PREMISE: The year is 9 BBY. Just ten years after the Declaration of the New Order and the foundation of the first Galactic Empire. The Great Purge has all but been effective at wiping away every remaining stain of the once great Jedi Order, spearheaded by none other than Darth Vader himself. Yet active insurrection, once thought of as the CIS Remnant, has been given a new name: the Rebellion. Ambushed supply convoys, large-scale sabotage operations, and even high-impact naval raids have been carried out by an ever-expanding and organized fighting force.
PRIMARY GAME MECHANIC: Co-Operative / Head-to-Head Honor Sim
PLAYERS: Will take on the role of any character class they want. The Rise of the Empire era allows for secret apprentices (like Starkiller), Jedi-in-Hiding, Rebel commandos, typical scum and villainy, plus Imperial officers trying to make a name for themselves.
CONFLICTS/BATTLES: Will be arranged by players between themselves. The primary goal of this sim is to merely set the stage and have everybody SL'ing under one roof, perhaps with common goals/ideas for stories.
Anybody interested? If so, a "GCW: RoTE" thread would need to get made under the SLs & RP section of the forum, and we could just go from there.
Clone Wars just appeared on Netflix, so I've been in a Star Wars state of mind lately. I'll contribute! I'm thinking Rebels and "typical scum and villainy," so I'll mull it over a bit more.
Or are you thinking a single thread that all members would contribute to? I could honestly find something interesting to write about any of them. I was thinking for the Rebels, though, a captain and his crew defecting with a frigate, and they gradually join up with the Alliance, acting as a sort of one-ship strike team, maybe a precursor to Rogue Squadron.
But, for anything I am up.
Originally I was thinking we could all be anti-Imperial of whatever flavor. That way the sim is more of a co-op. It will be assumed that the NPC Empire is everywhere and all powerful, so there's really no reason for somebody to play as the Empire, rather an Imperial-hired bounty hunter tracking a Jedi with the proto-Rogue strike team or something. A single thread could be interesting, but I was thinking more of an umbrella thread so people could post appendix-style information related to the group SL.
Whatever happens, I'm thinking I'll probably be a Consular-class Cruiser commander that defects from the Empire with a skeleton crew of sympathizers. He proceeds to a set of hyperspace coordinates in deep space and rendezvous with a NEB and links up with anybody else who wants to play.
I'll contribute some scribblings.
Debating angle yet though.
Initial thoughts: Timeline, yay. Empire agent restriction to NPC, boo.
Further thoughts: I always thought it'd be a good idea/way to start a group SL game off with a bang like a battle rather than the slow background ramp up avenue we usually take. In order to have a genesis point in which everyone could be present and creates a lot of loose threads to be strung together and give all characters a unifying subject, you could have a planet that is being subjugated by the Empire. Maybe the story begins in the midst of bombardment, leading in to landing operations. On the surface you could have all sorts of geopolitical factors that immediately come in to play and shape character choice/drive. I like to look at real world scenarios and spin off that, maybe the world is in midst of civil war between ancient monarchy and aspiring democratic nationalists, maybe there's a huge alien population on the planet that aren't indigenous but were resettled refugees or something, they've been around thousands of years but not as long as the humans. Perhaps aliens make up substantial support base of the democratic nationalists, so the monarchy has invited the Empire to help crush the Civil War and win it for them. Empire obliges, and in predictable fashion pretty much indiscriminately assaults the planet, Monarchists and Nationalists, civilians alike suffering the Imperial onslaught.
Presumably then, you end up with individuals with Alliance character leanings to emerge from the Nationalist corner, or maybe the brutality begins to sway their loyalties from the Monarchists. Or maybe they are just some self employed traders/smugglers/whatever that happen to be trapped a regional starport on the surface when the Empire blockade/bombardment begin. Perhaps part of the Empire's eagerness to oblige the Monarchist request is outspoken media critics on the planet of the New Order. Making the Empire especially interested in taking a front line role there. Anyways, the idea is that this origin point would only last as long and be indepth as we desired to make it. It could be a quick thing that just sends us all scurrying away from there, or maybe some of us chasing some of us who scurry from there or it could be a longer thing that is like an opening chapter to a longer saga.
Just beginning of a thought.
Appendix-style main thread, got it. Yeah I'm down for anything. I'll brainstorm a main character, or a couple, and start something up. It's my favorite time period in terms of potential. I think I know a good little story arc to get started with.
A single-planet game, or at least something starting on a single planet, has been something I've been interested in for a long time. I could see us starting in that way. I was hoping for less emphasis on politics and detail, more on straight-up adventure with Lucas-style character development (read with scarequotes as "character" "development"). But I could certainly see that style coexisting with a deeper, more detailed story that you've outlined Eid.
Hell, Hale's ship and crew could be caught up in that bombardment and decided to defect during it, or at least somehow be involved in it.
I was also thinking of doing short 3 "episode" arcs on the side, in which my main characters are just secondary characters to other one-and-done characters.
(Look at all this ill-fated ambition!)
I also wouldn't mind taking up a fiendish bounty hunter/malicious scoundrel mantle that is perhaps hunting one or more parties on the other end actually! An agent of the empire, thinking non-force attuned, alien of some sort. Sounds enthralling more I dwell!
I am interested but as an Imperial only. Could be an Imperial spy of course but I am no rebel scum.
Well when I said "wouldn't make sense being an Imperial" I meant more of the Star Destroyer Commander type Imperial. If we're doing character-driven co-op/head-to-head and the rebels are a rag-tag bunch... they would simply jet to hyperspace everytime an ISD shows up.
Imperial spies, assassins, bounty hunters, are more than welcome I would say. That's just my opinion though. I'd really just like a handful of people of whatever flavor simming again under one roof.
+1 to the idea of starting with a subjugation battle of some sort. That would certainly begin things with a bang, allow characters to be introduced and give people a variety of entrance options from smuggler to soldier.
Well it sounds like we have a fair amount of agreement and complimentary ideas to go around for the most part.
Is the following the beginnings of a general plan?
Co-Op SL Uni, Honor based- story character driven focus
Beginning event some form of initial climax (mmm) type battle, centered around a tbd planet?
Timeline about 9BBY (no Rebel Alliance proper [corellian treaty 2BBY] yet)
Hale, Eras, Pizi, Me, Greg I presume? Rin? your Secret Wars fall in this vein pretty closely
I am still not letting you kill the app. How can I help?
The app will some day get done. But it won't be for many months. I'm just too loaded with other work and programming tasks, as well as helping my wife start her business. So the app was the easiest, most time-consuming thing to bump.
Some day it will be done.. :P
I am in for this as well. I also think there is room for Imperial commanders. In Timothy Zahn's book about the Stromtroopers who defect, Ozil is the ISD commander that gets involved chasing them down and also going toe to toe with Mara Jade etc. Obviously wouldn't expect many huge fleet battles, but there's plenty of story options there for those who want to write them. Unless of course I'm not quite understanding the Co-Op concept, which maybe could be clarified a bit more in terms of procedure: posting, timeline, freedom to wander away from certain story points, etc. I wouldn't want to be tied into every event with everyone else, necessarily, I don't think, or at least have the option to pass on it (of course its outcome would effect the world and so my character eventually if indirectly).
The only thing on Wookiepedia for 9 BBY is nothing major. Dash Rendar enters Imperial Academy, Luke Skywalker contracts dust fever, except for this little note: Stormtroopers begin enlisting non-clones into the ranks. The canon literature for this period is absent. Force Unleashed takes place between 3-1 BBY, so Starkiller would be entirely hidden at this time as well.
Step 1: Get some boards made. I still want to generate a character bio of some sort before I start posting, I think most people probably want to do the same.
Step 2: I think Honor Sim is the way to go. No massive fleet battles to worry about. NEB frigates will be the big guns for the proto-Rebels. We can maybe toy with introducing specs and stuff if we want to go that route later on, but I think it should start off 100% Honor Sim.
Step 3: Pick a system for the Empire to subjugate and use that as our story catalyst.
For any discussions regarding the game's mechanics, Honor Sim rulings of any sort, whether or not specs need to be introduced.
Step 1: Get some boards made. I still want to generate a character bio of some sort before I start posting, I think most people probably want to do the same.
Step 2: I think Honor Sim is the way to go. No massive fleet battles to worry about. NEB frigates will be the big guns for the proto-Rebels. We can maybe toy with introducing specs and stuff if we want to go that route later on, but I think it should start off 100% Honor Sim.
Step 3: Pick a system for the Empire to subjugate and use that as our story catalyst.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 through 3.
Step 5: Make you fall in love with me.
But yes, I'm on board with those steps. I think the main thing is keeping it small scale. Showing up with a couple ISDs would not be fun I think, unless they're "NPCs" part of the blockade or something.
Exciting stuff here.
Before I decide on character(s) etc, I'd like to have a clearer idea of the setting and elements in play. I think we should have clear idea of the Empire's actions on this world, their commitment in terms of resources, their goals. Sounds like I'm saying a lot but basically just want to have the walls of the sandbox a little clearer, to know what "NPC" chars, elements are there to bounce of off so we are all plugged into the same 'reality'.
I'm not sure what sort of character(s) I have in mind at the moment yet... but are we thinking of all being a "band of brothers" or just in the same reality with the possibility we might intertwine story when we feel like it?
Can someone shine some light on this for me? :D
Also, if anyone wants to write up a more indepth look at the time period, tech, peoples in power, etc that would be great :D or recommend a novel set just before this time period if they know of one.
Erasmar: I like your episodes idea and might try to steal it :D
Actually, one of the better resources for this time period are the video games. Force Unleashed primarily, and Battlefront II (dabbles in) the Rise of the Empire era. From what I've gathered, it's literally non-stop subjugation, Great Jedi Purge, the destruction of CIS Remnants, suppressing the Kamino Clone Uprising. I'll be posting this in the new reference thread.
Given these facts, it might make more sense to push the uni back to 15-12 BBY vice ~9 BBY. Just a thought. 9 BBY seems "insignificant" in the grand scheme of the timeline. I don't want to go too far back because then anyone anti-Imperial was basically CIS Remnant.
In terms of group SL possibility, I'm in the school of thought of "to each his own" and if we want to band-up for 2- or 3-person SLs, those could be arranged on case by case basis.
This article talks a bit about some of the surviving jedi and groups that gathered around them.
Great Jedi Purge/Palpatine's Purge (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Jedi_Purge)
Ranges from 19 BBY to 1BBY. The hunt for jedi who survived Order 66, etc went on the whole time. Obviously closer you get to 1BBY more you are talking about Rebel Alliance or the precursor the Rebellion simply. I vote 12yrs BBY, 15 is only 4yrs since declaration of Empire/Emperor Palp/Vader still kind of new. Few more years gives Empire bit more foundation.
There's also a lot of Darkhorse series in the time period. Individuals and compiled in trade paper backs, The Purge, Darth Vader and Ghost Prison, and a few other Darth Vader oriented series that are all basically tales of him hunting down surviving Jedi and squashing pre-Alliance dissent in the Empire.
I'll have to wait til we spell out the opening event and world subjugation before I finally settle on a character as well.
Am writing up an ornate proposition for that (world event) right now. Will deliver something by late tonite so help the CheeseQuake!
I agree with the SL dynamic Hale mentions, we can publicly hash out character/story ambitions and I know myself am naturally going to gravitate towards something that is a good pairing both against and with others desires. Our starting points in the event will set us with and versus one another I presume.
I'm less interested in the details of the setup. My only request in timeline is something that allows us to use technology from both Revenge and Hope, so just somewhere in the middle. Or just avoid, like Hale points out, going so far back that the Rebel characters couldn't plausibly exist without still just be Separatists.
Though if we made it about the true formation of the Alliance... I'm not up to speed on that history, not sure how well-established it already is, but if it's hazy, that might be worth mining.
But again, I'm more inclined to just go with the will of the council in terms of setup.
For the type of stories, the mostly independent idea with our characters sometimes teaming up works for me. I have to say I'm very influenced by Clone Wars's narrative structure right now -- I can't believe how fun the show is with how much I don't care about the prequels.
Big fan of the Clone Wars series as well, it totally enriches Episode III in ways George Lucas could've never imagined.
+1 to 12 BBY
This happened in 12 BBY: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_of_Renatasia
A battle as "brutal" as the text suggests would be a good catalyst for an anti-Imperial movement. Although I'm sure we can just arbitrarily pick any ole' system and subjugate it.
In terms of my own personal character leanings: I'm probably going to be a Jedi Knight who managed to be onboard a Consular Cruiser without clones when Order 66 went down, so he escaped by will of the Force. His crew will probably consist of some Antarian Rangers, droids, Republic Judicial Forces, etc. Overall persona of the character will basically be a black/white-morality, Jack Bauer-type. Somebody who goes to the edge when it comes to tracking down and interrogating suspects, and being the Jedi Council's "dirty" Jedi. I'm working on cast and bios now, will post when ready.
That sounds cool Hale!
I will read up these sources and get back to everyone with more thoughts, but more or less I'm onboard with the gang and the flow of things as we've been hashing out.
I have an idea for an intelligence character, well less formal than that, but someone who has assets and works in espionage and all that... but we'll see.
here a rough idea of something I was thinking for starters, before getting in to why Empire is there specifically. Of course I can take this presentation and switch it to wherever if the preference was a known existing and/or more prominent world?
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Greg, spoilers tags don't work? =( is that fixable?
hey hey heeeeey, what an Admin! ;p
Looks really cool! This will probably be a good model to develop in the future, by that I mean: mini-GMs running short-term 2~4 person SLs, just somebody to set the stage, provide overall direction, and then everybody plays in the sandbox.
I'm down!
Yes that's a pretty good idea - let anyone who comes up with a stage to set set it, and invite any takers. Also room around these set pieces for people do do their own thing, or coordinate smaller scale directly with others.
The spoiler works, now it looks like this.
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"sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contentts" is what appears in the permanently displayed spoiler band. . . in other words it seems broken
seems maybe theres some permissions involved?
Please let me know if it is working for you now :)
Been brainstorming a character today but so far nothing really taking shape... hmmmmm
Spoilers work now!
Still torn on character direction myself as well!! :o
Also if the scheme is gonna be episodic of sorts I can probably easily produce some sort of similar little in char technical prologue for each as we need if desired.
The implied story with the little image/message thing I made is what prompts Imperial barrage/landing escalation beyond the previous Blockade. Idea was the blockade was at local governments request to stop flow of weapons to local opposition forces. The planet I used looked Mountainous and Jungle with various water systems. Presuming the opposition sticks to difficult to reach jungle and mountainous areas mostly, government controls urban centers, outlying suburbs often contested.
maybe someone who's a jedi or any kind of Old Republic loyalist is mixed in on the planet with the opposition forces. the local gov is authoritarian and has vested interests in Imperial favor. At any rate, whoever and however it was causesd- the crippling damage to one of the four Star Destroyers partaking in the blockade is blamed on the opposition. The Empire begins landing ground forces to root out the now personal menace.
premise? just what I had in mind when I made that image. Whole concept can be transplanted wherever.
What I think I'm going to end up doing is have a main character or two involved in the common plot / locale but then do some planet-hopping, galaxy-spanning backstory adventures on the side. The trick will be keeping the side adventures short and sweet, as in five posts maximum, rather than something longer that I lose interest in because the end is nowhere in sight.
