Author Topic: ¥ Perlemian Space - Horuset System - Moraband (Korriban) ¥  (Read 8751 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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  Star: Horuset
  Orbit: 2nd
  Moons: 7
  Rotation Period: 28 Standard Hours
  Orbital Period: 780 Local Days
  Class: Terrestrial
  Diameter: 16,890km
  Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
  Climate: Cold and Dry
  Gravity: Heavy (1.4)
  Terrain: Mountains, Canyons, Dry Riverbeds, Tombs, Ruins
  Population: <1000

  More commonly known in modern times as Moraband, Korriban is the ancient homeworld of the actual Sith species prior to their assimilation and divergence by the outcast Dark Jedi after the period of war between followers of the Light and Dark known as the Hundred-Year-Darkness.  It was here that the legacy of the Sith was born.  The planets ancient past is regarded as folklore or myth throughout most of the galaxy, and most if any fact to the tale has been lost and clouded by widely varying semi-historical accounts.  The planet is barren and abandoned with little known life other than the unfortunate stranded traveler or brash galactic archaeologist.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 12:16:58 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Perlemian Space - Horuset System - Moraband (Korriban) ¥
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2017, 08:11:19 PM »

Some time before Uni Start-Up in this very same Galaxy...

The blue shimmer of hyperspace reflected around the cockpit of the modified TIE Advance as Gergory Bishio moved his eyes across the instrument panels.  They were quickly indicating that he was rapidly approaching his destination but a sense of something else had gripped him nearly an hour ago of this fact.
It was familiar and yet so elusive to him. Something sinister though the force that had not only directed him to this forsaken planet but endlessly tugged on his very essence until at times it nearly drew him into madness. Sleep was nearly impossible in this current state and this lead him to reliving moments from the past in a near dream state. The blue shimmer of hyperspace brought his mind to a moment of when Lord Vader had appeared before him as a blue hologram…

~~ Flashback to several days before the battle of Endor ~~

As was customary Bishio had dropped to a knee before his master’s image and asked what was required of him.

The rhythmic breathing went on for what seemed like minutes. Agonizing minutes. Would Lord Vader be finally asking him to hunt Luke Skywalker?  Would he finally be given a chance to prove to his master he was a worthy student that would serve him as a true Sith apprentice? The timing seemed right.  The rebels were planning their attack at the of Endor and the man which had won the clone wars and brought stability to the galaxy, then Senator and now Emperor Palapatine, along with his Sith ally Lord Vader had laid a carefully baited trap to draw them in. Soon the Emperor would rule the galaxy unquestioned in peace and Lord Vader could continue with his path though the dark side without a senseless Jedi inspired rebellion to distract him. The Empire in keeping its pact with the Sith to exterminate the Jedi Order while under the ever-watchful eye of Lord Vader from a distance Bishio thought.

The rhythmic breathing continued and Bishio continued to wait silently with his thoughts.  Now was the time to lay waste to the last of the Jedi. To progress the rule of two by proving to Vader he was in fact a worthy successor to the ancient order of the Sith. 

“Rise..”, Vader said as Bishio collected himself quickly and pushed himself up to his feet. The breathing continued. Something seemed off Bishio thought. The force was telling him something. “I see you sense it..” Lord Vader said as his hand gestured. The sound of the doors behind him opening filled the room but Bishio kept his attention directly upon the face of his master’s dark mask.  “My master has required me to be here and my son will be replacing you. The others merely just Inquisitor’s but you were to be mine. You are now a… liability...” Vader’s voice echoed though the chamber as his imagine fizzles out and fades.

Thoughts swirled though and around Bishio’s mind. Lord Vader’s master? Lord Vader’s son? Who were they? No time for that now! Bishio quickly ducked as a crimson blade swung across where his neck once was moments ago. The sound of a second lightsaber sizzled across the room and when he turned Bishio saw two darkly armored men standing in a standard battle formation with their sabers at the ready. 

