Author Topic: Capturing Systems  (Read 9646 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Capturing Systems
« on: December 18, 2017, 04:05:43 PM »
Capturing Systems

Most battles in the Galactic Flashpoint universe will have as their goal the capture of another faction’s system. To capture the system, you must destroy or capture all Troops, Vehicles, Structures, and Platforms in the system.

Expansion to Neutral Worlds

By default all neutral worlds are off limits in the Galactic Flashpoint universe. They may be involved in story-only posts but factions may not visit these worlds with units or otherwise engage with them. The only exception is when conducting a Diplomacy or Annexation mission.

Subterfuge and Other Special Missions

Blockade Mission
Any line ship over 1,000 Meters or combination of line ships over 1,000 Meters can initiate a blockade. For every 24-hour period that the blockade goes unchallenged (no enemy units present in space), the blockaded faction will lose 10 MC to the blockading faction.

Diplomatic Missions
A faction can acquire a neutral system through diplomacy. The process takes 30 days and at least 1,000 written words of a reasonable quality for every 50 MC the planet generates in revenue. A faction must also pay a one time fee equal to x1 the monthly income to account for logistics, gifts, bribes, and other sums paid to secure the vote of the people as well as establishing a Systems Defense Force of at least 5,000 troops. Only one diplomatic mission may be carried out in a 90-day period.

Annexation Missions
A faction can take a neutral system through force.  Upon successful subjugation (capture of the planet) the annexing faction receives a ‘sacking’ bonus equal to x5 the monthly revenue the planet generates, paid after the world has been held for 30+ days. Only one annexation mission may be carried out in a 90-day period.

Misinformation Mission
A player can enact a misinformation campaign on a system by paying x2’s its monthly revenue and writing at least 1,500+ words over any number of posts. Unrest will last 30 days, and during those 30 days no progress can be made on diplomatic talks (in other words, the diplomacy will take 30+ days longer now).

Sabotage Missions
A faction may commission a sabotage mission by paying x1 the cost of the unit targeted and writing 1 word for every MC of value in the target of a reasonable quality. An Imperial Star Destroyer (2,400 MC) would require writing 2,400 words depicting the mission in its entirety. At its end, the targeted unit, wherever it is, is destroyed. Only one sabotage mission may be commissioned in a 90-day period.

Inciting Rebellion
A faction may cause rebellion on a system by investing x3 the systems monthly revenue and writing 5 words for every MC invested. A standard system with 300 MC revenue would require 5,000 words of a reasonable quality. Only one inciting mission may be commissioned in a 90-day period.

Once in rebellion, the inciting faction can raise a fifth column. The fifth column can only be comprised of common tech troops. The inciting faction must pay x5 the cost of the troops, and can place a maximum of 10,000 troops on the planet.

After 15 days the rebelling units will be pacified and dispersed unless the inciting faction has arrived in system and supported the rebellion with its own ground forces. In which case rebelling forces will remain loyal to the inciting faction until the inciting faction no longer has ground forces present on the surface or hostilities have otherwise ended.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 08:03:07 AM by NR Hoppus »