We can take our time with any sort of cooperative story, since when more than two people get involved in the telling, it tends to take dozens of posts to advance a day or even just an event.
Also, has a specific year been chosen yet? While I'm trying to avoid getting bogged down in details, I would like to be accurate with the date and what has or hasn't happened.
I would like to be sure about the date as well. Between 19-15 BBY or so looks good. A few years after events in Revenge of the Sith?
My vote would be 16 or 15 BBY, since armed resistance to the Empire was still young but was likely gaining a little steam. And the history is wide-open, so we don't have to tip-toe around too much.
Though actually, I will only be writing memoirs from Luke's toddler years, so that's my motive really.
If you read earlier posts in this thread, 12 BBY seemed to be the most optimal year.
Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY, and so the first few years after that would simply be CIS Remnants rather than any flavor of Rebel Alliance.
"The Rebellion" as we know it became official in 3 BBY, and so we would probably legitimately see real "Rebel Alliance"-esque cells sometime before that. The game Force Unleashed deals with this time period the best. Jedi General Rahm Kota was launching raids against the Empire presumably as far back as 5 or 6 BBY in order to force a confrontation with Darth Vader.
If we simply did a median year, from 19 BBY to 0 BBY, it would be 9.5 BBY -- basically in an Episode III.5 sort of timeframe. This was why 9 BBY was my original proposal.
However, canon events closer to 12 BBY would seem more realistic considering this is when the Empire began integrating non-clones into the ranks in order to keep up with the manpower demands of expanding and maintaining Imperial dominance. So, tons more subjugation, oppression, and propaganda would've hit full-steam around this time I imagine.
My proposal is to go with 12 BBY, this seems to be a more "seed-planting" era for the proto-Rebellion to begin. 9 BBY might seem like a good compromise since it is the median year in the Rise of the Empire period, but it really depends on how "Rebel" we want the sim to be.
Sometimes not having an end in sight but others influencing the direction of your storyline is just the thing to keep your interest. Let it ride a little. See where it takes you. Five years ago I never would have imagined the depths we've reached. And when one chapter ends, another begins. I've seen you all throw down some serious and solid characters with powerful stories to tell only to taper off and leave us all hanging. This sounds like something that, done collectively, has potential to be riveting without consuming too much personal time. Co op for larger missions but plenty of room for character growth and exploits when someone is busy.
Hale, I saw your post about 12 BBY, but I didn't see consensus. However, that's fine with me. I'm just worried about referencing technology and events correctly. I think any point in time is going to yield some mighty fine opportunities for storytelling.
I already have my first little adventure in mind and will get started.
Check out the resources I posted on the main game thread. Plenty of wookiepedia articles to pour over and get a feel for the era's technology. ISDs and VSDs are the new kids on the block. The only thing "new" by the time Episode IV rolls around are TIE-variety Fighters.
And T65s of course =)
Early Y-Wing versions have been out and about since Clone Wars and the modern Y-Wing was pretty old by ANH anyways.
VSDs are wide ranging by end of Clone Wars, ISDs are out there before 19BBY and becoming more and more common and mainstay as time goes on.
Also if you're in midst of watching Clone Wars series Eras, all the ships in that I'd imagine would be ripe for 12BBY era as well. In all honesty though- the Lego store website is possibly best place to see an extensive line up of the ships and their model types from Attack of Clones thru Clone Wars era ;p
Thanks for the tip!
I watched Episode III last night (god they really did a shit job with those movies). I have in mind a few characters and the beginnings of a first episode to establish some of my characters. Haven't been this excited to write in awhile!
12 BBY is just fine with me too, perfect timing actually for what I want to do ... :D
And T65s of course =)
Early Y-Wing versions have been out and about since Clone Wars and the modern Y-Wing was pretty old by ANH anyways.
VSDs are wide ranging by end of Clone Wars, ISDs are out there before 19BBY and becoming more and more common and mainstay as time goes on.
Also if you're in midst of watching Clone Wars series Eras, all the ships in that I'd imagine would be ripe for 12BBY era as well. In all honesty though- the Lego store website is possibly best place to see an extensive line up of the ships and their model types from Attack of Clones thru Clone Wars era ;p
Yeah, here's LEGO with some Clone Wars tech... "Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter". Total E-Wing ripoff. Looks like they're pillaging Expanded Uni tech and putting it on the shelves before Disney replaces it.
Man I wasted a lot of time looking for pictures of my chars… I think it might be better to just leave them without photographs, maybe. :P
Deviant Art, my friend. Imagine who would play your character in the show or movie then search there. Chances are you will find an amazing representation that isn't just a stock photograph.
Deviant Art has good stuff. I just Google search "Female Smuggler" or something equally generic and I usually get a bunch of hits. Some sleuthing is required. The secondary "cop out" option is to use my method and just get a close-up of a famous actor or actress just to simply put a face to the character. You can always elaborate on the garments in the bio write-up. Leave things to the imagination.... fancy that.
Well if any one gets their kicks doing the bio pics, I'm looking for an older Sean Penn type for my Manwell Grey character, and a spooky somber looking girl 8-10 yo for Anja… pleeaasseeee...
I get kicks. Sent you a PM.
You are the shiznit!
Thanks for the pics, which y'all can now see in my bios in the other thread.
Also, I merged the thread in the app board into the game discussion thread.
I get kicks. Sent you a PM.
Good god, I saw the post count go up for this board and was about to lose my mind wondering how people were able to do that much in the last 24 hours. Then saw the thread relocation.
I've outlined my first little backstory adventure, should be able to produce it using three posts if I can modify my writing style properly. Maaaybe first post up tomorrow, though I do have quite a bit of real work to accomplish tomorrow and no time after hours.
I've started the first origin story, which I hope to fit into one really f'ing long post. First time I've written prose in ... more than 12 months.
This has done the trick! 8-)
I wish I could write faster... though from experience in the past, the beginning bits are always slowest and things go faster once I'm into the story world.
Curious how some of you approach your writing? Prepartion? Planning? Do you draft fast then go back and rework it, or work slow?
I'll be happy with 300-400 words a day at the moment.. well not happy, but that's about what I expect from myself. But its 'good writing' not throw-away stuff.
You have your characters...now think about how you'd like them to evolve or what you want them to accomplish. This may be the distant future or even an endpoint. But it's something to aim for. Start the journey there. It's a slow-build as characters, like people, develop and change with the circumstances they are faced with. The beauty of storylining with others, as you will be doing now, is that you can play off the situations they throw into the mix. These situations may alter your character, bringing them closer to where you see them eventually. Med and I PM periodically to touch base on things we are thinking or what we see happening. A lot of what we envisioned for these characters take place years from where we are now. It's all about getting there. The smaller events that shape who the characters become.
The first few posts should just be establishing shots, setting things up, letting the audience get a feel for who they will be experiencing. Move outward from there. It's fun! And therapeutic in a way.
In the past, writing on here I haven't had too much of a plan, only a vague end point and the first steps of getting there, and that has probably worked against me. But right now, because I'm trying for shorter, contained narratives, I'm making an extremely rough outline of every post from start to finish. As in:
Post 1: Basic plot point
- Scene 1 (3-5 word description)
- Scene 2 (again)
- Scene 3 (again)
Post 2: etc.
When I'm writing for real I don't outline, or try not to. I usually just start by writing the characters, or letting the characters write themselves, for several pages. I have a general idea of a story or setting, but I'm more concerned about capturing experience. More about characters, less about plots. But that's what I tend to read anyway. As for editing, I try not to touch anything for at least a week. I find when I re-read something too soon, I don't pick up on things that I may have done "wrong" (dumb idioms, useless adverbs, over "telling") -- things that I don't like to read -- because I'm still reading it in the voice that I used to write it. I need to wander from it for a time.
I also write poetry, but I think of that as a terrible habit. I spend pretty much no time on that. Usually one-shot, write something over a couple hours, never tweak. It's a quick fix for having a "finished" work.
My favorite books are Europe Central, Shadow Country, and House of Leaves, though I'm currently working my way through Gravity's Rainbow and, while confusing, Pynchon's style is mesmerizing and brilliant and hilarious once you get into the rhythm.
But I still make room for junk food, like the Stormlight Archives, The Expanse novels, and the X-Wing series, which I never read during my sprint through the EU novels.
I guess my point is, I write what I like to read, and I avoid writing what I don't like to read. And I write in a way that pleases me and makes me feel like I'm communicating effectively to other human beings. I've found that I've changed a lot. Sometimes I barely recognize serious writings of mine from a few years ago. My focus might or might not be different from Sy's, and yet these methods work for us, so it comes down to trial and error.
If you're having any trouble writing, read more, but do it 3/4 for pleasure and 1/4 for research. Pay attention to things that bother you and things that excite you. Make sure part of your mind is being critical while the rest is being entertained.
Those books look right up my alley.
I've really enjoyed most of the books by William Boyd, and both of Justin Cronin's vampire books (of which I am going to borrow quite a bit for the setup of my characters, without shame!!).
I have been using my gym time to let my mind wander with the characters and try to imagine the scenes and what not. I have the idea of how the things will end, but all the stuff inbetween, i only have certain glimpses of certain moments. But more are accumulating. I'm pretty sure I need to think in general terms while working out, and figure out specifics while im sitting down and writing. I think I have to learn to accept that 200-300 words a day is good for beginning something new, and from past experience, once into the narrative it gets its own legs and writing speed really picks up (for better or worse).
I guess being patient and having faith in the process is the thing I'm needing most to learn.
I'm very impatient to see my story - that vauge and complete feeling that identifies it in my mind - on the board and translated into scenes and dialogue! Need to use that desire as a carrot/stick device to keep myself moving.
Then when we're writing in tandem with others, I imagine things will be very different and I look forward to that too.
Agreed. Everyone has a method but characters are the central focus. Since our storyline is more of a holo drama, it's written like one. Central story with supporting characters and subplots that feed into the main arc. Some are multi post episodes while others can be wrapped up in one. I will back off the main characters and their drama for a while and dive into the supporting cast that surrounds them. It's nice to get in their heads now and again. Bret Easton Ellis has been my go to novelist since I was a tween. I can emulate some of that because his characters, my characters and my own real life have similarities. So reading does help. It gets me inspired, eager to create my own drama within the carefully drawn universe medivh and I have created for ourselves. Even with our busy lives, careers, relationships, family, we can carry on with what we've built and I am extremely proud of that.
Do what works for you. Have fun with it. Go wild.
Holy shit I don't check this site for a couple of weeks and look what happens... This is hands down my favorite time period to write in so I will definitely be making myself at home here. ;) Going to wade through the rest of the posts and see what's up!
Join us, Rinny. Idea is to freestyle it with some collaboration smack in the middle of the creation of the Empire and the Battle of Yavin. Best if people mostly play Rebels.
I'm in the middle of my first post now. Might be able to finish it tonight.
I want to play but I don't know what I want to do. Instead I made a timeline of all my non-Flashpoint characters. Woo.
Sorry I've been out, felt good to bang out another post though. I need to catch up on Crime and Punishment.
Also reminds me I need to buy a new copy of that book after I left it in a Brooklyn hotel on a work trip. I was half-way through it too.
I'm working on the next installment of Crime & Punishment right now. Definitely going to see the lines that define society get blurred and contrasted to extremes if you're into that sorta thing.
If anyone wants to contribute a guest post, one-shot, two-part, or otherwise let me know! Nar Shaddaa is pretty open in terms of potential character development.
Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga.. .. .. CHEW CHEW
Slough-ly butt Shirley!
Hey guys just a heads up I'm going to be 'gone' most of July and August. I'll still have the internet, but will be very busy/traveling. We're not moving very fast so I don't think it will be a problem to stay involved just thought I'd let you all know!
No sweat Rin, no hurries. It's tumultuous at work over last few weeks, quite a personnel shake up in the upper echelons so haven't had quite the recreational time I'm used to either. But I'm still hard at work when I can on our group story! Hopefully I can get another chunk up this weekend
I'm back home now and itching to get started again once my mom leaves and the kids are back in school.
What star fighters was the Empire using in this period? I saw on Wookiepedia that TIE Fighters were introduced in 19 BBY, but Hale's note in the resources here says they weren't available yet (9 BBY)?
Also, just checked, it says ISDs were out after 19 BBY as well... which seems impossible as that's the year Anakin went bat shit and killed all the Jedi on Coruscant... so that's wrong obviously.
So what... are there TIEs? VSD? ISD?
All of the tech is still prequel movie/Clone Wars-era. Rise of the Empire is a "technological transition" era.
Venator Star Destroyers were the big boys and were supported by Victory Star Destroyers that were available at this time, but in the continuity they didn't last long because ISDs quickly became the ship-of-the-line not long after VSDs went into full production. VSDs in essence were victims of their own success, which is to say a total battlespace superiority warship is better to manufacture than dedicated platforms (the Venator being a Carrier). Once the Empire saw that VSDs kicked ass, they went bigger.
Most of the tech that is seen in the original trilogy didn't really show up until a few years before.
Thanks, Hale ;D
Anyone want small scale sim management or are we all freestyle writing now?
Glad to have you back, Pizi. I believe the boys and Rinny were working on storylines that would eventually converge, something I believe you could easily jump into.
Not thrilled with the idea of SL only but I guess it will have to do. Any room for an Imperial?
I think there are some battle mechanics involved. Hop has an Imperial character but there is always room for more Imperials. That's just my personal opinion. Catch up in their threads, adjust to the timeline and dive in. ;)
I'm working on something Gall. I'll send you a PM soon.
Great! I can't wait! Checking here every day now.
There are people alive! It's a Christmas miracle!
After much private deliberation about future game development, Eidolon and I have decide to REBOOT Rise of the Empire and REBUILD it from the ground up. Rise of the Empire represents a storyline and cinematic time period ripe for exploitation and exploration of traditional and non-traditional characters. Considering Disney is treading into new territory in terms of redefining future canon, the Rise of the Empire era is wide open in terms of what we want to do with it. In other words... carte blanche for storylines....
Expect this new game to be more like an RPG than anything else. We're walking away from macro battles and macro faction building of previous GCW installments and instead focusing on micro battles and micro faction building. Sounds intriguing? Good. We think so as well.
If you had already made a character or had plans to drop an SL or two in the Rise of the Empire setting - you already have a head start! We'd really like this to be a whole forum activity and include as many people as possible, so your potential involvement could strictly be storylines only if you didn't want to bust out the calculator and manage units.
If this sounds interesting, please leave some feedback or ask some questions!
Interested. ;D
Suck it Disney (and by extension Marvel)! This one is for Dark Horse and Billy Dee Williams. *feels like a perfect moment for In The Air Tonite, but when doesn't???*
Getting (re)married this weekend, so I haven't been able to devote much time to this project in the last week or two, or the next couple of weeks. But really, the core game mechanic that I think we need to figure out is how to calculate Command Points. Do we tie it to player level? Give everybody a flat rate? Upgrade it only after completing quests?
Getting (re)married this weekend, so I haven't been able to devote much time to this project in the last week or two, or the next couple of weeks. But really, the core game mechanic that I think we need to figure out is how to calculate Command Points. Do we tie it to player level? Give everybody a flat rate? Upgrade it only after completing quests?
Like an RPG? People start with a certain number of points to allocate and then do shit that lets them earn more points? Or the potential to gain more points?