“Second Brother, Third Brother… I see the time has come!” Bishio said as he flung his robes to the ground and ignited his own crimson blade. It was a circular guarded hilt with a center spine, a tradition of the Inquisitor’s and was identical to those he would now face.

Bishio remaining reserved slid into Soresu form and forced a hail of attacks from his fellow brothers to fall to defensive parries.  Soresu was once famed to be stance Jedi Master Kenobi had mastered to great success during the Clone Wars and its defensive wall was nearly impossible to break. But he was out numbered. Jumping back with the force to generate space between him and his two rivals Bishio raised his hand force pushing one of this two adversaries back and then quickly turning to the other as he clinched his fist from his now extended arm force choking the other.  Gasping for air, Third Brother, gagged and kicked as his feet lifted off the ground. While most Inquisitor’s were force sensitive and trained in the arts of a force wielder they were merely pawns. Bishio was different from them. He was the one Lord Vader has selected for the most important missions. He was the one that never failed his master’s commands. He received and learned from Lord Vader himself on many occasions and had the scars to prove it. His potential was different than the others.

Opening his hand, the now lifeless body of one of this two foes fell to the ground with his throat crushed, but no time to relish in a victory only half won. Quickly he locked blades with the Second Brother of the Inquisitor’s that had darted to him though use of the force. A student of the arts and second only to him within the orders ranks. The two had always practiced together and were rival swordsmen. Or so he had thought. His dependence on Shii Cho and Makashi lead him into predictable combinations of thrusts and swings that Bishio’s Soresu was easily brushing aside. It was clear his enemy was growing frustrated and tired as he bashed himself endlessly against a defensive wall of saber parries. His fear was growing as he was now alone and weakening. So now was the time for Bishio to switch without warning into the high energy form Ataru taught to him by Lord Vader himself and quickly Second Brother back peddled and began to lose balance. The fight was over.

“Too easy”, Bishio crackled as the power of the dark side flowed through his hand directing his blade though the upper torso of his once brother. Pausing for a moment with his blade still extended out from the killing blow, Second Brother's body crumpled to the floor, and a deep chill filled Bishio’s soul which caused him to take a deep and shaky breath. He had never felt such power. Such an addictive power. But at the same time, it was almost as if he had lost something as well. But it was something that could be worried about later because now he had to plan his escape.

Pulling his robes back over his body and placing his saber hilt back on his utility belt Bishio walked through the doors. Several red robed guards from the Emperors personally detachment was lining the main hall which was nearly customary inside of Lord Vader’s private castle on Mustafar. He wondered why they were not reacting to him. Were they not involved in this plot as well? Apparently escape was no longer going to need to be the plan but more to merely slip away before Lord Vader and the Empire triumphed in victory over the rebellion once and for all in the coming days.

Bishio quickly gathered credits, food, water, and several lightsaber pieces that might be difficult to come by in the future which also included a kyber crystal. But something else caught his eye in the chamber of Lord Vader’s personal armory. An armory with no security because no one thought anyone foolish enough to enter it uninvited. Several objects caught his sense. One was cubic is shape and another shaped like a pyramid. It was as if they were whispering to him and almost by instinct alone he reached out and placed them in his inner pockets. From there he left and walked to his personal starfighter and departed. With the questions ringing in his head. Who was Vader’s master? Who was Vader’s son? Where was he to go…

~~ The flashback fades and Bishio feels the grip of reality once again ~~

The blue blur of hyperspace quickly pulls down into star lines and then the cockpit view port is filled only with the points of lights of stars and larger rust covered looking planet. His navigation computer indicated he had just arrived at Moraband but his senses and the holocron in his pocket had only referred to it as Korriban. The ancient home of the forgotten Sith race, the birth place of the Sith Order, and now where he must go to maintain his sanity.

