Author Topic: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //  (Read 13066 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« on: January 11, 2018, 03:06:13 PM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2018, 12:26:28 PM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
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For some time, the trio of Star Destroyers had been idling in deep space in the vicinity of Korriban, performing scans and conducting drills and equipment checks. The plan was to engage in a slow approach, as to determine the level of proportional response by the local population. Korriban's relative isolation amidst the galaxy meant it was home to anyone lucky enough, brave enough, or stupid enough to find a hyperspace navigation route there. Of course, the Imperial Remnant - or more precisely the Sisterhood of Imperial Sith - had other plans for Korriban. The holocron that Darth Hera was in possession of not only provided a viable hyperspace route to the system, but detailed maps of the catacombs in Valley of the Dark Lords, of which according to legend is where a number of Sith spirits dwelled.

Scans of the system had revealed that this mission would not be as simple as planned however. During the Jedi Purge, records of Korriban had been destroyed. Officially, the Galactic Empire claimed control of the system, but unofficially only Palpatine possessed accurate coordinates and maps of direct hyperspace lane, thus making control unenforceable. Many took advantage of this precarious situation. In fact, for some time, during the Rise of the Empire and Galactic Civil War, various nomads seeking isolation and total freedom from the galactic state affairs ventured into the region of space where Korriban had historically been attributed. Many of these venturers were successful, and having (re)discovered Korriban, they settled there. Not only was the Imperial Remnant mission to Korriban important to integrate it back into the galaxy, but to rid the planet of its residents who had illegally settled there.


Captain Marcus Patel clicked a few buttons in his datapad, and then turned to Senator Devereaux. "Senator, all preparations are complete. We're ready."

"Very well," replied the Senator, "you may commence attack."

With the battle plan provided and orders given, the trio of Star Destroyers began firing upon the hapless defense forces in orbit around Korriban. It would only be a matter of time before the entire system fell.

1. Began Annexation Mission.
2. All ships moved to Zone 1.
3. All ships began firing upon space PDF forces.

1. ISD-I Punisher fires 60 Turbolaser Batteries at Z-95 Korriban Flight I. (30 hit)
2. ISD-I Punisher fires 60 Ion Cannons at IPV-1 Korriban Guard I.
3. ISD-I Terminator fires 60 Turbolaser Batteries at Z-95 Korriban Flight II. (30 hit)
4. ISD-I Terminator fires 60 Ion Cannons at IPV-1 Korriban Sentry II.

IPV-1 Korriban Guard I {360-I}
IPV-1 Korriban Guard II {360-I}
Z-95 Korriban Flight I {240-M}
Z-95 Korriban Flight II {240-M}

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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2018, 09:17:13 PM »

As hordes of civilian spacecraft begin fleeing the system, the outgunned and outmatched space forces make a commendable, but ultimately futile counter-attack. Meanwhile, the ground forces go on general alert and take up fighting positions within Pesegam City, the only highly populated district.

1. Took damage.
2. Launched counter-attack.*
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1. None. All units were destroyed/disabled before being able to attack.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 12:02:46 PM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2018, 08:39:42 AM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
|-o-| {-o-} |-o-|



"Senator, the space forces have been neutralized," said Captain Patel.

"Very well, proceed with ground assault..."


Flight Leader Lieutenant Holden Graves carefully gripped the yokes as he set his targeting computer for ground coordinates. The hapless nomads of Korriban would soon experience maximum pain.

"All units, this is Bravo Leader, begin your attack runs. It's time to bring Korriban into the future. Kill the past, I repeat... kill the past."

1. Star Destroyers launched craft and deployed troops to ground.
2. Atmospheric capable craft enter atmosphere and begin air strikes.
3. Infantry and vehicles engage ground forces.

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1. See damage summary. Defender's choice for damage assignment.

3 TIE Bombers vs Ground = 792
18 XG-1 vs Ground = 396
18 Echo Shuttles vs Ground = 288
24 Lambda Shuttles vs Ground = 672
225 Imperial Infantry vs Infantry = 450 (Skirmish)
75 Stormtroopers vs Infantry = 300 (Skirmish)
60 AT-AT vs Infantry = 1080
90 AT-ST vs Infantry = 990
TOTAL = 4968 DMG

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« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 11:59:12 AM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2018, 07:38:52 PM »
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The cabal of troops and artillery that made up Korriban's defensive army was a hodge-podge of civilian and paramilitary, but they fought with much bravery in the face of the Imperial aggressors. The commander-in-chief of the Korriban Army estimated that his forces could last a few days, but given the relative seclusion of Korriban itself, any form of rescue or reinforcement was an empty hope.

50 Standard Infantry Companies [1 DMG] (400/400)
20 AT-PT [9 DMG] (15/15)

1. Infantry takes 4968 damage (12 killed, 1 wounded @ 168/400).
2. Surviving units attack.

38 Standard Infantry vs Imperial Infantry = 38 DMG (Skirmish)
20 AT-PT vs Imperial Infantry = 180 DMG (Artillery)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 11:57:43 AM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2018, 07:45:14 PM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
|-o-| {-o-} |-o-|



A lone stormtrooper looked overhead as the various bombers and auxiliary craft were unleashing hell upon the Korriban army. With the lead infantry company taking the brunt of their counter-attack, and still in good fighting shape, the push forward continued! It wouldn't be long now.