Everyone will get a flat amount upfront to be able to command an AUX plus crew, but where we go from there and how to calculate it is the issue.
I understand, my vision is what I posted. Everyone starts with X. Completing certain tasks lets them earn more points.
I would think upgrades upon quest completion. Considering that a degree of the story development would likely encompass the acquisition/gaining of loyalty/production of the resources you are adding to your Forces, you'd have to have access to the new points they'd cost upon acquiring it in story so to speak. I think we need to custom a Quest Line for every player that has a very vague basic lay out of their objectives to progress on their intended story route- or at least be able to some how have a generic construct that is easily tied/plugged in to with a players self-determined 'Milestones' I guess. This would almost be part of the Character Creation process I think maybe when you are crafting your start ship/crew/posse/small band/army. So we'd all have this own Story Tree/Quest Log sort of our own to fill in on a progress chart, which is where some Quests come from. Other Quests are more Locale specific, that is like Fruit on a Tree that is always there to pluck for anyone with the ability/reqs to do so.
The base start level for everyone of course as well, and I think based on any possibly influx of members after initial start, we can grant limited handicap bonuses if they desire to make them somewhat comparable and competitive with people who've been playing a bit already.
I don't know about any over all Level to characters themselves. It might be easiest to keep it at a base measure of a players max CP. So there's no level 1, 2, 3. It's just we all start with the 50CP (or whatev it was..) and we go up. After three months, someone may be at 105, someone at 90, someone at 120. A new comer we could grant 10 CP per late month, so they'd start at 80. Just some base scale measure we come up with that would put them at least keeping pace. I think we need to limit the most a person can gain in an amount of time, but of course that is easily done with the Quests/Milestones themselves. If it were to generally take 2weeks to complete a mid/high Quest and a mid/high end quest is about 10CP, then max you could get about 20 per month.
I don't know about setbacks, I think we should not ever lose max CP, just the resources that fill it that we would have to make up/replenish.
It's finally come full circle boys and girls. FFG has put us out of business. :P
Looks well set up for expansions to make the galaxy bigger as they left it open in terms of what we see in those promo pics. Curiously, this may be the first "canon galaxy map" we see that I'm aware of now since Disney takeover..
Looks interesting. I've played tons of Armada and X-wing now, and dabbled with Imperial Assault. All incredible games. Can't imagine this will slack in the least bit. Won't be investing in this one myself right away though, at least until I re-assert dominion over my basement from the kid. I can imagine a galaxy conquest game with all those upgrade game changer cards taking 6+ hrs to play if not the better part of a weekend.
Maybe we should start using Vassal and do X-Wing/Armada/Rebellion games against each other! :D
How can we get more people on the forums and an old school sim up and running?
Hmmmm. For it to work we would have to find people and let them know it's going on, and when.
Maybe do something on may 4th. Even just if it's a day of simming.
Is always here.
Long form battles with many players would be hard to orchestrate now... Have to have an agreed upon system, there is a large time investment, and many people just prefer storyline.
I propose the following:
- Set up a single day, may 4th for example, as the Day of Simming.
- Everyone informs any past players they may know. Drop an email and get the word to spread.
- Find an existing generic tabletop ruleset with an easy determining factor and modify as necessary for message board use (see below)
- everyone pregenerates characters and sets back story beforehand to their liking (or not, if they would just rather show up that one day)
At the worst, it would improve communication and give a chance to reconnect with old friends. At best, the game system works and it jump-starts the older style of Simming after some further modifications.
If attempted, my submission for a ruleset would be a very stripped down and altered version of octane (an indie RPG for collaborative storytelling with very little in way of stats). When you post you roll three dice and count the highest. If a conflict, a relative difficulty level is determined (0, 1, or 2) and removes the corresponding number of dice in order of highest rolled. The highest remaining die determines outcome.
5 or 6 - success. poster tells outcome
4 - partial success. poster determines outcome but target throws in a detail
3 - partial failure. target determines outcome, but poster throws in a detail
1 or 2 - failure. Target determines outcome.
Could modify further to only allow character kills/deaths on a 6 or 1(and a defense roll, perhaps). Maybe post limits (1 per person per hour) or whatnot. Just need a way to roll, really.
In any case, just an idea. If that gets in anyone's way with other plans, disregard - just seems like a possible way to get a quick sim going.
Rolled 3d6 : 6, 3, 2, total 11
( This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 3d6 : 1, 3, 2, total 6
die rolls have to be separate from any other content is only matter, because as soon as a post is edited, such as story or status and such for corrections- then it invalidates die roll with this
They would have to be put in separate posts for that reason. actually works better in terms of flow anyway
Only problem is it would make the flow a little weird. Die roll post, SL post. Die roll post, SL post.
Or in a separate thread. I may have some interested parties to test it out with and we can tweak the rules as issues arise until we have a working system.
I have a decent amount of experience using the FFG RPG and also Star Wars Rebellion which just came out.
Maybe we can use a dice roller like that and it determines successes, criticals, etc.
I love the FFG system but you couldn't really roll those dice on this forum. Also I think if you're going to do rolling for outcomes, a 2d6+modifier will yield better odds than just one d6. Pbta style 2-6 is a failure, 7-9 is a success with a complication or partial success, 10+ is a success.
I just am a bit concerned with having a complex or strict turn based ruleset - it doesn't play well with message board games. You wind up having to wait on each person or have lots of missed actions where nothing happens, and then a battle takes like a week or more. Plus, plenty of us are old working stiffs now with kids and little time.
Might work well for short single session games once a week or something, though. I agree with simplifying dice rolls where possible since it does muck up the flow on threads.
I'm working on a very simple narrative based ruleset, and will post it when I have any sort of working version. Need the people active here to play anything at all though, of course!
The issues are two pronged.
1.) We need a good system
2.) We need people to use it.
I am not good at creating systems but I am semi decent at driving traffic to a site.
I will see what I can do.
Don't worry about systems. There is a private developer's thread on these boards that I dump stuff into that Eidolon and Hoppus tweak. We got systems for days. Everything under the sun has been thought of. The intent has always been to recreate the nostalgia of mass fleet on fleet combat but recognizing the fact that 20-40 person factions are unrealistic... really it's 2-4 person factions these days is the best we can hope for. The numbers are never really the problem. We've had good runs with about 5 people on average for GCW. We can work with that.
The gaming landscape was much different 3-4 years ago for us though. Tabletops hadn't hit the market just yet. So there was still a niche itch to scratch with traditional simming on this forum. Admittedly, Fantasy Flight Games has killed it in terms of quality, and are on the same level of the kind of stuff we do here. I think the reality is that many of us are in our 30s now. We have jobs, lives, houses, kids, projects, friends, family, grad school, and maybe after all that.... the occasional afternoon a few times a month to absolutely waste playing FFG Star Wars tabletops with our homies.
"Well it's not about the gaming, it's about the writing and character development." Okay great! I think that's what is keeping this forum alive to be honest. Storylining is the one contingent that won't go away. We even set up a group SL sandbox just for that in the "Rise of the Empire" thread.
"Well we need to adjust our expectations." I think we have. We're developing a gaming system that will be more streamlined going forward. Low commitment threshold, algorithmic combat calculations for rapid posting, and long intervals between events to allow players to check in once a week or just a few times a month. This gaming system will also be terminally focused. In GCW, one of the best aspects of those games was that they had a definitive beginning and ending point. We're going to keep doing that, but this time the "story" of the game will be truncated to short time spans. For instance, GCWI lasted 9 months, GCWII lasted 12 months... these were drawn out games. The idea going forward is that - like a tabletop game - there is an objective ending that gamers can bring about.
"All we need is a core group that can stay consistently active to keep a game going." I believe in that 100%. Unfortunately, in the past 2 years on this forum, that core group has burnt out. Including myself at times.
"So what are we waiting for?" People to show up - old or new! We need fresh blood. Otherwise we're just a nostalgia club. We hope Episode VII will continue to drawn in more strays, but it has yet to spark the gaming dynamite yet.
I agree with Hales points, but also would add that there is at least some simmering of interest here amongst us to begin with.
I think the best jumping off point for any stab at a galactic scale sim with what we know is following. . .
1) Start out with a Galaxy, full routes for traveling- allowing for "trade routes" "blockades" etc in economic terms of game play and other venues of attacking opponents. You make this a good full galaxy with important worlds and few additional back up worlds. Maybe try to limit to 100 or less, or at least near there maybe. To allow for story dynamic to fulfill game purpose of taking and holding territory, I think After Endor suits best, then you have Rebellion in position of strength and possibly early shaping into NR, and Empire can be fractured to allow for the next dynamic..
2) "Players" start out with a base Fleet/Armada, and control/governance of 1 System. Admirals, Moffs, Imperial Governors, Local Governors risen up in Palpatines death loyal to Rebellion/NR, worlds actually a part of NR or indep worlds part of Rebellion now openly in defiance of crumbling Empire.. etc. Various angles for us each to choose. Every other NPC system then has a leaning loyalty, Rebel/Imperial/Indep whatever based on their canon situations at the time generally. They'd also have their own elements of defense, perhaps their Fleets are comparable to what a Player starts with at first, while a Player has more growth potential and an NPC just hovers at whatever it starts at, with certain NPCs of course having more. For instance- we could establish Coruscant as an NPC Galactic Empire entity that Players cannot choose at the onset, it is a goal for a Player/Players in concert together to take it, or perhaps an Imperial Player to gain the favor/loyalty of and rebuild the True Galactic Empire? But essentially a Player can work alone, in name of Republic/Empire/Self, or work together with others as well to build a greater force, or stab each other in back ;p A balance of wide open sim and a living rpg world of sorts.
3) Combat should be as simple as possible with diminutive value sets and if at all feasible/trusting the incorporation of die rolling for variation. The concept of combined fleet values is worth consideration for even more simplicity, but it of course sacrifices some tactical dimension. You can compensate by inclusion of ideas like Fleet Formations which would affect damage dispersal/defense/offense and Focus elements such as what is primary objective that they are trying a little harder at and maybe thus gain a benefit from and conversely in other area a detriment to?- which would be options able to switch from turn to turn/round to round. Ideally, combat would only last 2-3 exchanges until an outcome is decided to keep things moving and exciting?
3) Combat should be as simple as possible with diminutive value sets and if at all feasible/trusting the incorporation of die rolling for variation. The concept of combined fleet values is worth consideration for even more simplicity, but it of course sacrifices some tactical dimension. You can compensate by inclusion of ideas like Fleet Formations which would affect damage dispersal/defense/offense and Focus elements such as what is primary objective that they are trying a little harder at and maybe thus gain a benefit from and conversely in other area a detriment to?- which would be options able to switch from turn to turn/round to round. Ideally, combat would only last 2-3 exchanges until an outcome is decided to keep things moving and exciting?
Have you played at all with Star Wars Rebellion that just came out from FFG?
Their combat and health system is kind of interesting and based on colored dice and each vessel has a colored dice damage thing. Hard to describe in words but it is really very simple.
I swear FFG must have an AOL SWSF gamer on their staff!
I just want to tell stories. :)
I am less about the stories and more about the fleet building/combat etc.
Also yeah, someone at FFG must have been from AOL SWSF days. For sure!
I swear FFG must have an AOL SWSF gamer on their staff!
We should find and kill that son of a bitch.
XW Minis was lead designed by Jay Little. One of few people who made first iteration of AE (first AR/DR fighter system, and supply unit dynamic) on AOL SWSF was named Jay I think (Jay, Rejja? and Wedge). Probably a stretch, but still. Let's kill the son of a bitch just in case. ;)
I will thank him first of course.
Hmmmmm. Curious and curiouser
Contact them and find out!
No time!
In all seriousness. I would love to play fleet maker/defense builder/battle man.
If we ever come up with a system that allows for someone to handle just that piece without story. <waves hand>
Hey guys! Got a new poll up and running. Please give it a vote!
Okay.... twist my arm to vote in a poll! ;)
Looks like the wind is blowing towards simplicity. With that in mind, the Dev Team is going to shift our focus towards creating a game that can be fully manageable with no more than 60 minutes of commitment each week (any extra time a player wants to put into it can be for storylining). Looking forward to sharing a preview soon!
I love planning out fleets and battles and such but it also can't be something I spend hours a day on either, you know what I mean?
Also would love to help out in the creation process if you need an extra pair of eyes.
I also have a pretty decent handle on spreadsheets so if that may help players automate their games! :D
Oh, we're definitely heading towards a spreadsheet-managed game! You'll love it. Still in some concepts phase. Once we get some number crunching down, we'll share a demo battle and open the floor for comment.
I may be the only one but I would love to see what you guys have cooking.
I learned one thing working at a startup. It is easy to design in a vacuum however when you get out in the world with your product people may not like it as much as you hope. The more eyes the better sometimes! :D
Hence the poll! In the mean time, I will take a page from the Donald Trump play book and simply say "we have a great plan, you're gonna love it".
Oh dear. Hopefully it is actually a better plan that whatever Donald is doing! :D
If we're all Imperials in an After Jakku timeline... that would be hilarious and awesome.
I will admit I really don't want to go NR however if no one else does it I might have to.
The thesis with the new game is that the player characters are in fact these larger-than-life living-legends from the GCW, and so we could very well roll our past gaming exploits as "internal canon" with respect to the "new canon" timeline. And so technically, we could run with the same characters that existed in our GCW games. After all, GCWII was set immediately After Endor, and with this game being After Jakku, the characters would only be a few years older.
Given the new canon, if my character remained Imperial, he would likely be of the "drive a hard bargain to secure the peace" because "some Empire is better than no Empire", an Imperial idealist yet political realist. Also probably present at the Galactic Concordance signing, if not an outright signatory.
Very interesting.
Just for curiosity sake. If the game is going to be very simplified how macro level are we talking in regards to fights and the such? PDF forces and building and all?
We're going to be adopting a "Free Market" philosophy, by giving players a sum total maximum of what they can command. I don't want to give too much away, but it's basically going to look like this:
1 Super CAP or Flagship-of-any-Size
2 Large CAPs
4 Heavy CAPs
8 Medium CAPs
16 Light CAPs
32 Small CAPs
64 Heavy AUX
128 Light AUX
256 Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
512 Light SF (43 Squadrons)
1024 Heavy GAVs
2048 Light GAVs
4096 Infantry Squads
8192 Support Teams
The idea is that with all of these units upfront, the player has to decide strategically how they will be used. Either for offense or defense. There will be no "facility and PDF building" type gameplay where players can just sit back and collect cash. If you want something done, you have to go DIY.
The player will start out with basic entry-level units, and will be required to devote considerable effort into R&D or other projects if they want to grow or utilize more advanced units like TIE Interceptors over TIE Fighters. The "Support Teams" are basically the commodity utilized in that regard (as human resources). Things will cost money of course, but we wanted to drive home the concept that the player characters are these Legends with a cult of personality surrounding them, and so the game will intrinsically be more character-driven rather than a 4X model where "biggest fleet wins", as we've had in GCW. To that extent, the Support Teams will be utilized in different capacities depending on what kind of class the character is (Military, Government, Business, or Force-User)... as not all conquest is strictly militaristic in nature.
So there we have it. That's the full "teaser trailer" for the game, if you will. Currently wrapping up specs and such and doing some play-testing just to ensure balance, but in the mean time, get hyped!
I am quite interested now. QUITE!
Let me know if you need some help play testing the rules.