The cubic holocron was simple enough to open and merely required one to look at it with the force in perspective. It was fill mostly with historical galactic data, a sizable and very accurate galactic map, and a few drabbles from several older Jedi Masters that had long pasted on. Apparently, they were searching for some Jedi prophet or prophecy known as the Chosen One and this was a chronicle of their studies and adventures in the task. While not all that interested in these Jedi fairy tales the historic data and galactic map had proven too valuable to disregard.

On the other hand it had taken him nearly a year to learn now to open the pyramid shaped holocron. It taxed him to his core and required him to experience great pain though the force for it to show itself to him. But it would only show Bishio what it wanted to show him. It seemed alive and aware of Bishio and it goaded and lead him about until finally it had demanded him to go to Korriban. Its temptations were not without its fruits though. As it showed him glimpses of the past from a recording of a Darth Plagueis and his insane quest for immortality and an also apparent interests in this Chosen One theory of the Jedi. Though these glimpses he had learned the answer to one of his two questions.

That question being…

Who was Lord Vader’s master? Darth Plagueis though his recordings had reviled he had a pupil from the planet of Naboo. A pupil that went by the name Sheev Palpatine. The senator from the Republic who rose to the rank of Emperor of the Galactic Empire was no mere political figure or military genius as Bishio and the rest of the galaxy had been led to believe. He was a Sith Lord and master to Lord Vader himself. An important lesson the holocron seemed to be indirectly teaching him is that to be hidden is to be powerful and manipulative. Something that can get you further than might alone most of the time. Nearly two years to learn the answer to one of his two questions. Nearly two years for only this? Or was as he thought their more to this.

Korriban he had sensed was where he would get the answer to his second question. His question of who Lord Vader’s son really was. The panel in front of him indicated that he was entering the atmosphere and the ship vibrated slightly as the air reverberated around the black solar paneled wings and the ships engine output adjusted for atmospheric flight. An over whelming sense of the force energized his body which had been cramped up in the tiny starfighter for several days now. Soon he would be on open ground and in the open air. Soon he would have the answer to his second question…


Gergory Bishio
True Galactic Empire
TIE Advanced <modified> 'Raven'

« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 11:26:17 AM by TGE Eidolon »

Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Perlemian Space - Horuset System - Moraband (Korriban) ¥
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2017, 03:28:21 PM »
The cool dry air of the desert like surface of the planet Korriban was a welcoming feeling as the top cockpit chamber hatch opened on the TIE Advance. It was still dark but the stirrings of pinkish blue light was visibly noticeable on the distant horizon. It would be morning soon and from the looks of the planet’s surface for as far as the eye could see made Bishio think it would be a very warm day indeed.  The only motion over all the surface seemed to be only of the wind. A stale slow breeze barely strong enough to only occasionally kick up a little bit of the surface dust. This planet was dead. Death was all he could sense surrounding him. Taking both holocrons and securing them tightly within his robes Bishio drop from the sphere center of his fighter to the sandy surface as he gently broke his fall with the force landing easily on his feet. A quick gesture with his hand closed the hatch to the fighter. Two small spherical droids hovered out from two modified ports on the outer wing and approached. 

“Master Gergory, sensors do not indicate any life forms within several kilometers and no signs of technology. Although in a canyon roughly 600 meters to the southwest seems to be several non-natural structures designed into cliff faces. They were well hidden and only where noticeable because of the flight path we took to this landing location.”, the small sphere robotically spoke as its single red colored eye remained forced upon Bishio. Pondering for only a moment Bishio nodded and pointed to both the droids before saying, “Stay here and if any vessels or life forms begin approaching the ship or the canyon alert me immediately”. The two droids quickly dipped down from the stationary positions without saying a word and then quickly hovered away to form a patrol pattern.

