing for mission, maintain alert status gold and limit supply runs to once per day, we don't want to attract too much attention."

  "Yes sir," the staff group replied in slightly staggered unison as the group parted for their individual work spaces and quarters.

  The small modified Corellian freighter's lift drives kicked in giving the ship a rising hover above the platforms surface, the main sublight drive flashed giving a rocketed jolt forward speeding off in to the stratosphere and then open space where it disappeared with a streaking glint in to hyperspace. . .

Action Summary:
  Began undisclosed constructions
  Rebel starship contingent "Crusader Squadron" dispatched to a region of deep space outside of Sanctum
  Lt. Calgan Verose entered hyperspace aboard a transport bound for *************
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 12:01:17 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death