Now this just has me thinking harder about what type of system this will be.
Do you envision the large starting force to be it in terms of produced units or do you think more units can be produced? Or is it more they will be upgraded from their base selves?
I will admit I really don't want to go NR however if no one else does it I might have to.
I'd consider doing Mon Calamari if neither of you two really want to and we end up needing it, though a Sithish guy/Prob Knights Ren precursor-type who has some very limited distant contact with an inferred Snoke/i.e.Plagueis damnit! is my first choice. Basically my entire character purpose in this case is to disrupt the delicate peace the Galactic Concordance brought between NR and IR elements by sowing chaos. :D *eyeballs the signatory* COUGHTRAITORCOUGH ahem. scuse please.
I think the game will flourish best if we get at least 2 players for each primary loyalty, allowing distinction then between elements such as First Order, Imperial Remnants, The True Empire, New Republic, Resistance etc. A player could even fall away I suppose and take a story path leading to more ambiguity, or possibly even go entirely as an Independent world/Legend to begin with..
I've already got my mind turning the wheels as to what path I want to take and what ships I want.
Mmmmm give me specs and rules! :D
I may be interested in a Resistance-like faction? Which means I need to get Bloodlines but ugh hard cover prices.
Bloodline is actually set 6 years before TFA and this game sounds like it set 2 years post ROTJ.
No need to grab it just for the game.
I will say it was a pimp book though! :D KINDLE! :D
Exactly. The one book you would need to grab if you really want to indulge in the timeline is Star Wars: Aftermath.... in fact, that's exactly what we're calling the game - "SWA."
Then again, of all the new books, Aftermath is not getting good reviews. So feel free to skip it and take a gander at Wookiepedia instead. =)
My recommendation—Skip it.
Yeah the premise we're using for the next game is more along the lines of the EU stuff. The Battle of Jakku was the Gettysburg of the GCW more or less, so after the Galactic Concordance gets signed, you have all these Moffs and Admirals squabbling for power... or the "live and let live" crowd.
I am dying to start planning out my forces.
Have at it!
Executor-class Super Star Destroyer
Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Venator II-class Star Destroyer
Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Victory I-class Star Destroyer
Interdictor Heavy Cruiser
Imperial Escort Carrier
Strike-class Medium Cruiser
Carrack-class Escort Frigate
Lancer-class Light Frigate
Gozanti-class Light Cruiser
TIE Fighter
TIE Bomber
TIE Interceptor
TIE Advanced x1
TIE Avenger
TIE Droid
TIE Phantom
Lambda Shuttle
Sentinel Shuttle
Delta Transport
Gamma Transport
Skipray Blastboat
Imperial Landing Barge
Imperial Army Trooper
Imperial Recon Commando Trooper
Imperial Remnant Stormtrooper
Imperial First Order Stormtrooper
Imperial Phase III Clonetrooper
Imperial Darktrooper
Viper Droid
Speeder Bike
Chariot CAV-OT
Bulwark-class Battlecruiser
MC90-class Star Cruiser
MC80-class Star Cruiser
Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser
Republic Assault Frigate Mark-II
Republic Assault Frigate Mark-I
Nebulon B-class Escort Frigate
QuasarFire-class Escort Frigate
Corellian Corvette
Corellian Gunship
GR-75 Medium Transport
Lambda Shuttle
HWK-290 Light Freighter
Republic Assault Transport
Combat Utility Transport
Republic Landing Barge
Republic Peacekeeper
Republic Vanguard
Republic Commando
Republic Ranger
R2 Droid
Speeder Bike
Cariot CAV-FR
T-47 Airspeeder
Lucrehulk-class Battleship
Recuscant-class Light Destroyer
Venator I-class Star Destroyer
Providence-class Battlecruiser
Acclamator-class Assault Ship
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser
NeutronStar-class Bulk Cruiser
Hammerhead-class Escort Frigate
Marauder-class Corvette
Pelta-class Support Frigate
Action VI-class Gunship
Corellian Corvette
C70-class "Charger" Consular Cruiser
Z-95 Headhunter Mark III
CloakShape Fighter
R-41 Starchaser
Nubian N-1 Starfighter
Droid Escort Fighter
Droid Assault Bomber
Lambda Shuttle
Droid Escort Shuttle
Multipurpose Utility Transport
YT-1300 Light Freighter
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship
Droid Gunship
Droid Landing Barge
Bulk Landing Barge
Paramilitary Trooper
Phase II Clonetrooper
Si'Klaata Mercenaries
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Wookie Warriors
Battle Droid
Super Battle Droid
Speeder Bike
Battle Skiff
Droid Assault Tank
T-16 Airspeeder
Have at it!
Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Super CAP or Flagship-of-any-Size
Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Super CAP or Flagship-of-any-Size
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Large CAPs
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Large CAPs
Venator II-class Star Destroyer Heavy CAPs
Victory II-class Star Destroyer Heavy CAPs
Victory I-class Star Destroyer Heavy CAPs
Interdictor Heavy Cruiser Medium CAPs
Imperial Escort Carrier Medium CAPs
Strike-class Medium Cruiser Medium CAPs
Carrack-class Escort FrigateLight CAPs
Lancer-class Light FrigateLight CAPs
Gozanti-class Light CruiserLight CAPs
TIE Fighter Light SF (43 Squadrons)
TIE Bomber Light SF (43 Squadrons)
TIE Interceptor Light SF (43 Squadrons)
TIE Advanced x1 Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
TIE Avenger Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
TIE Droid Light SF (43 Squadrons)
TIE Phantom Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
Lambda Shuttle
Sentinel Shuttle
Delta Transport
Gamma Transport
Skipray Blastboat
Imperial Landing Barge
Imperial Army Trooper
Imperial Recon Commando Trooper
Imperial Remnant Stormtrooper
Imperial First Order Stormtrooper
Imperial Phase III Clonetrooper
Imperial Darktrooper
Viper Droid
Speeder BikeLight GAVs
Chariot CAV-OTLight GAVs
Bulwark-class Battlecruiser Super CAP or Flagship-of-any-Size
MC90-class Star Cruiser Large CAPs
MC80-class Star Cruiser Large CAPs
Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser Heavy CAPs
Republic Assault Frigate Mark-II Heavy CAPs
Republic Assault Frigate Mark-I Heavy CAPs
Nebulon B-class Escort Frigate Medium CAPs
QuasarFire-class Escort Frigate Medium CAPs
Corellian CorvetteLight CAPs
Corellian GunshipLight CAPs
GR-75 Medium TransportLight CAPs
A-Wing Light SF (43 Squadrons)
B-Wing Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
E-Wing Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
K-Wing Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
X-Wing Light SF (43 Squadrons)
Y-Wing Light SF (43 Squadrons)
Lambda Shuttle
HWK-290 Light Freighter
Republic Assault Transport
Combat Utility Transport
Republic Landing Barge
Republic Peacekeeper
Republic Vanguard
Republic Commando
Republic Ranger
R2 Droid
Speeder BikeLight GAVs
Cariot CAV-FRLight GAVs
T-47 AirspeederHeavy GAVs
V-WingHeavy GAVs
Lucrehulk-class Battleship Super CAP or Flagship-of-any-Size
Recuscant-class Light Destroyer Large CAPs
Venator I-class Star Destroyer Large CAPs
Providence-class Battlecruiser Large CAPs
Acclamator-class Assault Ship Heavy CAPs
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser Heavy CAPs
Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser Medium CAPs
NeutronStar-class Bulk Cruiser Medium CAPs
Hammerhead-class Escort Frigate Medium CAPs
Marauder-class CorvetteLight CAPs
Pelta-class Support FrigateLight CAPs
Action VI-class GunshipLight CAPs
Corellian CorvetteLight CAPs
C70-class "Charger" Consular CruiserLight CAPs
Z-95 Headhunter Mark III Light SF (43 Squadrons)
CloakShape Fighter Light SF (43 Squadrons)
T-Wing Light SF (43 Squadrons)
StarViper Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
R-41 Starchaser Light SF (43 Squadrons)
Nubian N-1 Starfighter Light SF (43 Squadrons)
Droid Escort Fighter Light SF (43 Squadrons)
Droid Assault Bomber Heavy SF (22 Squadrons)
Lambda Shuttle
Droid Escort Shuttle
Multipurpose Utility Transport
YT-1300 Light Freighter
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship
Droid Gunship
Droid Landing Barge
Bulk Landing Barge
Paramilitary Trooper
Phase II Clonetrooper
Si'Klaata Mercenaries
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Wookie Warriors
Battle Droid
Super Battle Droid
Speeder BikeLight GAVs
Battle SkiffLight GAVs
Droid Assault TankHeavy GAVs
HovertankHeavy GAVs
JuggernautHeavy GAVs
T-16 AirspeederLight GAVs
I am going to take a stab at what line each ship falls into. Let me know if I am right or wrong.
I also am not even going to try the AUX. No bloody idea lol
Lambda Shuttle - Light
HWK-290 Light Freighter - Light
Republic Assault Transport - Heavy
Combat Utility Transport - Heavy
Republic Landing Barge - Heavy
Lambda Shuttle - Light
Sentinel Shuttle - Heavy
Delta Transport - Light
Gamma Transport - Heavy
Skipray Blastboat - Light
Imperial Landing Barge - Heavy
Common Aux not drafted yet that I've seen.
Pretty close to spot on for most all the others as far as I can see/remember off hand.
I wouldn't worry about all that just yet. Most of the tech is going to be restricted at the start of the game as well, requiring R&D.
More important than specs are the character and backstory!
I still needed to know what was what if I wanted to plan out my fleet ;)
And my first fleet is sketched out! :D
Most of what we have as players will be pretty generic to start based on the unit access.
R&D furthers your access, but we will get one or a small amt of access at startup. This mostly applies to the better/higher fighters, aux, gavs, troops though handful of caps as well, esp prob any supers..
Unless you are spending your start up R&D on fighters as an Imp you mostly stuck w TF TB. If Reb X Y. Troops will feature heavy in need to control worlds, so wont be simple obvious choices for which step up to take first or next.
Also ship loadouts are calculated from a value. AUX/SF is Docking Bay. TROOP/GAV is Cargo Hold. 1 troop squad is 1 CU. A CU is Cargo Unit. Ex: ISD has 1040 CU cargo hold and 160 CU docking bay. A light sf squad is 12. A heavy is 24. A light gav is 1-3, a heavy is 4. A super hvy troop may be 2. Lt Aux is 3, Hvy 4.
So you could commit a ships total docking bay space to whatev you want that fits.
That makes a lot of sense.
I am now committed. I will be Empire I am too interested in being an Imperial to NOT do it lol.
I see a new board! :D
First page of the rulebook posted as a teaser!
-licks chops-
Twas a good tease.
Oh man a Force user group...... hmmmm.... maybe Tift survived and has her own little cult following now ready to murder the rest of the Empire. >:-D
Great point.
Our Rise of the Empire game is definitely set in the same universe, just further in the past... so.... that opens the door to a lot of characters and backgrounds!
Ima be SITHGUY Rin. So.. you know, prepare to be hunted. :D
I am going to be a loyalist of some sort. For sure.
Do we have a slated start time for all this jazz?
I am going to be a loyalist of some sort. For sure.
Do we have a slated start time for all this jazz?
Thatll be sweet we can have a little Imp friction tween us for spice!
Month I hope myself.
A month!?!?
-dies of waiting-
I hear you Gal! I'm anxious as well!
But the mock revealed some flaws in the spec balances that are being looked at and double checking everything else to make sure we have a community game ready to go the distance this time around!
If y'all need another set of eyes ;)
I will try to be involved in this. Probably as a nominally 'New republic' entity of some sort.
Good. An enemy to destroy. MUAHAHAHAHA
-is having SW withdrawal-
Its really bad that I am talking to myself and already have my fleet semi figured out based on the teaser that was posted.
lol the wait will be worth it (i hope)
Gall do you want to make my fleet too? :D
I just want a swanky command ship and some fighters.
Hahah I can make it once we have actual rules ;)
Just curious how the rules tweaking is going.
It became more than a tweak at least a week ago lol. Believe or not it isnt as easy as it used to seem to build a smooth fair balanced uni esp since (sorta)-adult brains spot the glaring loops a mile away.
Hop, Hale and I have all been heavily working over time in dev threads to sort it all out. A working amazing game is coming that everyone and anyone willl love, just making sure its proper and not broke after three battles. We been through 4-5 mocks and few diff systems and weeding the good from bad of it all.
Have tried numerous unit tracking/location/distancing/range models to try and eliminate grid use.
As well.as few methods of using AP (action pts) and Abilities to manage what a given unit can and cant do in a turn. Part.of the development difficulty has been balance of simple and concise w diverse encompassing enough to be tactical beyond dogpiling dmg for the win on either side.
Also exploring how to make Round combat work instead of repeating i move.all you move all i move all you move all method.
The concept of a dice rolling app that users login to and catalogues all of a users rolling for public viewing has been murmured on as well. If successful, we can nearly port Armada (in many ways).
Probably more long term goal though there id imagine. But thatd be incredible.gaming tool In any usage and totally lock up integrity of die rolling for us.
That would be amazing.
Insert excited emoji
-pops in- How is the status on the games?
Only thing I myself been working on last couple weeks is TRATE Proxy War thing. Greg still a little aloof as I believe in quite a resettling/organizational period with his lifestyle arrangements. Sure Hale bangin away on something..
Re: TRATE - Currently been working on a diff star system set up to base it around. It will be the story of one world/system where the local government courts the Empire to anchor it's power and local upsiring/revolutionaries are thought to be/are in league with the fledgling Rebel Alliance (though maybe at start point no full officially declared Alliance yet?).
Conceptually a locally contained conflict zone in which both galactic parties dump support. A lot of the parallel I'm trying to draw out in the set up is similar to the dynamics you see in Syrian Civil War but probably with more visible fighting elements of the larger sponsors. In game, ideally players are independent commanders who have to keep/build their Prestige up in order to gain more willing zealous followers/get more trust/faith from NPC superiors to assign you more assets. It will be small in scale of course however in that we'd be dealing with a single world/single star system and the story background provides for cause that the Empire wouldn't benefit from simply blasting the planet from orbit, to sustain the necessity of this low level intensity ongoing hostile conflict that neither side really seems to overwhelmingly dominate.
Also of course, it's expounding more on ground combat situations than we've ever really seen or used to, but it'll be keeping an element of space/fighter combat as well, just that fleets v fleets and heavy caps will probably not be a thing really. Although I can see a dynamic where the Empire blockades the world with an SD, and part of game dynamic is reb/op forces having to smuggle in their resources as well. Basically just a total focused treatment on what a long drawn out struggle over a world both from within and from outside might be like.
I want to see this amazing program they all were working on! ;)
The amazing program is a long term thing, unfortunately. That won't be near ready for a long time.
I apologize for my recent absence... laptop totally fried. Tried to get a work-around going, but to no avail. It's the little big things in life. Ah well. New laptop. Unfortunately all my game dev files are on my old laptop, so it'll be some time before I get back up to speed. DURP.
Make sure you don't use this new one for PHing! ;p
So, I am learning a ton about Excel and such. Let me help build this simming automation! :D :D Pweeaseeee
I'll post this up here. It's what's been on my mind lately as a best option for spinning up a game that could be fun for us all to participate in.
