Author Topic: NAR SHADDAA  (Read 16288 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: May 09, 2011, 05:53:39 PM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 10:49:07 PM »
The Emperor's Shadow (Imperial Operative)
Caesaris Umbra


 The Vengeance quietly exited hyperspace a little further away from the typical drop zones for all interstellar traffic, as Jana wanted to approach the system safely. While on the outside the Vengeance resembles a standard Nubian 327 J-type cruiser, the internal components received numerous upgrades from the stock specs, making the craft one of the most sophisticated vessels of its class in the galaxy.  While most of the Emperor's elite servants traveled in starfighters due to their compact nature, a few of them used civilian-class transports as to maintain a certain level of ambiguity so nothing about them could be tied to the Empire.  To an outsider, the Vengeance was just another pleasure yacht or consular ship, which is exactly what Jana preferred one to think. Nobody needed to know who she was or where she was going.

 The two ion engines of the vessel flared up violently as Jana increased the throttle, moving into orbit of the system. Her mission was simple yet open-ended. Starting an investigation from scratch took some time and patience, but in a place like Nar Shaddaa, both of those could be bought... if the price was right.  Her position as the Emperor's Shadow afforded her a direct line to the Galactic Imperial Bank, as all of her expenditures were registered under the Emperor's account, which was as limitless as the Empire itself.


 When it came to interdiction, Nar Shaddaa wasn't exactly the most conservative planet in the galaxy, as its reputation for being the Smuggler's Moon was not withstanding. Literally anyone could get on and off the world at any time. Law by force was in effect every where, and so was respect. But again, even these could be bought at the drop of a credit.

 The Vengeance had no trouble making its orbital approach to Nar Shaddaa, if that the only trouble was steering clear of traffic. Jana's piloting skills were exceptional, as were the rest of her abilities. To become one of the Emperor's servants, one had to train and hone skills to perfection without the benefit of Force enhancing techniques, so being tutored by the best of the best of the best in a handfull of skills would naturally produce an exceptional human being whom was nearly capable of completing any task.

 After steering clear of additional traffic lanes, the Vengeance finally touched down in a "quiet" part of New Vertica, one of the planet's most bustling metropolitan areas. Of course, security of any landing pad came at a price, but Jana didn't bother hiring anyone, for the automated defense systems of the Vengeance were lethal enough to deter any would-be hijacker. She walked down the loading ramp of the vessel and took a look around her to absorb the city lights. She had been to Nar Shaddaa nearly a year ago to assassinate a CEO who was suspected of having Rebel dealings - and to put it simply, she got the job done... by blowing up the CEO's entire skyscraper, taking him, his employees, and the company down with it. There was no mercy.

 Jana was going to take a different approach this time, at least a non-explosive one if that's what it came down to. Her intel was robust, which allowed her to take a reasonable approach: identify the major shippers and locate where they were sourcing their product and activity. The idea was simple - in order to defeat the Imperial war machine, Rebels had to rely on an alternative supply network in order to stand a chance at mustering a fight. The logistics of the network were known variables: black market hubs, smuggling rings, money laundering, and just about anything else short of murder that was illegal. Nar Shaddaa made a logical choice to begin a search, as the world was a center of all of said variables. So this is what Jana was doing, which it would probably take a while, but sooner or later a lead would pop-up, and she would run it to the ground until she got what she came for: names and locations.

1. The Vengeance landed on Nar Shaddaa.
2. IMPERIAL OPERATIVE began The Search For Rebel Scum!


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 06:00:44 PM »
The Emperor's Shadow
(Imperial Operative)
Caesaris Umbra


 Jana's presence on Nar Shaddaa was perhaps insignificant compared to everyone else on the planet - seeing as how it was filled with millions of lost souls, some perhaps choosing to be lost, but others simply stuck in the vicious lifecycle that was the galactic underground - especially since it was run by the Hutts. Of course, on a planet infested with this much slime, Jana thought, there would be two people would would have the most intel...handlers or prostitutes. Handlers regularly dealt with the opportunistic nature of information. The more you know, the more your information becomes valuable. But this was exactly why Jana preferred to begin her search with prostitutes, because these ladies of the night heard more than they should, and were always willing to sell their information due to their faceless anonymity of being a working street girl. They would know names.

 So Jana walked the streets looking for alleyways where she could find some prospects - but it seemed others were taking notice to her first, as a small gang of men began following Jana closely, wondering 'why some lady was wearing a full black cloak' no doubt, but more so perhaps looking to score an easy mark. Sensing the gang, Jana purposefully walked into an abandoned alley, letting the gang close in on her. She stopped after getting to a dead end, keeping her back to the gang.

 The gang also frooze, but the pack leader spoke up. "Well, well, well... who do we have here? Little lady walking the streets all alone at night in New Vertica... without any protection..." he began laughing, as with the rest of the gang.

 Jana stood silently, with her back still turned.

 One of the gang members began taking off his pants and laughing. "Well... I guess she wants it bad..."

 "Hahaha, yeah. Give it to her Lenny," hooted one of the gang members.

 Lenny took a few steps towards Jana, fully erect.

 Jana smirked, gripping her lightsaber casually. "What you boys fail to realize... is that NOBODY touches me..." and with that, she spun around with her lightsaber ignited, slicing off Lenny's member.

 Lenny fell back shocked, gripping what wasn't there anymore. The rest of the gang members screamed in fear and tripped backwards, trying to run away... but it was too late. Jana force lept over them and landed infront of their path, halting them. They stopped and backed off.

 "Listen lady, we didn't mean anything... honest... we're just looking for a few credits."

 "CREDITS! It's scum like you that gives this galaxy a bad taste," she said angrily. Walking towards them. She force lifted one into the air, telekinetically pulling him to her lightsaber, immediately impaling the gang member. She then dash-lept closer to the rest of the gang and slashed down two more of them. The final one fell backwards and back crawled away from Jana.

 "Please... please... I'll give you anything you want..."

 "Hmph! You weak pathetic fool!" Jana pointed her lightsaber at him, ready to execute. "Who can tell me about all the big illegal shipments coming on and offworld?"


 "Who is 'what'? Is that somebody I'm supposed to know?" retorted Jana.

 "What?? I.. I.." the gang member was quaking with fear.


 "M-M-Mmm... Martez Wallaz... everybody knows him, and he knows everybody and everything... he's usually at the Vertical Club..."

 "Martez Wallaz... I should have known," replied Jana quietly to herself. She remembered hearing that name in a previous mission, but never had to make contact with the man. Now it seemed she was going to.

 "Please don't kill me!"

 Jana deactivated her lightsaber and slung it back to her hip. The gang member sighed - but as soon as he exhaled, Jana pulled a heavy blaster pistol from her cloak and shot the man straight in the head. He had outlived his usefulness, and had appropriately paid for his crime. During her downtime on Coruscant, Jana usually frequented to lower levels to practic her skills on live criminal subjects. While she didn't fancy herself as some sort of Dark Jedi vigilante, the lower classed denizens definitely thought so. Doing the same here on Nar Shaddaa was no different.

 After Force pushing the dead bodies into the recesses of the alley, Jana began Force leaping off the alley walls and to the upper levels of the city, where she could freely Force sprint towards the Vertical Club...