Lifting his hood over his head and looking southwest he could see the out cropping’s in the distance of what was likely the canyon referred to. An out of place gust of wind kicked up and whipped the tails of his robe causing them to slither around rapidly in the desert air. Something in the force seemed to be drawing him in that direction too. Almost as if the reward centers in his brain were firing off his fatigue and the anxiety he felt nearly lifted completely. Clearly the Sith holocron wanted him to go to this canyon. But for what purpose? He would have to be cautious. Things in these matters were rarely as they seemed. Just as Emperor Palpatine was not was he seemed to be. The ways of these Sith was one with the shadows of the galaxy. They seemed everywhere but hardly ever noticed all at the same time and now he stood on the very site of their birth but also one of the points of their many demises.

It had not taken long to reach the mouth of the canyon. From its lip, he could see several ancient looking structures long given way to the test of time. The out cropping’s of statues and roof tops poked out from what was centuries worth of sand slowly brought to and eventually fallen over them from the winds. Several of them also looked blasted apart from what was likely some ancient war. An eerie silence covered the whole of the canyon. His sense made him feel eyes upon him. But not the eyes of the living but rather those from the past that still lingered here for some awful reason.

Lifting a pair of binoculars to his eyes he scanned the canyon in more detail. Several flashes appeared in the view ports that indicated civilized activity of the what appeared to be dozens of cave like structures well hidden in the western wall. Energy signatures and melt points left from more modern tools or jagged physical patterns left from ancient hand tools left in the rock. Clearly this was a place visited still to this day and having additions added to it. Starting at the far side of the canyon he could see mostly physical tool markings. The computer concluded them to be roughly ten thousand years old according to weather wear and tools used in their construction. As he worked the view slowly back towards him along the western wall it was a nearly perfect archeological time line of digging and mining methods in the galaxy as they went from simple metal tools, to explosives, drills, and eventually up to primitive energy drills and the last few nearly if not completely modern in scope. Some of them were also adorn with temple like entry facilities. Some were merely holes in the cliff face. It seems in the more ancient days these structures were held in very high regard and almost as if they were centers of worship or ceremony. While this did spark his historical curiosity it clearly wasn’t what he was here for. The more modern ones were where his senses were drawn to. He was to go to them. Specifically, one that Bishio could hardly peel his eyes from and it was only a quick drop or two away from where he was at and he quickly acted.

One force leap landed him on a lower platform of rock still several dozen meters above the entry point. A second force assisted jump had him now only about six meters above the entry point hanging from the ledge of the cliff face itself. The rocks began to give away Bishio flung himself inelegantly to a second rock out cropping a couple meters down and to the left. From here he released his grip and dropped himself down carefully without assistance from the force. Clearly his confident and ability had expanded over the years but just as clearly, he was far from being a perfect master of his surroundings. He could have easily killed himself with that foolish second jump. But he absolutely had to enter this location. Something inside him drew him here and it masked his fears, installed a sense of arrogance, and seemed to enhance his abilities and skills.

Entering the dark cavity Bishio reached for his saber and ignited it red blade. The narrow cavity filled with its crimson color. His free hand reached into his robes and pulled out the Sith holocron. The normally dark pyramid had its own crimson hue that matched he color of his blade. At first, he thought it a reflection but as it turned out it was an independent hue. It was the first time the device had done so without it being open. Clearly, he was heading in the right direction. Making haste Bishio quickly headed into the cave rapidly approaching his destiny. 


Gergory Bishio

True Galactic Empire
TIE Advanced <modified> 'Raven'

Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Perlemian Space - Horuset System - Moraband (Korriban) ¥
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2017, 02:48:51 PM »
Footsteps echoed across the cavernous walls of the drilled-out tomb. The sound of dripping water, or some other unknown liquid, could be heard occasionally in the distance. The crimson hue from his extended lightsaber blade filled the hallway entry path for several meters in front and behind him. His shadow slithered slowly behind him and was no longer hidden by the entrance light. Bishio had not been able to see its glimmer for several minutes now after twisting around several bends and drop downs in the path.

