Author Topic: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT  (Read 33029 times)

Offline Bishio

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2018, 05:24:43 PM »
A movie I liked over all.  But has about 3 personal (for me) cringe moments that I almost just have to fast forward though to get past or I just stop watching the movie.  A lot of my problem with TLJ is actually how the fan base was trolled and treated by Johnson post release.  I understand they were giving him a LOT of crap but his response was insanely poor.  I think when you get into SW movies you just have to accept A LOT of people are going to give you shit because it is to large of a fan base that spans a few generations now to actually satisfy 100% of the time.  Just take your lumps and don't stoop to the same level as internet trolls giving you hell.  

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2018, 07:52:50 PM »
Re: Kathleen Kennedy

  BWAHT? She produced ET, Jurassic Park and Schindlers List dude.  =P  Granted I don't forgive her for Dern in any of it, BUT

Fandom of every cult saga forever critiques every subsequent release from the original on.  Phantom Menace, Attack, Rise, TFA, R1, TLJ, SOLO.  For various reasons they are all easily called out and bring continuity in to question.  Come on, if we're talking nostalgia, after ROTJ, what matters?  None of them.  But if we're talking just carrying on the universe and cinematic saga, they're all great.

What were you expecting a young harrison?  Would Indian Jones have been cool with Tom Selleck? Hell the F no.

It's a movie franchise above all else.  If I was 10yrs older how bad would I have felt betrayed by the cute and cuddly ewoks instead of a wing of my chill room and brain dedicated to them?  They were gonna eat people yo!  Probably already did a few.  I bet they had recipes in mind.

I mean I can't remember not knowing how the original trilogy all went while seeing any.  What happened from ANH to ESB to ROTJ was never a mystery to me that I remember because was too young when first exposed and saturated with it, but had I known the incredible dark ending of ESB going in to ROTJ and having no idea what was coming, to see the ewoks be the balance tipper?  I'd probably have become a Trekkie right there.  I bet thats what happened to most of the older ones actually. ;p

Luke and Yoda didn't burn the books, Luke was distraught by it, Yoda gave him some riddles as usual, Rey saved them they're in the bottom bunk bed drawer on the Falcon.  Yoda didn't have any books in his hut.  Ben Kenobi had no books.

I didn't see Rians trolling or reactions to fan critiques or anything.  I'm pretty disinterested in an individual creators personality, penchants or short comings unless they're some sort of really terrible.  If you let anyone talk for too long they're bound to say something off putting, especially if you're assailing their artistic creation.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 07:58:48 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline Bishio

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2018, 08:04:37 PM »

I didn't see Rians trolling or reactions to fan critiques or anything.  I'm pretty disinterested in an individual creators personality, penchants or short comings unless they're some sort of really terrible.  If you let anyone talk for too long they're bound to say something off putting, especially if you're assailing their artistic creation.
His twitter was pretty bad.  He directly targeted many YouTube voices.  Some of which were actually not that critical compared to the bandwagon haters that came out of the woodwork.  It was bad enough he deleted all the tweets which is pretty much internet for "I did wrong but am not really man enough to say anything about it".  I get it a lot of people went way to far with it.  Like I said I think it was an alright movie with a few flaws.  Some people thought it was the end of civilization.  I get how those people can get under your skin by constantly bombarding you on something like twitter.  But if you cannot take the heat get out the kitchen.  I get hate on by people all the time at work and I do not retaliate at them directly and openly.  He did.  In a mostly sarcastic and rude way.  Claim some people were women haters, that they were the products of toxic masculinity, and brought a lot of people into identity politics for honestly no reason other than to soap box.  Look, I do not care if people agree or disagree with these things.  Just odd when a director goes there to his critics and then deletes the tweets and it slips below the radar.  It happened.  I don't hate the guy for it but I won't pretend that its ok to go there.  He might not have earned all the hate coming his way from the movie but he earned a lot of it post production and release.

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2018, 12:21:19 AM »
Yeah what's messed up is that he's on the record for describing his philosophy of movie making as being controversial for the sake of being controversial - that he would prefer to have a movie that stokes partisanship in its fans. A bunch of fans grumbling is better than no fans talking at all, I guess. As we say in the Navy, "a bitching sailor is a happy sailor." The problem is that he seems generally incapable of taking the criticism in stride, as if he's thinking to himself "I produced a masterful piece of art. So fuhk you for not liking it." Whereas I'm just sitting there like... "wait, you're the guy who wants to be controversial right? Take your lumps and GTFO."

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2018, 05:27:42 PM »
  Actually you can read in Complex magainze that JJ Abrams said fans who dislike TLJ are threatened by women as well.  And theres extensive write ups on TLJ by many seeming bedroom critic types specifically titled around Toxic Masculinity.  Are we gonna crap on him for being a touchy artistic type now to? ;p  Just sayin, keep in mind the class we're dealing with after all, it's directors and podcasting fanboys.  The first I only give a shit about artistic material the second I don't give a shit at all.

I see it all about the same as a guy who makes a reaction podcast to begin with.  I'm just confused by the outrage.  You shit on someones jewel, they got butt hurt and fired back at you, and because ones famous and ones not there's delineation?  Seems like a mostly self contained stressball.

  Whatevs.  Im a neolithic simpleton.  When I hear about a director, entertainer or sports figure embroiled in some shit if it's not a murder, sex crime or against a dog, I dont get emotionally invested.  ;D

   Im a long time Detroit Lions fan so I've perfected the practice.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 05:34:34 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline EmperorSeverus

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2018, 06:12:08 PM »
Yes. JJ needs to go.

Offline Bishio

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2018, 11:47:50 PM »
JJ isn't much better if not worse.  But putting them in the same boat is pretty much agreeing that both are a problem and not really a solution.