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OOC Cantina / Re: Dark Empire graphic novel (compilation of the comic books)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 11, 2024, 10:18:18 AM »

DH TOTJ DLOS were the first SW comic books I got ahold of.  There was a polybagged black and white version of #1 called ASH CAN in the small serial box that I believe came with a topps card of some sort inside, the card may have been diff polybagged DH SW #1 tho..

Reminds me also of this concept art topps card I got somewhere of Coruscant.  Until Ep I came out, I was calling it "Corus-kant'
OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by SWSF Hoppus on July 11, 2024, 07:54:15 AM »
Thanks for the heads up, I might have to restrict sign ups again.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 10, 2024, 07:58:56 PM »
"kids genitals" is now part of the SWSF algorithim for search returns.  Thanks Sev =P

Episode 7 was good standalone tale and to tighten the story up even, the jedi masters dispositions and actions when confronted by Mae or their circumstances (Kalnaccas isolation) are all entirely clarified.  Cool we got to see the survey team beginning of it all and the Vergance investigation explanation.  Hyperspace Disaster ref egg was sweet.

Who knows Sols background.  Individuals give up every other natural instinctual life path to become Jedi, they can't have families, the whole Jedi focus on indoctrinating Children is even more interesting in that context, they can't have families, so sometimes they have to destroy other families to make theirs.  Whaaaaat.

Sols perceived fixation on the twins in that light could be a little cleaner.  But he was the first to see the twins in woods and that was quite unexpected and he saw what he perceived to be abuse on a couple instances, so he felt compelled to 'save' them in his way.

The full story of the Brendok coven is interesting.  I was glad to see all the other witches have personality and their own desires and wills.  The vergance that drew the jedi there likely drew them there?  Or were they part of the vergance that caused all the life, that would make sense since they created human life with the force as well..


After a second watch, wow.  What a collapse of team cohesion for both the Jedi Team and the Coven, with disastrous outcome.  Intentional or not, part of the story here is the corruptive nature of ALL Force Use.

We need a Midichlorian Inquisition!  Stomp out ALL practitioners of these foul arts manipulating the fabric of natural balance.

Anyone notice the credits song?  the hook references, "Power of Two".  No idea who it is or what genre it really qualifies as but was just of tickling note.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 10, 2024, 11:59:42 AM »
Discussion is good - in life and democracy.

However, this may not be the best venue for this discussion. I would question the use of the word 'promote' as that and others have been tactfully employed whenever anyone appears in a medium others take issue with. I will say, again, that acknowledgment of someone's existence or experience - through a character or storyline - does not necessarily mean a creator or corporate conglomerate is advocating for or against anything. The inclusion of different types of stories with various types of characters is generally a good thing as it adds depth and perspective. Exposure to such things does not influence who someone ultimately becomes but can make traditionally marginalized or maligned groups feel seen and heard through tales and adventures that include people like them. I am sure we can all agree that has been true for us at some point in our lives. On the corporate side, appealing to emerging audiences and demographics is a valid business strategy and one that has lucrative potential. It's not even a new concept as companies have been at it for years. If it doesn't appeal to you, don't watch it. If you don't like it, don't do it/don't buy it. Not everything is for or about you. There is something to be said for recognizing something that doesn't resonate with you and letting it be. 

But, let us get back to the purpose of this thread: The Acolyte.

With this latest episode, I heard echoes of Obi-Wan's words in my head: "...from a certain point of view."

After all, motives are driven, in part, by one's perceptions and experiences. There was, from what I gather, an inference to High Republic canon, e.g., the hyperspace disaster (in which Vernestra lost her master in, I believe) which led the Jedi to this world. From there, a lot of assumptions are made - from all parties - which lead to the titular choices.

Some thoughts:

Sol seems weirdly drawn to Osha. I mean, sure, he doesn't have a padawan but do they tell us why? Maybe he's a creeper or, more likely, struggles with attachment issues which manifests with Osha almost like an obsession. Having a padawan is probs a bad idea if he gets so bent emotionally - could be things from his own past he cannot let go of or is trying to compensate for and the council is like, no, bro. As far as getting her to leave with them, he sees what he wants to see and acts accordingly which leads to his killing Mother Aniseya. It could be interpreted as defense since it may have been unclear what she was doing but still seemed rather rash for the Jedi. Also, he previously said he watched Mae fall when in reality, he let her fall to save Osha. Certain points of view and all. He was so convinced they were in danger (Mae mentioning the whole sacrifice thing didn't help) but they acted without ascertaining first and failed to show any restraint that would prevent violence or loss of life. The Jedi were messy af here.

Force possession? Here for it. That manifestation of power was badass.

Indara is powerful, so much so that she decimates the coven via the psychic link while trying to save Kelnacca. Wild. Her willingness to obscure the truth about what happened certainly lends to the theory that the Jedi are their own worst enemies and likely why they were so unprepared for literally anything. Their own ranks were covering shit up left and right over the years to spare their reputation and justify their methods. Hate padawan Torbin (Oh, Tommen) but Indara is the team leader and showed a spectacular lack of control over the group.

Mother Korril was definitely an instigator here - also based on assumptions and point of view - but did we see her body? Is homegirl still around? Did she train The Stranger?

Once Osha finds out the truth, to the dark side she will fall!

Lastly, not sure they can wrap this up in a single episode in a satisfying way given how disjointed the execution has felt (at least to me) across the season. I do like the comparisons between ep 3 and ep 7 but unsure spending two episodes on flashbacks without a stronger present-day story anchor was the wisest creative choice - but willing to see how they cap it off.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by EmperorSeverus on July 08, 2024, 11:03:15 PM »
About homelessness, I think there is a lot more that can be done, but I don't want to get off topic.