Coming to a fork of three paths, and the way he came behind him, Bishio glimpsed at the pyramid shaped holocron. He extended it in his hand to the path forward and it dimmed. He then extended it to the path to the left and it brightly lit up a radiant red. He then extended it to the path to the right and it dipped to complete darkness. He went through the cycle several times to confirm that each time the pattern remained the same and it did. Tightly closing his eyes Bishio focused on the force and then turned pointing his saber blade to the path to the right and walked through its entrance. Oddly enough he quickly came to a three-forked path again. He extended the holocron forward and the holocron dipped to complete darkness just as the path to the right had before. He then pushes the holocron in his hard to the path to his now left and it dimmed. Finally, he pointed it to the right and it dimmed again.  Out of curiosity he then extended down the path he had just came and it shined brightly red.

Bishio quickly proceeded forward, but again, a 3-forked path. The same pattern of the holocron lighting up and down. He continued doing the same thing two additional times before deciding to go back to his original starting location several forks back. Out of frustration Bishio turned to exit the cave. Perhaps it would be best to bring one of his droids with him to map the system out completely so he turned left down the path he had entered the caves with and something both extortionary and yet terrifying happened. Bishio quickly found himself again at a 3-forked path. There were no path splits in the entry way hallway like cave.

Pondering for a moment Bishio point his saber blade downward resting his arm. His eyes darted around the narrow room of paths. Moving his eyes to the floor he saw a pattern of foot prints. His boot prints. He saw one set of prints pointed towards him in the direction he entered originally. Several sets of walking prints going in the direction he had decided to go. Only one set from behind him the way he had come.

He had not been making choices between different paths he had in fact been circling though the same choices. But the force, no the dark side, had whispered to him to follow the path of darkness. He had picked the path of which the holocron showed no light. To follow it or forever be trapped between the choices of the light. But why had he been circling. Had the dark side betrayed him into this trap of force trickery? Was he to parish here a failed achiever of nothing.


Dropping to his knees he tightly closed his eyes once again. Being told to follow the darkness over and over. An echo chamber of the same answer. Rage began to slip into his thoughts. Clouding them until suddenly the strength of some unknown being rang though his mind. Not as words but as pure emotion. Emotions of fear, sorrow, anger, and unbridled rage wrapped under a calm vail of wisdom. This being felt as if it was the force itself. Then it struck him. The answer to his problem. It came to him as a vision of sorts. Difficult to describe.

Getting to his feet he pointed the holocron in each of the directions once again. Once again one of them showed only darkness in its core. He smiled and then stepped up to its entrance. Before stepping though the walkway Bishio smiled. He then closed his eyes and deactivated his lightsaber. The whole chamber and the whole path was swallowed instantly into darkness. Confidently walking forward without hesitation his  footsteps echoed. Over several minutes the sound of the echo changed. It sounded as if he was entering a larger cavity. The sound of running liquid could be heard growing in the distance. He could feel heat and from under his eye lids he could tell the chamber was becoming lit. 

Opening his eyes, he saw a pair of eloquent pillars about shoulder high topped by a brilliant reddish flame. Some sort of blueish green fluid was hugging the wall to the left and forming a small stream that lead down into narrow cracks on a lower part of the floor. It smelled almost of hyperspace fuel used in ships, but not exactly. Between the two pillars laid a large rectangular sarcophagus. Walking up to it Bishio put his hand slightly above its surface and kept it there as he walked along its length. It was clearly not an insanely old stone structure. It had obvious signs of technological engravings. Several historical imagines of the not so distant past. Clone troopers, trade federation ships, the Jedi Temple that had become the Imperial Palace, a symbol of the banking clans, and many hieroglyphs of an unknown language. They looked familiar. Raising the holocron up to the light he could see the same symbols. A language he could not read and a language he thought only décor until now.