== New ideas ==
This is not the most tactical pure game. It is not a total reinvention of anything. It's simplified in key areas so that the game is playable. Missing is any idea as regards Empire Building, etc. This is just the combat and game flow.
1. Once a week.
2. Movements between systems > Secret, players choose where units go (no range limits).
3. Reveal > Players reveal their movements.
4. Reinforcements > Players choose whether or not to send reinforcements1.
1. 7-day cycle.
2. Players have one week to resolve combat, after one week, an algorithm determines winner automatically based on current status of all units present.
3. Loser withdraws units to location of their choice.
4. Specifics:
4a. Two-phase posts.
4b. Deploy - Player 1 moves all their units, then Player 2 moves all their units.
4c. Attack - Players post their attacks, then assess their damage.
(?). Order of players to be determined in some way, perhaps based on the total UCR rating of their deployed units each turn or just at the onset of combat. Or just simply alternate who goes first in each round.
1. Arcs
2. Grids (auto-populating map at end of each planetary thread with unit location and headings plotted).
3. Ranges
4. Simple damage chart
5. Simple refactor of UCR
5a. Compare UCRs, get fraction, apply to # of weapons fired, determine hits. 2
5b. 1 cannon = 1 warhead downed. Possibly make warheads a 1:X ratio, target UCR reduced to 1.
6. No CSP or escorting
7. Starfighters/Aux can engage one target only, so effectively they work as a single weapon emplacement.
7a. Thinking of limiting SFs to Laser OR warhead attack each turn, not both.
7a. Quick sketch:
X-Wing = 2 Dmg, 4 PT payload, 5 UCR, 7 HP
TIE Interceptor = 2 Dmg, 6 UCR, 5 HP
12 X/W engage 12 TIE Interceptors;
> 12 * 5/6 UCR COef = 10 out of 12 X/W attack successfully; lasers = 20 Potential Damage
> 3 TIE Interceptors Destroyed, 1 TIE Interceptor @ 3/5 HP
Explanation: 20 Damage is enough to kill 4 TIE Interceptors, but fighters can only engage one target, so it took 3 X-Wings to destroy 1 TIE Interceptor totally. So 9 of the X-Wings destroy 3 TIE Interceptors, and 1 X-Wing damages the final TIE Interceptor with 2 Dmg.
8 X/W engage 12 TIE Interceptors;
> 16 Proton Torpedoes * 5/6 UCR COef = 12 Hit, 12 TIE Interceptors Destroyed
Explanation: You would use the warhead UCR, not the SFs.
Dmg Range Weapon
1 1 Laser (and non-Quad variants)
2 1 Quad laser
5 1 Ion Cannon
10 2 Turbolaser
10 4 Turbolaser Battery
5 2 Concussion Missile
10 4 Proton Torpedo
UCR Unit(s)
1 Large Ship
2 Medium Ship
3 Small Ship, Auxiliary Craft
4 Bomber
5 Fighter / Proton Torpedo
6 Interceptor / Concussion Missile
1. N/E/S/W correlate directly to arcs
2. NE/SE/SW/NW can include two relevant arcs for targeting (i.e. NW = PORT & BOW arcs)
3. The overlay will be color coded to tell you which arcs you can use.
Footnote 1: There will be a set range that a unit can travel, so only units in range of that world can go to aid in its defense.
Footnote 2: One cannon can hit one target, no spreading damage. No need to group SFs in squadrons.
I like it thus far.
I think that grouping squadrons is still possible if we wanted to go MACRO level and create combat information per squadron instead of per fighter.
I think from an empire building perspective once we figure out some simple currency and such that can all be automated via spread sheet. A lot of this can be automated via spreadsheet with a simple "Input data" field essentially. We would just need the combat info and such to be entered into the spread sheet. If someone gets me data I can get a sheet started.
I think Hale had a good system working and close to being possibly ready, no?
I havent spoken with Hale in awhile, not sure what he's working on. The macro thing that was getting hashed out between us months ago sort of went stale and had various issues.
Reminds me of good old days. :) I like it.
Yeah, that's the goal.
I'm not totally convinced that this won't still be just too much of a time burden, though, even with an map plugin to help quickly visualize play.
Reminds me of good old days. :) I like it.
I think the biggest time sink for me was always the math related to combat. Between simplifying the math and making a quick spreadsheet that will simply have spots to plug in numbers I think we can make it work before the visual display is up and running.
What I need is data so I can create the SS.
What visual display?
I think the biggest time sink for me was always the math related to combat. Between simplifying the math and making a quick spreadsheet that will simply have spots to plug in numbers I think we can make it work before the visual display is up and running.
What I need is data so I can create the SS.
Map Plugin.
Ah, gotchya.
I have no other data to give you. These are just little brainstorm notes from a file on my desktop that I add/edit occasionally when feeling nostalgic about AE. :)
The macro math of battle was always rather simple and thus less time consuming for me. You know x amount of weapons do y amount of damage (considering they are within range/direction of arc etc) is simple. Or my ship can move x amount of squares and is pointing towards this square. Easy and not much time involved. It was always once things got into the conditional phases when I notice time started to become heavier. You know the more micro side when you had to determine weapons missing at different rates against certain fighters / bombers / weapons / ships that time start to get lost because I was stuck referencing between several tables while checking and double checking each situation to ensure a fair game while also min/maxing the situation in my favor. But if a machine was to be built to make things smoother and less time consuming focusing it around the micro parts of the game that preserve that sense of star wars "reality" makes the most sense while letting the macro simpler part of the simulation unfold as easy multiplication and basic strategy so a human element still remains in on the main stage which is the focus of the simulated battle. I am not sure if I am illustrating this all perfectly, but I hope it make some sense. ;)
No I gotchya. I think thats a good idea for an approach.
Think, a map that auto-populates the units and their headings on it graphically, and if you click on a unit, you it creates an overlay, listing possible weapons/damages on all in range targets? So like you see a basic overview. The overlay would just assume maximum damage per weapon type to keep it simple. The script would crunch the numbers (determining what unit is in range of which weapons, calculating the UCR to UCR ratio, and final damage/# of cannons that hit a target?
Ambitious, but a good project for me. I am in need of something like this to work on while learning Javascript in more depth.
So just FYI I got dibs on a Trump-modeled character in this new game... :D
-sees movement. Gets excited-
I'm going to start making tables and such and spread sheets as more data gets pumped out. -licks chops-
So just FYI I got dibs on a Trump-modeled character in this new game... :D
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs
Attack: 150 dp
Armor: 2 dp (low because of thin skin)
Special Abilities:
- Impervious to damage inflicted by others or by himself
Loving the rules coming out currently. ;)
Now that the Turkeypocalypse is over, Hop and I should be full court press with the remainder of the game's due outs. Specs specs and specs.
Here is a preview of the Imperial Space Units... nothing fancy... ;-)
Superium Star Destroyer (SSD) [R&D Required]
COST: 3900 KC + 48 SU
CLASS: Super (0)
AP: 48
UCR: 6
ARMOR: 600
20 Turbolasers
20 Ion Cannons
20 Laser Cannons
20 Missile Tubes
5 Tractor Beams
20 TIE SF Squadrons
10 AUX Groups
20 INF Squads
10 GAV Divisions
Imperial II Star Destroyer (ISD-II) [R&D Required]
COST: 1200 KC + 18 SU
CLASS: Large (1)
AP: 18
UCR: 7
ARMOR: 160
9 Turbolasers
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam
6 TIE SF Squadrons
6 AUX Groups
10 INF Squads
5 GAV Divisions
Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD)
COST: 1150 KC + 16 SU
CLASS: Large (1)
AP: 16
UCR: 7
ARMOR: 160
6 Turbolasers
6 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam
6 TIE SF Squadrons
6 AUX Groups
10 INF Squads
5 GAV Divisions
Venator Star Destroyer (VEN) [R&D Required]
COST: 770 KC + 12 SU
CLASS: Large (1)
AP: 12
UCR: 7
ARMOR: 120
2 Turbolasers
2 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam
8 TIE SF Squadrons
4 AUX Groups
Victory II Star Destroyer (VSD-II) [R&D Required]
COST: 660 KC + 9 SU
CLASS: Heavy (2)
AP: 9
UCR: 6
ARMOR: 120
9 Turbolasers
1 Tractor Beam
3 TIE SF Squadrons
2 AUX Groups
Victory Star Destroyer (VSD)
COST: 590 KC + 9 SU
CLASS: Heavy (2)
AP: 9
UCR: 5
ARMOR: 100
5 Turbolasers
8 Missile Tubes
1 Tractor Beam
2 TIE SF Squadrons
2 AUX Groups
2 INF Squads
1 GAV Division
Acclamator Assault Ship (AAS)
COST: 560 KC + 8 SU
CLASS: Heavy (2)
AP: 8
UCR: 6
4 Turbolasers
4 Laser Cannons
1 TIE SF Squadron
8 INF Squads
2 GAV Divisions
Interdictor Heavy Cruiser (INT) [R&D Required]
COST: 330 KC + 10 SU
CLASS: Medium (3)
AP: 6
UCR: 4
2 Turbolasers
2 Tractor Beams
4 Gravity Well Generators
2 TIE SF Squadrons
1 AUX Group
NOTES: Gravity Well Generators can be activated for 1 AP each. The first Well restricts all hyperspace movement in the same Orbital Zone as the Interdictor. The second Well restricts all hyperspace movement in the adjacent Orbital Zones. The third Well restricts all hyperspace movement in all Orbital Zones. The fourth Well restricts all hyperspace movement in all Deep Space Zones except for the one adjacent to the Interdictor; and any ship that EXITS hyperspace must do so in the same Orbital Zone as the Interdictor.
Strike Medium Cruiser (STRK) [R&D Required]
COST: 390 KC + 5 SU
CLASS: Medium (3)
AP: 5
UCR: 8
2 Turbolasers
2 Ion Cannons
2 Laser Cannons
2 TIE SF Squadrons
2 AUX Groups
2 INF Squads
2 GAV Division
Carrack Light Cruiser (CRAK)
COST: 400 KC + 4 SU
CLASS: Light (4)
AP: 4
UCR: 10
2 Turbolasers
2 Ion Cannons
2 Laser Cannons
1 TIE SF Squadron
Lancer Frigate (LFRG) [R&D Required]
COST: 230 KC + 3 SU
CLASS: Light (4)
AP: 3
UCR: 9
3 Laser Cannons
TIE Fighter Squadron
UCR: 10
DUR: 8
AR: 4
NOTES: Up to three TIE Fighter Squadrons can combine to become a TIE Swarm. AP cost and UCR remains the same, however, DUR and AR become multiplied by the number of Squadrons.
TIE Interceptor Squadron
UCR: 14
DUR: 12
AR: 8
NOTES: For an additional Action Point, TIE Interceptor Squadrons can engage in a targeted Dogfight against an enemy SF Squadron. While Dogfighting, AR is increased by +4, but UCR is decreased by -2. No other squadron of yours can target the squadron being Dogfighted.
TIE Bomber Squadron
UCR: 9
DUR: 14
AR: 8
NOTES: For an additional Action Point, TIE Bomber Squadrons can conduct a Bombing Run on a Capital Ship. While on a Bombing Run, AR is increased by +12, but UCR is decreased by -2.
TIE Advanced Squadron [R&D Required]
UCR: 12
DUR: 16
AR: 10
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. For an additional Action Point, TIE Advanced Squadrons can engage in a targeted Dogfight against an enemy SF Squadron. While Dogfighting, AR is increased by +4, but UCR is decreased by -2. No other squadron of yours can target the squadron being Dogfighted.
TIE Avenger Squadron [R&D Required]
UCR: 12
DUR: 18
AR: 12
NOTES: Hyperspace capable.
TIE Defender Squadron [R&D Required]
UCR: 14
DUR: 27
AR: 22
NOTES: Hyperspace capable.
TIE V38 "Phantom" Squadron [R&D Required]
UCR: 10
DUR: 24
AR: 10
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. For an additional Action Point, TIE Phantom Squadrons can operate in Stealth Mode. While in Stealth Mode, TIE Phantoms get +2 AR and can only attack and be attacked by other Starfighters.
TIE Droid Squadron [R&D Required]
UCR: 9
DUR: 7
AR: 2
NOTES: TIE Droid Squadrons can be deployed and operated at no AP cost.
Lambda Shuttle Group (L/SHU)
UCR: 7
DUR: 24
AR: 6
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. While deployed, you may shuttle 1 Infantry Unit to the ground at no AP cost.
Sentinel Landing Shuttle Group (S/SHU) [R&D Required]
UCR: 7
DUR: 48
AR: 10
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. While deployed, you may shuttle 2 Infantry Units or 1 Light GAV to the ground at no AP cost.
Skipray Blastboat (SKIP)
UCR: 9
DUR: 30
AR: 8
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. This AUX group can replace up to 2 SF Squadrons onboard a Capital Ship. For an additional Action Point, this unit can begin an Auxiliary Strike on an enemy Capital Ship. While conducting this Strike, UCR calculations are canceled.
Scimitar Assault Bomber Group (SCAB) [R&D Required]
UCR: 10
DUR: 17
AR: 18
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. This AUX group can replace up to 2 SF Squadrons onboard a Capital Ship. For an additional Action Point, this unit can conduct a Bombing Run on a Capital Ship. While on a Bombing Run, AR is increased by +18, but UCR is decreased by -2.
Gamma Assault Shuttle Group (G/SHU) [R&D Required]
COST: 128 KC
UCR: 6
DUR: 48
AR: 60
NOTES: Hyperspace capable. For an additional Action Point, this unit can begin an Auxiliary Strike on an enemy Capital Ship. While conducting this Strike, UCR calculations are canceled.
Stormtrooper Transport Group (S/TRAN)
UCR: 7
DUR: 24
AR: 9
NOTES: While deployed, this unit can shuttle up to 2 Infantry Units to the Ground at no AP cost. For an additional Action Point, this unit can begin an Auxiliary Strike on an enemy Capital Ship. While conducting this Strike, UCR calculations are canceled.
Imperial Landing Barge Group (LBAR)
COST: 100 KC
UCR: 2
DUR: 120
AR: 1
NOTES: While deployed, this unit can shuttle up to 3 Ground Units of any type to the Ground at no AP cost.
By the way, we're working out a system where players can opt to do "pen and paper" battles the old school way, or run a battle automation calculator that basically takes some tactical liberties and generates an outcome.
Time saving is huge, and we're operating under the assumption that players have about 60 minutes per week to dedicate to the forum for gaming. (Offline sim management is whatever you make it!)
This is a hobby, and we want to respect that, but we also want to be realistic with demands of life and have fun at the same time. =)
2017 is going to be a good year for the forum!
Re: Hop dibs on Trump-style.
Veto. That role is forever reserved for the only man who can do it justice, Ramano.
Dig the material so far as well, esp the Planet value tiers and upgrades/development options. Hope we get an illustrated gal map to lord over soon! =) (one that gets embedded into the site/uni section and updates when control switches maybe?!) Battle Auto Resolution sounds so choice (I had to watch Ferris Bueller yesterday =P).
Auto resolve?! I'm gonna have to take a closer look at what's happening here.
Basically its the mechanics from Civiliziations III combat.
When I've finished I'll post up the code and a guide to how it works. It's pretty simple, but allows a degree of chance and depending on how you build your fleet and what instructions you give, there can be a lot of different outcomes, etc. I'll try to get something up in the next week. Was in the hospital since Saturday so a bit tired at the moment :P and my priority is getting the actual code written first. I'm a good ways into it just need a few days to focus on it now.