For argument's sake, even if you could say "what are you supposed to do about people choosing to do drugs instead of paying their bills?" or something, I think if you ask the same question about abusing confused kids -- "what are you supposed to do about people mutilating the F out of confused kids' genitals?" -- the answer is simple: don't mutilate the F out of confused kids' genitals, don't celebrate the idea of mutilating the F out of confused kids' genitals, make it illegal to mutilate the F out of confused kids' genitals. Love them and protect them.

These are vulnerable children, and we're talking about sterilizing them, mutilating their bodies, and making them lifelong medical patients. It's evil.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 08, 2024, 10:13:36 PM »

 I'm saying its inflated in to a large societal dilemma when it doesn't affect the vast majority of us at any age.  It's weaponized as an ideology when I don't think promoting acceptance of diversity is an ideology so much as basic human decency.

 When percent of the 300k you cite (google says 121k per Reuters investgation from 2017-2021 published oct 2022) are happy with the outcome of their treatments vs those who feel duped or wronged?  That would be the more telling statistics I think.

 I just don't buy in to the idea that if you show a straight kid enough gay material they will start experimenting with gay ideas and acts.  I mean we've probably all known a gay kid that was not self-aware yet right?  So is the right course of action to shame the feminine tendancies out of them or to let them do them and make them strong confident individuals?

Homelessness is a blight problem but beyond that, what are you supposed to do about people choosing to do drugs before paying their bills or not knowing how to manage their finances and mortgaging homes they'll never be able to sustain on or not being able to conform and work a job at all?  There are plenty of good paying jobs for people who want them.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by EmperorSeverus on July 08, 2024, 12:05:02 AM »
@Eidolon: If you're saying that doctors mutilating the F out of confused boys and girls' genitals is not the only problem in the U.S., you're obviously right, there are a lot of other problems too, like homelessness, human trafficking, etc. The list goes on and on.

But if you're saying it's not a problem because it only affects a small percentage of the population, I don't take your point. Something like one in every 500 Americans is homeless. That's only 0.2% of the population or 650,000 people or so out of a total population of ~ 330 million. But I don't think anyone disagrees that homelessness is a problem. More than 300,000 children in North America have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and that diagnosis is typically followed by puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones, and surgery for things like double mastectomies, genital mutilation, and even hysterectomies. Tens of thousands of children.

The difference between this problem and other problems is that everyone seems to agree that things like homelessness and human trafficking are a problem. But when it comes to mutilating the F out of confused children, suddenly they are not only OK with the abuse, they're celebrating it.

As for your question ("why not let them do their thing?"), I think you have to differentiate between adults and minors. As far as I'm concerned, it should be illegal for a doctor to mutilate the F out of any human being's genitals, of any age. Doctors are supposed to help people, not abuse them. But I hope you can at least see that children are not adults. Children cannot consent to irreversible destruction of their genitals and other irreversible damage that is being done to them.

@Syren: I respect the fact that you welcome dialogue rather than trying to shut it down. I think our country needs more people like you in both parties who know that talking to each other about complex things (whatever the issue is) is the right way to go, not refusing to listen to people with different views. That said, I think it's wrong to promote LGBT content to kids, and I stand by that.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 07, 2024, 10:16:34 PM »
Children's hospitals like Boston Children's perform double mastectomies on confused 14 and 15 year old girls who think they're boys when they're not and never will be. That is material harm, and it starts with a cult trying to add this **** to everything we watch. I'm not OK with doctors abusing human beings of any age, much less children. And I'm not OK with Disney telling kids it's normal and fun and cool. It's not normal and fun and cool. It's abusive AF.

Entertaining the concept, what is the actual effect and outcome?  on an individual and society level

Why is an issue relevant to 0.0001% of the citizen population so widely proliferated?  No one who wouldn't already want to do this at any age is going to go down that path, and if they do well ok, so what.  There are easily influenced simpletons walking around every town in this country that buy in to every pile of shit idea that fits their preconceived notions.  Go ahead and do that shit if you think it will make you happy.

The matter is really simply in allowing people of all sorts to feel accepted not influence anyone one way or another.

Even the vast majority of non-straight folks are not interested in taking medication to change themselves or undergo surgical procedures.  This is a tiny fraction of the alternate community even.

  This is an invented crisis seized upon by the right to weaponize 'the future of your children and your childrens children'.  The reality is this affects so marginally few people it matters absolutely zero to our daily lives or the future of our nation.  It is a talking point and a place to hang or swat away a moral cap but doesn't matter for anything material unless you are part of the marginal fringe it really does affect, in which case, why not let them do their thing?
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 07, 2024, 08:14:42 PM »
Oof, big feelings!

I do not recall a character in this show, or any other Disney property, advocating for this or any other procedure. Acknowledging someone's existence or experience does not equate to coercing anyone to do anything. Besides, only one kind of story with only one kind of protagonist would be narratively boring. Variety is the spice, as they say. :-*
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by EmperorSeverus on July 07, 2024, 06:56:58 PM »
Children's hospitals like Boston Children's perform double mastectomies on confused 14 and 15 year old girls who think they're boys when they're not and never will be. That is material harm, and it starts with a cult trying to add this **** to everything we watch. I'm not OK with doctors abusing human beings of any age, much less children. And I'm not OK with Disney telling kids it's normal and fun and cool. It's not normal and fun and cool. It's abusive AF.
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