Coming up to the sarcophagus’s far side his eyes locked onto a recessed pyramid shape. Bishio’s eyes moved to the holocron and back to the recessed chamber. Turning the holocron in his hand he then extended it out with the force hovering slowly towards the spot. As it entered the dark center of the device began to glow. The flames atop of the pillars brightened and changed to a bluish color and the fluid running down the walls shifted to a red and seem to self-illuminate.

Taking a step back and quickly reaching for his saber hilt Bishio stood firm. He could tell something was approaching yet was unable to what or where it was coming from. Darting his eyes around the room and extending his senses in the force he waited.

All he could do was wait. For now.


Gergory Bishio

True Galactic Empire
TIE Advanced <modified> 'Raven'
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 08:12:37 AM by TGE Bishio »

Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Perlemian Space - Horuset System - Moraband (Korriban) ¥
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2017, 10:54:09 PM »
The lose rocks around the room vibrated and trickled down the sides of the room. Knocked loose from something. Something that seemed to be with him and yet so far away. A crimson blade appeared from nowhere and flung itself towards Bishio. Jumping to the side avoiding the twirling blade he scanned the room looking for the hilts owner. A second blade suddenly appeared and was flung in his direction again. This time caught much more by surprise Bishio swung with his now deploying saber blade towards to it parry, but it simply passed though. The crimson blade that had appeared to be a threat then flew though Bishio’s chest and disappeared. In almost sheer terror his hand reached for his chest feeling what should have certainly been a death blow. But nothing. Nothing until a respirator filtered cough with a slight chuckled filled the room.

The red hue of the pyramid shaped Sith holocron, now firmly in his slot a top of the stone sarcophagus, filled the room for a moment before collapsing into the face of an alien creature. His lower face was covered by some sort of clone wars era respirator. His head mostly hidden by a crimson colored hood. His eyes burning a bright yellow. A sign of a true dark side master. The rest of the body appeared more slowly with matching attire.

“I am the essence of the holocron now merged with what remains of me in the force. That which lingers about my body”, the figure says ominously. “My name was Hego Damask, but you may refer to me as who this essence really was, Darth Plagueis” the holocron projected entity said as it looked down at what was likely it’s real self’s own grave. Bishio wasting no time pointed his blade towards the projection and blurted out a direct and demanding question,

“Who was Lord Vader’s son ghost!”

The room silenced for a moment. A cough choked chuckle rang out though the room and in the force and the projection of Hego Demask, no Darth Plagueis, stepped into the blade with it piercing his very chest. “Your weapons can no more harm me than mine did you living one, but as a reward for bringing me here as I asked of you for so long… I will revival to you the answer to your question. But it will only unlock further mysteries for you to solve. Such is the nature of the force. Such is the nature of the dark side.”

Bishio closed his blade and placed the hilt onto his belt and kneeled. “Darth Plagueis, I thank you for such a gift. To be in the presence of one so great. So wise. I felt it within the holocron since the moment I first opened it.”, he said dipping his head and pushing a few keys on his belt before pulling out the Jedi holocron from inside his robes.

“I take it that the answer has something to do with this chosen one” Bishio said holding the cube shaped object in his hand.

“That it does living one. The force has an interesting way of striking back and forth though individuals and legends of these strikes form into mythologies, histories, and even religions to those that don’t understand the simplest of concepts. Lord Vader, then known as Anakin Skywalker, was such a vergence in the force”

Anakin Skywalker. Luke Skywalker. How could this be?

Bishio started to ask the question the but projection was one step ahead of him in this regard, “Yes,  I know to you and even the rest of the galaxy Anakin Skywalker was killed bravely defending the younglings of the Jedi Temple. But he had been the one striking down the defenseless children. He had fallen to the dark side in a desperate act to obtain immortality for not himself but for his wife that bore twins. One of them being Luke Skywalker. His mangled body cursed him to a suit. This suit that was a curse allowed him to forget all that he was. For Lord Vader to be all that was left. Or so my former apprentice thought. But as I said such a vergence he was. The force constantly struck back though him.”