How, if at all, can I help! :)
I really truly need simming so much now.
What can we do?!?!
I think based on Rogue One we need to re-evaluate the potency of Star Destroyers, lol.
Ha. Nah. Let's keep it. Remember only the one ISD was disabled and then used as a battering ram.
I could go for a sim too. :D I wish I knew how to help.
I'm building out the rest of the specs for SWA: Legends.
ETA -- Top of 2017
In the meantime, might be worth checking out the rules I posted. Give them a reading/thrashing; ask questions, poke around.
Going to start creating my spreadsheet based on it.
-cries for simming-
I see some movement has occurred. What, if anything can I do to help? -Cries to help- lol
Contemplating how involved we can make ground battles.
Do you guys want the space arena to be where 80-90% of the action is? Or do you want to see more of a 50/50 or a 70/30 type balance?
I personally don't think 50/50 is good. Maybe 70/30?
-Annoyingly strolls in- How can a guy help? -Whistles and dances-
Thanks for the offer. Just need some patience. Slogging through specs and testing out unit vs unit interactions takes time. =)
Okay so SWA Legends is going to be put on the back-burner until we can figure out a speedy combat management system for folks who just want to log-in, do a quick post, and log-out. What this means for SWA Yavin (or "SWAY" if you will) is that we are a go for launch. There were some tweaks made to the specs from what is posted in the Legends thread, but the good news is that I have just completed Rebel specs, which means the Imperial specs won't be much longer. Similar to GCW Chapter I, this game takes place immediately after the Battle of Yavin, which means it is a ripe timeline to explore.
SWAY is going to be a TEAM GAME that will allow multiple players to have their hand in the pot. Everything is sharable. Because sharing is caring. Before in the past, we did "one man, one faction" which led to a lot of burn-out. I'm hoping this new system will allow players to get into teams of 2 or 3, and be able to handle the day-to-day affairs of the team by dividing up the work. If one guy wants to do nothing but combat, and another guy the financial management, you can totally get away with that. There is no "traditional grid" for combat, instead just a bunch of number crunching. I hope you enjoy it.
You're going to like the way you play SWAY.
I guarantee it.
Otay. I am down. I need simming. What do I need to do!
Take a gander at the rules and let me know if something doesn't make sense. By the time we launch I'd like to have everything smoothed over!
Everything seemed to make sense to me. Probably won't find any issues until we get into it deeper.
browsed the rules ..... looks familiar ...... looks good
I recognize the Hale name. Not sure if that from SWSF AOL or because it is a SW legends character hah.
I was involved in AOL SWSF awhile back. I actually joined this forum probably as LrdMaligan or something a year or two ago. I did not get involved as I was moving for work and I wasn't feeling a story line exclusive sim. I am all about the narrative but I like what I see with this updated rules. Keep me in the loop
All right I'm in, gonna start reading the rules in more detail.
Can we get a mock giong to practice and get familiar with the rules? Who's down?
I'm down.
I remember you LrdMaligan. You taught me everything I knew about I think it was the Hapans in NH3?
I'm down.
I remember you LrdMaligan. You taught me everything I knew about I think it was the Hapans in NH3?
I remember you as well LordMaligan. Probably from Nh3 as well.
BTW Hale, Eidolon and I would both like to sign up on the Rebel side.
BTW Hale, Eidolon and I would both like to sign up on the Rebel side.
We goin with Mon Cal as Campaign HQ or something like Hoth, Rendezvous? Or much more central/visible i.e. Corellia/Chandrila?
At least from my initial skims it looks like we only get 1 Camp HQ per Faction, not 1 per player correct?
This should go without saying. I want to go Imp.
This should go without saying. I want to go Imp.
And so you shall be the first to die sir. ;D
Query: Hale, so in total a campaign COULD have a total of 8 active playable systems if there were no overlap in RA/GE HQ, SS, Target1, Target2?
If for instance a HQ/SS overlaps another factions T1 or T2, thered be less then?
Just wrapping head around!
Sooo. Once a campaign completes, a planet may change color in galactic list, and a new campaign comes w new/same /whatev worlds.picked.next?
Anyone else wish to support the Empire?...... lol
I will sign up for the Empire. I see my character being an Admiral or Moff based on what others in our group decide. I proposed some suggestions / questions in the rule area which may influence my decision as well. I would love to see the campaigns connected to the overall universe in some way. I am a big fan of long term planning/strategy/story lines. I also was a bit confused by some of the crew/staff rules and would be fine doing away with that unless I am missing an important aspect of it.
GallPizi ... are there other Empire simmers on this forum ? It would probably be good if we had 4-5 people on our team ... even if 1 or 2 of them have minor admin roles and mostly story line .... keep things interesting. We can talk off line. Be well, KO
I would love to see the campaigns connected to the overall universe in some way. I am a big fan of long term planning/strategy/story lines.
They are I believe (waiting for confirmation from Hale), but it seems from set up that when you complete a campaign, depending on the outcome, your faction may gain control of the Target world(s) that particular campaign was set up for on the SWA:Yavin planet list.
So for instance, in starting a Rebel Alliance campaign, Hoppus and I could choose Mon Cal and Corellia as our HQ and SS worlds, and then say we pick Coruscant and Eriadu as our Target worlds for the campaign. We have now choosen 4 worlds that will be PLAYABLE/ACTIVE/LIVE for the given campaign.
The Imperials have to choose their 4 systems as well, there could be overlap if you were to choose the same systems we choose as HQ or SS systems, but the max would be 8 if you had all different worlds from the 4 we named. At the end of the Campaign then, if we conquer Eriadu for instance but fail to take Coruscant, then Eriadu will change to Red on the planet list.
The object being throughout campaigns from one to the next to turn the whole galaxy Red, or Blue if you're Imp.
Just a way of focusing a game so it's not entirely open world/open ended where a person with more free time can much more easily outpace all other players, sucking some of the ability to freely enjoy the game out for others. At least how I'm looking at it I guess.
Also I was/am apprehensive about the Crew aspect, but it's just a resource cost thing, and in story I suppose it makes cool sense in a way. It's not enough to afford a ship or munitions etc, but to have to rally people to your cause, another Story/Writing outlet. Rather than just more posts about standing around on a bridge?
We've done the chat it out rodeo a thousand times around here over last ten/fifteen years and it just sucks up time and ends up in endless development detours with multiple partys espousing their "like, ideal ideal". Hale drew up this system and as it sits it sounds like it will work and be cool once flowing. Once that stale fart pops his head back in and notices we're taking interest anyways =)...
Yeah I saw lets give it a run out as is and see how it goes. If it turns out to not work properly we can assess things then?
I will sign up for the rebellion.
good points .... ill move forward with whatever the group thinks is best
I would just recommend one more look over with the idea of "keeping it simple" in mind
I am interested in Galactic Empire and would love to start strategizing with that group
If we could get ~4 people together that would be great I recognized that Romano name .... is he still in communication?
Oh, I'm sure Ramano lurks about waiting to be summoned. He's a whiz and a riot when he's not being a giant dick.
When is that exactly? ;)
So we need like 2 more Imps if I read this right, any takers?!
Oh, I'm sure Ramano lurks about waiting to be summoned.
That's twice. You guys are flirting with unknown forces. To be named three times is all it takes to complete the summoning. ;p
I will flip to imperial side in the spirit of keeping things closer. Not terribly picky.
Hey guys --- sorry I've been radio silent this week. Grad school finals and all, you know the drill. Gonna try and crank the last bit of specs this weekend so we can get this party started!
If Bish goes imp thats 4 v 2, if Bish stays Reb 3v3.
Either way, 6 interested players is certainly a great start.
Start recruiting :p
Message some of the previous board members ?
It should notify their email acct
Speaking as a member of the GE team I will say that I would even take members that wanted to do story line only ... or have very minor roles in the sim.
I will say that I would even take members that wanted to do story line only ... or have very minor roles in the sim.
Entirely agreed there, any contribution any person has to add to the face/story of the UNI is a plus for the total experience for everyone involved
Can't wait to have something solid going again.
Almost there..... almost there.....
....those final exams.... they came from... behind!!!!
For the new sim universe ... would a thread titled Player Character Introductions be appropriate ?
That way each player can provide a bio of his/her character. And if that character dies they can prove a bio for the next character.
Keeps things interesting and lets us know a bit about our enemy
Also lets board guests see some interesting interactions that may lure them in
Okay, specs are done. If you guys need any handy more quick reference cheat sheets to simplify anything in the rules that isn't clicking, let me know! In the meantime, maybe we can start discussing a soft launch date?
As eager as I am to get started as soon as possible, my wife and I are expecting a baby ANY DAY NOW (he's already 1 day late!) so I can assure you that the Forum is going to go on the back burner for a couple of weeks.... just being real!
Maybe June 3rd could be our first Action Day? And until then we can refine our Team disposition, get fleets built and everything prepared?
I am good with June 3rd being the official start date.
Best of luck to you are your family. Congrats !
Good time for recruitment and early story lining
Okay, specs are done. If you guys need any handy more quick reference cheat sheets to simplify anything in the rules that isn't clicking, let me know! In the meantime, maybe we can start discussing a soft launch date?
As eager as I am to get started as soon as possible, my wife and I are expecting a baby ANY DAY NOW (he's already 1 day late!) so I can assure you that the Forum is going to go on the back burner for a couple of weeks.... just being real!
Maybe June 3rd could be our first Action Day? And until then we can refine our Team disposition, get fleets built and everything prepared?
Awesome news! Congratulations :)
my wife and I are expecting a baby ANY DAY NOW
1st toy an abacus or just starting off on a graphing calculator? ;D
Maybe June 3rd could be our first Action Day? And until then we can refine our Team disposition, get fleets built and everything prepared?
That sparkles with me
June 3rd is Rapidly Approaching! :)
FYI I should have RA start up purchases completely logged in our campaign thread sometime tomorrow.
Sounds good!
Holy fudge. Lots to account!
I'm sure I'll be tweeking a bit here and there in to tomorrow before finalize to balance things out a bit but overall it'll be about what it looks like now. Still have to factor in some ground pdf with my wiggle room and then to tweak here and there to get to where we want to be match up wise. May see a few capships fall off here and there but nothing radical shift wise.
Glad to see things get started …
I had a thought. If we ever wanted to revert back to a one character/one ship rule. We could allow each participant the power to own TWO characters. THis could make for interesting story lining and help fill in ranks. The level of activity could draw others into the game as well.
Am I missing something or did the game disappear?
Am I missing something or did the game disappear?
Final cleanup its coming back
Ranes, little harder to find a good distinguished color than I'd of thought!
I tried a much brighter and lighter green here. Attempted to sort of link SA through color hue to Hutts in that your both criminal oriented?
If it doesnt stand out enough for your liking yet let me know and I'll try another!
I find it is something that is mostly an issue with size, but to make it 'really' bigger runs it into other issues. So when I just hold control and then wheel a couple times to zoom in I find it a lot easier. I really notice it over on the 4k monitor.
Green's fine by me, and I can see it well.
Can anyone give me a link back to the GDrive?
So here are my thoughts:
- It should definitely be set in the original EU some number of years After Endor. A certain Emperor is rumored to have assumed command of the IGE...
- Each person starts out with one capital ship. As your faction captures additional systems, credits are distributed among faction members to purchase additional ships and fighters.
- You're not limited in terms of the total number of characters you can have, but you must have at least one character per capital ship (the captain of that ship). For example, if you started out with a Nebulon-B Frigate in the New Republic, you could just have one character (the captain), or you could have multiple characters (e.g., the captain + a first officer + an X-Wing squadron leader + an ambassador or Jedi Knight). By "captain" I just mean the captain of the ship--I'm not referring to their rank (they could be an Admiral, for example).
- You as an individual are not limited in terms of the total number of capital ships or other units you can have. Your faction, however, does have a credit limit imposed by the IGBC (based on the number of people in your faction) that effectively limits the total number of capital ships, upgrades, squadrons and ground units on the galaxy map. This allows each person to command a sizable armada that a) is not limited artificially by saying each person can have up to x number of super capital ships, y number of capital ships, z number of whatever, and b) still keeps things reasonable. You want more ships and other units in your faction beyond what you're able to build with your current credit limit? There's a simple solution: Get your friends and coworkers to join the forum.
- Story posts should be strongly encouraged but not mandated in any artificial way (i.e., no bonuses of any kind for story posts). If there are individuals who want to post story posts only, they may do so.
- Space and ground combat should absolutely be calculated (total up the damage to shields, systems and hull based on capital ship specifics and the Space Damage Chart). Damage should be subtracted from a ship's total shields (or whatever). For example, if you were to fire 350 laser cannons at an ISD, that ISD's shields should go down from 3200 to 2850). No consideration for hull zones.
- Combat should occur naturally when ships of opposing factions find themselves in the same space whether on purpose or by chance. It should not occur on specific days only or anything like that.
- Maximum one action or combat post a day per capital ship or squadron or whatever (whether movement or combat or both). Like the old "once every 12 hours" rule on AOL but expanded to 24 hours.
- As many story posts as you like, no limit.
- You should be able to commit a ship's total docking bay space to whatever you want that fits, as Eidolon mentioned in various posts.
- No artificial ways of ending the sim such as capturing Coruscant or Mon Calamari or accomplishing some other pre-defined objective. The sim should end when all capital ships have been destroyed from one of the primary Imperial or Rebel\New Republic\whatever factions, or when x number of months have passed, whichever comes first.
- No artificial advantages (i.e., no sim equivalents of hero cards or something).
- There should be no "quests" or other pre-defined objectives that you can accomplish to get upgrades or other bonuses.
- Rolling dice is fun, but let's leave it out.
- The map for sublight movement can be as complex (x-y grid for a system, firing ranges + arcs + ship speed, a separate grid for the planet itself) or as simple ([ 2 ][ 1 ][ P ]) as you like. Both are fine with me, and I'll go with the majority on this.
- Tech that is not available at the start should be made available at any time after the start if there is enough demand for it or if something was just forgotten. The same with star systems. Changes can only be made by consensus of those who have access to the internal thread re: sim rules.
- Changes to ship specs, credit limits, etc. after the start of the sim could also occur out of necessity. Here again changes can only be made by consensus of those who have access to the internal thread.
- I thought I read this somewhere, but I couldn't find it when I searched for it again later: How do you want to handle cloaking during space combat?
- Should Jedi, Dark Jedi, or Sith have any impact on combat?
- How do you want to handle slicing? Or have you already figured that out?
- Should capital systems be declared from the start? I think yes. Can a faction change which system is their capital system? I think yes, but only if their first capital system has been captured or if they have completely moved the forces from the original capital system to the new one. If a faction changes which system is their capital system, they do not have to reveal the location of their new capital except to a moderator. What do you think?
@Hale - I'm very interested in what you mentioned in your May 10, 2016 post about R&D and Support Teams. How would that work exactly? I get the basic idea of tech being restricted until it has been researched, but what does it take to research and unlock it (for example, to unlock ISD II's or ISD III's)?
@Eidolon - Have you given more thought to your idea about Fleet Formations (cf. your April 17, 2016 post)? Sounds interesting. Please clarify how that would work exactly.
