Author Topic: ∞ו NEW REPUBLIC: HISTORY AND BACKGROUND •×∞  (Read 8076 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« on: July 14, 2017, 05:09:11 PM »


The Rebel Alliance is no more.
In its place, a
New Republic
Forged in the fires of a dying Death Star.

But it is not victory.

The Empire has not collapsed
and the
Dark Forces of Palpatine stir
in the galaxy’s darkness.

Now the heroes are gone.
Martyrs sacrificed at Kashyyyk,
The Jedi Skywalker disappeared.

The bright light of freedom is
Diminished in its infancy.
And the darkness rises…

- - - - - -

After the impossible victory at Endor and the impossible destruction of the Emperor and the Emperor’s second Death Star, the Rebellion came to its impossible end.

But only for a New Republic to rise from its ashes.

The political and military leadership has remained intact in the transition to legitimacy. Mon Mothma has taken the title of Chancellor and oversees the recreation of the Republic’s storied Senate. Supreme Commander Admiral Ackbar leads the remains of the Rebel fleet and the ongoing liberation of the galaxy.

But even now, in its exuberant return, the Republic threatens to collapse beneath its growing weight.

Its legitimacy is questioned. The Empire will never again be what it once was without its darkest knights, Palpatine and Vader. But its Star Destroyers still loom over thousands of star systems, directed by its cruelest servants, whose lust for power has been uncaged.

Its champions’ vision is debated. Mon Mothma lobbies tirelessly for demilitarization and decentralization, the only path she and her majority, the Liberty Caucus, in the Provisional Council believe will allow the youthful Republic to avoid the fate of the Old. Others in the Red Faction fight for a strong military and ironclad bonds between worlds, fearful that a weak alliance relying on the nonbinding constitutions as the troubled Old Republic once did will allow the Empire, only barely kept at bay, to roll its dark oppression back over the free galaxy.

Its heroes are lost. Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca: all martyred in the liberation of Kashyyyk. Jedi Master Skywalker disappeared into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, fearful of his power and consumed with his grief.

But there are free beings who will still answer the call, and new heroes to be forged…

… and so the story continues…
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 09:10:06 PM by RA Hoppus »