“I warn you that such a vergence his son likely is as well” echoed out with a sense of anger from Plagueis voice before he continued, “I can train you in the ways of the Sith young living one. So that we can have our revenge against my apprentice’s followers that betrayed me. Against your master that betrayed you.”

Bishio laughed as he stood. “You are nothing ghost and the Sith died above Endor. Always two. Always a failing philosophy. Also obsessed with immortality. Using the dark side as your tool to hide from the fear of death. No Darth Plagueis, no. While I respect all that you were… that is now gone. You are just a tool for me now. A tool to study. A tool now that will give me all I need now that the trapped conscious part of you is now where it belongs. In this tomb rotting away with the rest of the past failures of the Sith Empires instead of in my holocron!” Bishio said as he reached his hand out ripping the holocron from its perch with the force. The projected image of Plagueis melted away and the flames returned to their original colors as did the fluid running down the walls.

A rage filled scream filled the chamber. Clearly the remains of Darth Plagueis were not going to let this go lightly. Bishio found himself quickly flung across the room as if a gigantic hand had slapped him.  Then it happened again. Then again. Blood oozed from his nose and mouth. Clearly the old Dark Lord had been bluffing about his ability for them to hurt each other. Or perhaps it was that he was finally angry enough to call upon the power of the dark side once again. If only for a moment.

Without warning suddenly the room shook tremendously. The sounds of weapons fire could be heard in the distance. It was getting closer. An explosion of light flooded the room as a pair of green laser cannon bolts screamed across the room impacting the fluid soaked wall bursting it into flames. The enraged scream of Plagueis once again filled the room as its attention shifted from Bishio towards controlling the flames. Apparently, this ghost had no interest in its body being destroyed. Its blind obsession with immortality still clinging to his reality even if all that remained was a lingering holocron intelligence that had been transferred to the tomb itself. Drawn to the body of its former self. 

Bishio’s droids had gotten the message he had sent and with precise calculations had determined his position within the cliff face and had blasted a new entry point. The means of his escape. Securing both holocrons in his robes he dashed quickly to the edge of the room at the lip of the new entry way.  A quick force jump landed him atop of his now floating TIE Advanced fighter and it slowly repulsed away gaining distance. Before dropping down into the cockpit Bishio looked back and could see a figure resembling Plagueis. His fists were extended in the air in anger but they dropped to his side as he simply stared. Stared at Bishio’s escape. Stared until the now open cliff face collapsed hiding the new path the blaster fire had created.

Confident in his new prize and unlocking the full potential of the Sith holocron Bishio leaned back into the seat of his vessel with one of the two hovering droids floating next to him.

“Sir, we are exiting the atmosphere now and adjusting or engines for space flight.  Where should we set course for now master Gergory?” the small sphere said.

Bishio reached over to the control and entered the coordinates for the planet of Byss.

“Master Gergory, my calculations show we will be very close to empty of both fuel and power by the time we arrive in that system. Might I suggest…”

“No!” Bishio exclaimed as he wiped the blood from his noise. “But you can bring me some bacta packs and apply them while I meditate.  I wouldn’t want to be arriving at such a formal location in such shape”

As he closed his eyes the window of his fighter filled with stars that quickly stretch into star lines which rapidly turned into the tunnel of hyperspace swirled before him. The Sith holocron opened and floated in front of him. One of his loyal droids floated randomly around him applying the healing powers of bacta to its masters wounds.

As the old ghost had said. One mystery had been solved only to unlock another. His future awaited him on the planet of Byss. The dark side was calling him there and this time he was not the puppet on the strings of another but now the master of his own fate. A fate guided by the dark side of the force.  Although the lingering thought of Plageueis had not left his mind.  Perhaps it be wise not to visit the Dark Lords tomb again.

Gergory Bishio
True Galactic Empire
TIE Advanced <modified> 'Raven'
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 11:54:11 AM by TGE Bishio »