@everyone - Thoughts? Whatever we do, let's just get something going instead of talking about it endlessly.
Thanks for your thoughts. I put gaming development on the back burner these last couple months on account of wrapping up my Master's program (hooray). Now that I'm done, I'll be putting some more work in to the forum here.
A lot of the creative-design decisions that have been made thus far are based on the recent history of gaming on this forum in the last few years, with respect to a handful of games that simply failed to launch. As passionate as we are and can be with respect to the Star Wars universe and this forum, the realities and pragmatics of life have a tendency to suppress our commitment here (beyond SL posts).
The reality is that most of us probably only have a good hour or two per week to actually "game." This is the #1 driver of all recent creative-design decisions. For instance, we have found that the bulk of the time spent simply writing a combat post is used managing specs and unit assets. This is no fun. So here, a "return to traditional specs and traditional simming" is the antithesis of what we can realistically accomplish as a gaming forum. Not being harsh, just pragmatic.
The next game is going to reflect a few creative-design principles:
1. Hierarchical unit grouping. You can combine or divide as much as you want up to a point. For example: Starfighter Squadrons can "attach" to Capital Ships to augment that Capital Ship, or they can "detach" and fight as an individual unit.
2. Ratings, ratings, ratings. Weapon emplacements, shields, and hull values will be replaced by various combat ratings that reflect what a unit can do. This is to simplify combat and make it more intuitive.
3. Big galaxy, but regional focus for a season (1-2 months) to encourage player interaction. The reason for this is because in previous games whereupon we had a huge roomy galaxy with every system you could think of, players had a tendency to go off and do their own thing... and not actually fight anyone.
There is probably going to be no such thing as an ideal one-size fits all game that pleases everyone here, but the above principles reflect what the forum is honest capable of sustaining.
Thanks for your reply, Hale. And congratulations on finishing your Master's!
About the sim: The last time I was active was back in the AOL days, so I can definitely appreciate what everyone who kept it going has learned in the last few years, but honestly if we're not calculating damage to shields, then we might as well be sitting around a table playing Armada. It's a great game, but it's not as great as what SWSF is (or was, at least). The combination of calculated combat and stories made SWSF what it is. My vote is to bring back the glory days.
Is it that time-consuming to say OK my VSD II, which was already down from 1800 shields to 1250, just took another 68 damage from the volley of turbolasers and laser cannons that came from Eidolon's Corvette, and another 215 from insight's Assault Frigate, so my shields are now 1250 - 68 - 215 = 967? Now I'm going to respond and hit insight's Frigate with my 20 turbolaser batteries and 40 turbolaser cannons for a total of 400 HP, and I expect to bring his shields down from 1,400 to 1,000. Obviously the calculation can get slightly more complex when you're intercepting incoming concussion missiles or whatever before attacking, etc., but the math is easy once you get into it, and even easier if you just create your personal spreadsheet before the launch date. It seems to me the time-consuming part is just writing the actual post, which you have to do either way.
Surely there is a way to retain calculated combat without taking up everyone's entire evening every night.
Servius you sparked some ideas about how to solve scale issues.
But to answer the time issue its been when you have to manage an empire, fleets with dozens of units, and battlr posts with a handful of ships and dozens of squadrons.. and when people cant respond daily things grind to a hault.
Hoppus... In that case, I would suggest retaining calculated combat and just pushing out the "once every 12 hours" rule even further. If 24 hours is too frequent, then maybe once every 48 hours is more reasonable. If not 48, then 72. Worst case, we could do once a week. Not on a specific day, but 7 x 24 hours from the last time you posted. So if your last combat post was 11:57 PM EDT Saturday night, then your next combat post can occur again any time after 11:57 PM EDT the following Saturday.
Sure only a battle takes a month and it makes conventional universes hard to pace with income collected once a month, an ISD built in 2 or so months, travel times being < 24 hs between most worlds, etc.. It's just hard to logistically balance and to keep interest when a battle can literally take 1+ months to resolve.
Once every 48 hour combat posts, double the hyperspace travel times, revenue still collected on the first of every month.
We could create a standard spreadsheet that is distributed to everyone that requires very minimal edits whenever you add another ship to your fleet.
When you're not in combat, the only thing you have to remember is when you're supposed to arrive at the next system. With double the travel times, what was previously a 96-hour journey (for example) would now be a 192-hour journey (8 days). Something that could easily be kept track of at the top of a spreadsheet.
Combat still resolves pretty quickly, and the extended travel times mean you don't have to post as often when you're not in combat.
sigh, yes all things that have been hashed out here before.
Your initial post set my off on a brainstorm however for scale. Essentially we start with just 10-12 planets, and they will be either New Republic, Imperial, or Neutral worlds.
Players don't control the worlds, they instead control assets on the worlds.
There are two types of assets: military facilities and financial/influence facilities.
Financial/influence facilities are fixed and when destroyed auto regenerate after a certain time. These facilities generate credits every day that are accumulated on site, and auto-deposited at the end of the financial term (30 to 90 days say).
Military facilities are essentially production facilities that give the player resources/bonuses and can be destroyed.
There are space battles, on a specific grid.
There are ground battles, around a specific facility. There is a limited 'cross-pollenating' between facility units -- you can't send troops from Facility A to Facility B when it is under attack, but you could from support ships in orbit, say.
Military Facility examples:
- Munitions Dump (free restocking of warheads, free repairs of damaged SF onboard their motherships in system)
- Imperial Garrison (free restocking of troops, starfighters, GAVs -- from the standard load outs that come to these units, units taken to resupply a ship auto-regenerate 30-days later).
- Financial Hub (takes deposits of credits...)
Financial Facilities
- Governors Palace
- Space Port
- Mining Outpost
- Agricultural Complex
- etc...
As credits accumulate *on site* at the units that produce them, they can be raided at any time. A player can 'sack' the facility by taking it over, loading those credits on to his ships, and taking them to a Financial Hub facility to deposit them.
A player could collect their own credits and manually transfer them at any time, too, if they don't want ot wait til the auto-deposit at the end of 30 days, and to keep their money less exposed.
The fleet sizes would be small -- I was thinking like SW Armada starter sets... Imperial gets a VSD, 1 TIE/F, 1 TIE/B, some troops and GAVs onboard, 1 financial Hub, 1 other financial facility, etc. Rebel player has a Neb, Corv, 1 X/W, a GR75 with troops, or something.
You would win influence points for sacking enemy facilities and stuff. You invest those points to either acquire new Financial Facilities on worlds (yoru influence in the empire has grown, you have more resources, for example) or invest htem into characters, which allow you to command a larger number of units in the field. Credits are used to buy new ships (supplied by 'the empire' when you buy them) or to upgrade units (like TIE/F to TIE/I) and stuff like that...
Anyway, that was the idea. But getting something working that is fun in combat with just that small number of units, is tough. Without dice. ;)
Game must accept reality of small pool of potential participants.
Also a balance of the 3 aspects of gameplay..
Writing, Combat, Management
The 4th Dimension is Time.
Problem is of the limited pool of participants, and the 3 aspects and 1 constraint above, can you get enough middle ground in there to make it work for them all?
I'm waiting for everyone else to jump on my 1 planet game band wagon. =P You can write from any planet in the galaxy but the only combat arena is one world and the uni is centered around an ongoing grinding stalemate conflict battle there between Rebellion and Empire. We get ourselves a ground/planet grid of hexes with some terrain tiles and we have "castles" sort of (i.e. bases, facils, settlements etc) that players are trying to destroy/conquer. Empire maintains a blockade, Rebels run it daily. Etc
A smooth seemless method of verified die rolling in posts would be incredible.
Negative on the single planet Eidolon ;)
Hoppus a lot of what you said sounds good, I'll follow up later this weekend with some feedback and questions about influence.
Regarding space combat... I take your point (Hoppus) about small fleets and no dice. Pure calculation works well with a large pool of players and you never know who could exit hyperspace and disrupt what you thought was going to be a definite defeat for the ship you were hammering. With smaller fleets, though, it's true that outcome is basically decided. A couple of smaller ships going up against an ISD will get destroyed every time unless they enter hyperspace. I'm actually OK with that, but for the sake of coming up with something everyone can agree on...
Here's an idea I think you'll both like (it involves dice), and I think Hale will like it too: calculate damage you expect to inflict on the enemy ship's shields or whatever, then say 80% hits for sure (assuming all lasers for the sake of the explanation), but for the remaining 20% roll one D10 to determine what percentage of that "remaining 20%" hit. This was an idea I came up with recently when I started trying to adapt IGE for the Armada miniatures (basically throw out the Armada ruleset and the ship tokens, shield dials, etc. and just use the miniatures with an adapted IGE\SWSF warbook).
Space combat would look something like this: My VSD II fires a flurry of lasers at insight's Frigate that totals 400 HP between my 20 turbolaser batteries and 40 turbolaser cannons. 80% of this (320 HP) will hit for sure, but as for the remaining 20% (80 HP) I roll a D10 that lands on 2, so total damage to insight's ship should be 320 + (80 x .2 since I rolled a 2) = 336 instead of the 400 that would have hit under the classic sim rules. Insight's shields come down from 1,400 to 1,064 instead of 1,000.
Under these rules, a couple of smaller ships might actually have a chance at defeating a larger ship if they successively roll high and the larger ship rolls a couple of unlucky rolls. Most of the time the larger ship would still win (as it should), but at least there's a chance to defeat it now and the outcome among just a few ships is not always a definite known from the beginning. I think it's a good system, and if you think about it it actually makes sense. In space you would expect most weapons fired to hit. At the same time, you might not expect all weapons fired to hit due to a variety of reasons (some weapons malfunction, some hit debris, and the enemy ship's maneuvering evades some).
I like the idea of adapting the classic SWSF rules to the Armada miniatures so much I would actually like to start a whole development board on that topic alone. Anyway, for the next sim here on the forum, we could use the same idea of 80% plus roll one D10 to determine what percentage of the remaining 20% hits (assuming nothing is intercepted).
Of course, if any of the final HP you expect to hit comes from missiles, the ship you're firing on would still have a chance to intercept to reduce damage even further.
Let me know what you think.
(http://swsfonline.com/Themes/swsf/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d10 : 10, total 10
Busted, Hale!
The other issue with classic sims is imbalance. The specs for ships are hard to reconcile atbtimes... they just vary so much, and you get crazy imbalances in combat. The smaller ships end up canon fodder and you have super powerful outliera like vsd and isd that for their size do way more damage than compatable vessels
Like dreds and rafa and what not. Armada side steps this eniterely. Compare the vad and neb cards then look st athier specs on wookiepedia, the cards arent too dramatically different as the specs would suggest.
Not sure if that's a problem. ISD's and VSD's wreck other ships, that's just a given. In the time between Death Star I and II, the Rebels didn't win because they had comparable ship specs, they won because of strategy and luck. In any case, it's not really about winning for me. Winning is obviously fun, but it's more about the immersion in the EU for me. Personally I don't mind going New Republic and watching my ships get destroyed if it comes to that. At worst, it forces me to think more about strategy. And ultimately, whether my faction wins or loses, I had fun being immersed in the EU.
We should go classic rules with minor tweaks and improvements, no dice, and just enjoy the the sim.
Well that's my point exactly. In the movies it is clear that the Rebellion is massively weaker, its ships are weaker, they stand no chance, but the Force and it being a movie, they do the impossible.
In a game, having one side always so clearly dominant is really tough to keep going because, well, it sucks! Back in SWSF days on AOL, the game was more about everyone coordinating and battling together and all that. Take away that dynamic and the game's weaknesses are really glaring and hard to get by. At least that's been my experience. IT has been like 10 years since we had a real traditional sim rolling here (LotF) and it sort of petered out because the NR was doomed, as its fighters were much more expensive, all it really had were fighters, and replacing those lost in battle was inevitable bankrupting again and again.
I certainly long for a game that is near to the spirit of the old days. I love AE still, I love the specs, the rules, the way SF combat worked. It's just hard to find scale and to actually have people active enough to play. We get put to 8-9 people who say they are in but then nothing happens (I'm guilty of this as well, this last time).
I say let's do it. It's the only way.
Hoppus... starting out with only 10-12 planets seems too small, but double that, 20-24, sounds reasonable... not too big, not too small, what do you think? And when systems are added to the galaxy map later, we could add another 20-24 at once.
I like what you said about controlling facilities on the planet. I think if you controlled the space in that system and all facilities on the planet you could still speak of controlling that system or planet, but the facilities mechanic allows for the possibility that your income from a given planet could diminish or be cut off entirely despite the fact that not all of your ships, facilities and ground units have been destroyed. That's excellent.
I cringe when I hear the word "bonuses," so I didn't like what I read about "free" this and "free" that. I think everything should cost, whether you pay for it or someone else in your faction pays for it or your faction leader pays for it out of the faction's account before credits are distributed. But the basic distinction between financial facilities that generate income and military facilities that produce units makes good sense and I really like it.
Question: When you said "you can't send troops from Facility A to Facility B when it is under attack" do you mean "you can't send troops from Facility A to Facility B when Facility A is under attack"? If so, I could understand that. But If you mean "you can't send troops from Facility A to Facility B when Facility B is under attack and Facility A is not", then I can't fathom why not. Please clarify.
I like the idea of raiding a financial facility and taking the credits. Small starter fleets instead of a single ship seems fine too.
Question about the influence mechanic you mentioned: After re-reading your post, I think I get it the idea. Financial facilities don't just generate income (credits), but they generate influence points too right? And then you use those influence points to "buy" more facilities and such? Sounds totally artificial. Again, everything should cost: Financial facilities generate credits, and constructing a new financial facility requires x credits (some ridiculous amount) and x weeks (some really long time), the same as purchasing and constructing a new capital ship (except financial facilities should cost way more and take way longer). Alternatively, constructing a financial facility for a reasonable (instead of ridiculous) amount of credits in a reasonable (instead of ridiculous) amount of time would also be fine if we limited it to one financial facility per planet. In that case, the opposing faction could potentially still cut off your income from that planet without having to totally eliminate every one of your ships, facilities and ground units. Either option works for me (limit 1 financial facility per planet and it takes a normal\reasonable amount of credits and time to construct, or no limit per planet but it takes a ridiculous amount of time and credits to construct).
I did like the general idea of "influence" though, and your post got me thinking: what if you accumulated x influence points (IP) for every day that goes by where all existing facilities on a planet are under your control for the entire 24 hour period? The more influence you have on a planet, the less likely the opposing faction can start a rebellion on one of your planets, or the more likely your faction could start a rebellion on one of theirs. Something like that? Just thinking out loud here.
Also, I'm a PlayStation guy myself, but there's an old Xbox game called GUN (Cowboy game), and each town you came across had a Town Patience meter, and if you started shooting people or their dogs or whatever the town would eventually lose their patience and there would be a showdown. Maybe we could have a system patience meter somehow, and if the system's patience went to zero, a rebellion sparks where ground units belonging to that system change allegiance to the New Republic\Alliance\whatever and attack one of the Empire's facilities. Those units would then be controlled by the New Republic\Alliance\whatever faction which could also send in capital ships to support the rebellion if they wanted to.
Who's ready for a new campaign in AJ?
Also: Terrors of the Imperium (TI) is looking for recruits! If you're unable (or uninterested) in managing an entire fleet, there is the option of managing a single ship under the TI banner. Contact me for details and security assignment.