1. Took damage (1 Imperial Infantry wounded @ 382/600 HP).
2. Continued ground assault.

1. See damage summary. Defender's choice for damage assignment.

3 TIE Bombers vs Ground = 792
18 XG-1 vs Ground = 396
18 Echo Shuttles vs Ground = 288
24 Lambda Shuttles vs Ground = 672
225 Imperial Infantry vs Infantry = 450 (Skirmish)
75 Stormtroopers vs Infantry = 300 (Skirmish)
60 AT-AT vs Infantry = 1080
90 AT-ST vs Infantry = 990
TOTAL = 4968 DMG

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« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 01:12:10 PM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2018, 01:13:24 PM »

The Korriban Army was holding the line despite facing down a threat the likes of which many had never seen, nor will ever see again.

38 Standard Infantry Companies [1 DMG] (400/400)
20 AT-PT [9 DMG] (15/15)

1. Infantry takes 4968 damage (13 killed).
2. Surviving units attack.

25 Standard Infantry vs Imperial Infantry = 25 DMG (Skirmish)
20 AT-PT vs Imperial Infantry = 180 DMG (Artillery)
= 205 DMG total
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 11:16:04 PM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2018, 01:13:41 PM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
|-o-| {-o-} |-o-|



"Keep killing the past boys... let it die!"

1. Took damage (1 Imperial Infantry wounded @ 177/600 HP).
2. Continued ground assault.

1. See damage summary.

3 TIE Bombers vs Ground = 792
18 XG-1 vs AT-PTs = 396
18 Echo Shuttles vs Ground = 288
24 Lambda Shuttles vs Ground = 672
225 Imperial Infantry vs Infantry = 450 (Skirmish)
75 Stormtroopers vs Infantry = 300 (Skirmish)
60 AT-AT vs Infantry = 1080
90 AT-ST vs Infantry = 990
vs Korriban Infantry = 4572 DMG
vs AT-PT = 396 DMG

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« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 11:24:05 PM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2018, 02:16:13 PM »

The Korriban Army armored battalion was dealt a massive blow, as up until this point, the AT-PT walkers had been handling the lion's share of the offense. With their destruction, widespread disorder began swelling in the ranks of the infantry, as they continued to fight but in scattered formations and without a main line to hold.

25 Standard Infantry Companies [1 DMG] (400/400)
20 AT-PT [9 DMG] (15/15)

1. Infantry takes 4572 damage (11 killed, 1 wounded @ 172/400 HP).
2. AT-PTs take 396 damage (or 19.8 each), all destroyed.
2. Surviving Infantry attack.

14 Standard Infantry vs Imperial Infantry = 14 DMG (Skirmish)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2018, 03:13:47 PM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
|-o-| {-o-} |-o-|



Stormtrooper PL-819 raised his blaster rifle to his chin and pulled the trigger, sending a red blaster bolt cleanly down his line of fire, into the chest of an enemy soldier. While the enemy army was strong in number, their capability in battle was no match for a properly trained and properly equipped professional fighting force.

1. Took damage (1 Imperial Infantry wounded @ 163/600 HP).
2. Continued ground assault.

1. See damage summary.

3 TIE Bombers vs Infantry = 792
18 XG-1 vs Infantry = 396
18 Echo Shuttles vs Infantry = 288
24 Lambda Shuttles vs Infantry = 672
225 Imperial Infantry vs Infantry = 450 (Skirmish)
75 Stormtroopers vs Infantry = 300 (Skirmish)
60 AT-AT vs Infantry = 1080
90 AT-ST vs Infantry = 990
vs Korriban Infantry = 4968 DMG

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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2018, 10:09:39 AM »

With their settlements in ashes and the battefield scarred with craters, smoldering debris, and burnt bodies, the once 5000-strong infantry force had been reduced to a paltry group no larger than 150-men. With defeat inevitable and a counter-attack deemed suicidal, the highest-ranking survivor of the Korriban Army, a junior company commander, emerged from a crater waving a white flag as to avoid further provocations. The battle was over.

14 Standard Infantry Companies [1 DMG] (400/400)

1. Infantry takes 4968 damage (12 killed, 1 wounded @ 168/400 HP).
2. Surviving Infantry (1 company @400HP + 1 company @168HP) surrender.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 10:14:47 AM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: X // Neutral Systems - Korriban //
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2018, 01:25:03 PM »
1st Expeditionary Task Force
|-o-| {-o-} |-o-|



Stormtrooper PL-819 raised his blaster rifle into the air and began firing indescriminately to celebrate the Imperial victory. Once a Prefabricated Garrison landed, all of the troops and support craft were recalled to their respective ships.

1. Accepted surrender.
2. Deployed Prefabricated Garrison Base.
3. Recalled all units.

1. None.

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