Working on Legacy of Endor again. Trying to get something finished and playable in the next weeks. Just want to do some revising to the rule set and how the larger game universe is going to function...
I'm probably going to be mostly out-of-commission for the remainder of the summer as I'm searching for a job! If there is some genuine interest to do a reboot of AJ with refreshed rule set to make it more of a "set-up-and-break-down sandbox campaign" style of game, I could probably find some time. I'm not sure I have it in me any more to do long-term month-to-month-to-month gaming.
I'm working on a sandbox campaign for AJ right now. What's a good week for everyone?
I can also sub as GM unless our real GM (Hale) or someone else wants it.
August would be a good time to start for me.
First week of August work for everyone? Hoppus / Eidolon / others?
Anyone up for a quick space combat-only sandbox campaign before then?
I wont have time for that LordSeverus, apologies.
I am still moving along very slowly on the Legacy of Endor stuff. Aiming for something very akin to the old game from AOL days that isn't too overwhelming in terms of time commitment.
I got the bug back.
Good, get the boys back at it! :P
Greetings, GallPizi. We've got something in the works. Expect the others to follow up shortly.
Excellent. Keep me in the loop. I am quite keen to get back to it.
Looking at Member List and registration dates, it appears the 10year anniversary since the forum had been rerere-reestablished is coming up in September. The earliest reg dates are from 9-22-2009, with Syren, Med, Eras, Dem and Hop holding the honors. May the Force bless all those still with us and return all those who have gone astray!
I was registered then too. Just my account got deleted by someone. :(
My god has it been that long!!!
Hoppus... if you hurry with a true classic rules, classic specs, After Endor (referring to setting, not necessarily to "AE" elements like arcs and that circular grid, which I don't have too much of an opinion on), original EU, goes-on-forever universe, minor changes only, you could launch it for the 10th anniversary of the current iteration of the forum, and the 25th anniversary of the AOL forum.
I'm not sure what year it was actually created, just picking one. I think I joined 1995-ish (? IGE days, Bane was Emperor... and continued through 1999-ish (things changed, the name changed to Space Wars Sim Forum somewhere along the way, Bane left and we got a "George"). 25 years ago would be the year before, 1994. I think it was already going strong for a couple years by then, but we can round.
Goddamn right 10 years. 10 years of continuous storyline over two generations of characters. Three, if you count the overlap of Med's Federation Chronicles. I proudly wear the continous storyline crown. :-*
Happy College Football Season!!!!!
Anyone besides Bama and Clemson.
Someone deny the MalloryAgnes43 user?
It looked like spam and I deleted it. The website and chat accounts associated to it were fishy.
::hears starjunx's faint distant voice from the void::
But I googled the name and it comes back with like 20 diff forums with a user using that name registered since Oct began and 0 activity and looks like a injections advert link in the sig in a couple.
So you're cleared on this one. :-*
I wield a heavy hammer. Best you remember that.
A hammer?! Wrong cinematic universe! :P
Anybody interested in starting a Story? I have a Character, a New Character that id like to develop. We can rock out on details and go from there! Thanks!
Sure I'll try and write along with you, what sort of character/timeline are you thinking of?
May the 4th be with us all!
May the 4th be with us all!
And again, Happy Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth be with us!
Swsimforum.com expires in september. Should we move back to the old
Domain? Or let it go.
what was old name again, and what if any cost is associated with a change?
Not much cost, just pointing the servers to a new domain. I would redirect swsfonline.com to swsimforum.com until the registration ran out on it. Might effect people finding us through google... and I don't have time or desire to handle that appropriately...
More finds is good, I vote change it. Lemme know what I owe ya in PM
I'll see if I can do it over the next week.
On a side note, been listening to music I listened to in mid to late 90s and holy shit I want to bring back classic simming :(
Seriously. Those were the days...and the best music.
Everyones favorite music is from their coming of age years.
According to me, the greatest album of all time is Tool Aenima (96). Soften this old armor.
That's a great album. I didn't get into TOOL until I was a little bit older (end of HS, college in 2000-2002).
My play list includes a lot of stuff from middle school up to first years of HS (1994-1999)! So, lots of Nirvana, some Pearl Jam, Goldfinger, Mighty Bosstones, Reel BIg Fish (yeah I went through a third wave ska phase about then), then NOFX, Ten Foot Pole, Millencollin, Bad Religion (got into Epitaph records punk bands), oh and some Offspring (Smash disk was a great one for me!). Oh and Blink 182! Of coursez
I have such a spirit of fun and adventure that fills me revisiting this music, it's like sloughing off this adult skin that's weighed down with so much responsibility, limitation, economic anxieties, and meta-thinking-stress!!! It's like going back to just having fun -- programming, writing, whatever... I realise I have forgotten how to just have fun. I can't. My time is limited, and my mind by default classifies everything into must do, should do, can't do... there's no room for joy in this way of living... where everything is strategized, or obligated, or driven by fear (like "i need to study this shit so I wont lose my job in 2 years and fall behind the industry" rather than "this new shit is neat, lets fuck around with it and learn!" which is the 1997-me's approach to the same sort of topics!!!)
Anyway yeah I should probably see a therapist.
Also I am trying to figure out a way to bring back traditional simming. There is a really cool game there to play. There has to be 30-50 people on planet earth that would be into it. What tools, what changes to the original game, can we make to get something going again.. there HAS TO BE A WAY. That game is one of the only joys i had growing up, and it was such a massive joy... I want that back. I miss gaming and having fun.
I got into Tool deep in 96 or 97 but I remember having cassette tapes of Opiate and Undertow in my first whip. Opiate still rocks so fucking hard. "Throw that bob marley wanna be mother fucker outta here!" In HS I used to sleep to Aenima on repeat.
Offspring Smash tour was first concert I ever went to. They kind of keep making the same album and single for the last ten years though. It could be my 'personal golden age bias' though, I have a hard time liking new material from a lot of older bands.
Alice in Chains is the only grunge band that lasted the test of time for me that I still actively choose to listen to now a days.
Bad Religion is still in my top tier and always will be. From How Could Hell Be Any Worse? to No Substance anyways, after that one I stopped following the modern material.
NOFX still holds a place in my heart. Linoleum live is such a mover. I was big in to the Fat Wreck Chords and Epitaph bands as well. California Dreaming by Hi-Standard may be one of the top covers of all time for me still.
I understand your lament on re-learning to have fun! We probably all go through varying levels of that. It's super important to stop and smell the roses though, I have to remind myself probably several times a day to chill out and enjoy the moments rather than stressing things I need to do. Hard to find that balance. It can go both ways, sometimes so that I don't have to do things I need to do I just soak in pass times and hobbies instead of handling business. Other times I can't enjoy the moment because I'm too fixated on handling business or the business I didn't handle earlier.
Therapy for me is being alone in the woods or on a lake. Preferably frozen.
Just buy a bag of weed. Its cheaper.
In the era of economic legitimacy it's called Cannabis sir!
But I don't think it's any cheaper than in the black market days. Low quality flower is still around 25 for an 1/8, but who the hell wants that crap ;p
I've been getting into nature in my older age as well. Not camping or anything that crazy, but I appreciate being in parks, on the water, away from dense urban city. I also bought a shit load of house plants and its been fun keeping them growing.
I am starting a revision of After Endor, the long-delayed Legacy of Endor!
And I am going to rebuild the forum software and customize it for that game in particular (but still it will work like a usual forum).
This will all take a long time, but its going to happen!
I have idea on how to adjust some of the old rules to balance things a bit better and add some interest... the goal is going to be 1 ship per player, one way or another, I will make that happen!!!
I, too, have fallen victim to the house plant hobby during quarantine. Had a few previously but leaned in hard. Now it's....well, out of control. A veritable jungle but it makes me happy.
Speaking of legit cannabis, they now deliver here. So much easier just ordering it up and having it dropped by while tending to those plants or making dinner.
It's the small things.
Thats awesome, growing anything is so spiritual. I am in 3rd year of vegetable gardening, various peppers are my main crop because they are so easy and seem naturally resist to alot of diseases the broadleaf plants can get and also we got a few house plants but looking to expand that. We did get an orchid to rebloom for first time ever this summer though and it was awesome, it came in 2 waves of like 6 big ass bulb buds each. It was zenish. I have to get a big ass plant next spring of a particular variety though, have been researching- there are a whole branch:) of them that get moisture from the air and thus lower humidity in the home.
The idea of delivery bud and grubhub/dd is appealing, it's just that I'm too cheap to pay delivery for anything, even pizza. I go to the cannabis store at 9am on a saturday morning to avoid the rush.
Re: LoE That is cool Hop- sounds fun, can I do your planet list/galmap?
Umm... yeah. We've had bud delivery here for decades. Lol. But weed still isnt legal here, nor ever will be with a republican super majority in the state. However, im not paying 25 an 1/8th either. Holy crap, ill just shoot you and take your shit if someone told me that. A dime bag here still costs $10. Id prefer they dont legalize it personally. Legal shit costs too much. Ill keep getting it from Canada for $80 an ounce.
Oh, that is such a you thing to say. The taxes on legal cannabis here go to fund infrastructure and schools so it's like an investment into the community. Convenience is often expensive but such is life, darling.
Thats what they said about the casino and lottery money, but that doesn't seem to go very far.
It's also a sad diagnosis of our society that those things are not just funded to high hell as the norm instead of having to pull together peanuts for them by taxing us on our vices.
Convenience? Where? Last time i went to illinois to a shop i stood in line for 3hrs to be over charged for low quality weed. My dealer is faster, cheaper, is closer, and i dont have to stand in a line. Where is all this convenience you are paying for? Sorry sweetheart, you arent paying for convenience, youre just wasting money.
As far as the taxes, what Eid said. And Wi doesnt allow legalized gambling either. We fund our schools and roads with property and sales tax like normal people. We dont need to exploit drug addicts.
See, this is why history is so important in school. You people learned nothing from prohibition and literally let the gov do it all over again. You arent funding schools and roads, you are paying for farmers to employ illegal aliens, and Amazon to not have to pay any taxes. Oh, and lets not forget fattening the wallets of all the politicians making these laws.
Proof of point, here in wisconsin, we dont want it legalized, simply decriminalized. Yes there is a difference. And every time they put it up for a vote thats what we tell them. 9 successful votes and still nothing, from dems or reps! Because we wont let them make a bunch of money off us, which is all they really want.
So you keep your expensive electric cars that dont work in the snow, your high taxes you need for all those safety net programs, and your over priced INconvenience calling it whatever you want to feel better about it. Take a bucket of piss and call it "grandmas peach tea" for all i care. You arent fooling the rest of us. We dont want it.
I was actually referring to the whole country and american society as a monolith.
Wisconsin has lottery and casinos, that is legalized gambling. Your public school ranking is however respectable based on pupil-teacher ratios, HS diploma % attainment and SAT scores.
I'm happy with legal bud. People I know can make a decent living on it now and there are legal protections which is a pretty valuable position when considering the historical contexts you refer to.
Im not familiar with WIs specific laws but decriminalization often addresses only personal possession and use, and when it does concern growing, it is a limited number not suitable for commercial production, and it often still includes civil fines. It also means there is limited if zero economic growth for the state.
Time out. Yes we have lottery (by demand of the people) however there are no Casinos in "wisconsin". All casinos are located on indian reservations which by our state law are considered sovereign land. They dont pay taxes to our state nor are they bound by any of our state laws. They are not wisconsin casinos.
The profits of the casino and the land is not taxable yes but I believe as with all native land rights, regarding Casinos, Non Native Winnings are witholding taxable and all non-native employees at those casinos who have jobs are income taxed standard and all commercial goods that the casino purchases from it's vendors are sales taxed. There are probably some other angles I am not considering such as contractors who do construction/maintenance work in the structures as well.
Exactly Eid. We arent looking to make a few people rich, we just dont want to go to jail for smoking a joint. Why does someone have to make money off it for it to be legal? We dont like paying more taxes than necessary. Its why our state is still cheap to live in. Ill sell you my house right now. 1864sqft (including the basement) $75,000. And thats only because there are liens all over it from my divorce, lol.
Yeah im not sure on the specifics of how it works i just know our politicians are always screaming about how the indian casinos dont pay taxes. Both sides, so it cant be all theater. They wanted to build a casino in my city for the last 20yrs but they would have to create a new indian reservation in part of the city which created a whole bunch of logistical issues and fell apart after people started learning what our state laws allow an indian reservation to do here.
@eid wrt LoE obviously I need you to do the map and planet list. I'm not decided on scale or number or number of systems, yet, though...
Considering we are probably going to have like 4 players, smaller scale would be better
Oh we are gonna have more than 4...
The emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation. :)
Keep calm and quote star wars!
The emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation. :)
Keep calm and quote star wars!
You son of a bitch, I'm in
I miss simming. I want it back in my life.
Make it so!
Now... if only one existed to play. Lol. We tried to put a couple of them together but we get through one mock battle and thats generally the last we hear of them.
Personally the one i was most looking forward to was where no one got to be part of the big factions and the ships were all customizable. But if i recall there were necessary game play aspects we couldnt quantify on paper.
There's definitely a whole lot of cock teasing from both ends going on here but have faith and blindly accept when you see or hear of it!
Hale's UCR and Action Point battle system were/are by far the smoothest and least exploitable we've had ever. As Ram said though it mostly got no play beyond the trial Mocks. It easily captured the essence of every individual unique unit though and it worked every time easily and seemlessly.
An overhead economic/faction system to suit the pulse of the would-be crowd and a sandbox are the only required supplements.
The version I think you are referring to Ram was the 'Edge of the Republic' development that Hale only initially had his Build A Ship scheme drawn up for as far as I ever saw anyways and I'd worked on a regional gal map for but we never played at all.
Hale has been mostly out for bit now. I'm assuming all is well with him and he's just on a hiatus to return at some point.
I'm working on Twin Stars of Kira content myself currently. I'm always down to play a point game though.
Yeah but i suck at that system lmao.
Nah it just needed to be executed on a 1 ship at a time basis. Like we all had 3-4 ships, so instead of I move all mine, you move all yours, etc we go everyone moves 1 ship at a time, then on to next player moving 1 ship until all of everyone ships have been moved. It would take a bit long to get things done but also in developing slower it gives everyone more opportunity and not be forced entirely in to reactive stance.
I agree with you Eid. I think it worked well, but going ship by ship (and perhaps making rounds by ship class) would have been all right with me. Battles would be slow but that's fine. Each turn is less work so maybe they'd go faster in the long run!
By rounds/class I meant...
Everyone moves ALL their SFs in one turn and does attacks (or chooses to hold them and use them at any other time).
Everyone moves 1 small ship at a time and does attacks. If you run out of small ships you just sit out while others wrap up?
Eveyrone moves 1 large ship at a time and does attacks.
So different units get different priority.
Heres an idea, probably a bad one but alas, its something. Everyone posting here work on a ruleset and stats and lets build a new one together. Perhaps people will show more interest in a game they helped to create? If nothing else it will give us something to talk about anyway.
Really missing simming and the community lately. Feeling pretty burned out with all work all the time lately. I need an old school game back in my life. I should at least start writing something in the Kira universe! Gahhhh.... but boy do I really miss like AE style sim battles so bad lately.
Same. Missing it quite a bit.
We got something in the oven right now. Working title "Corvette Commander."
It will be a cooperative (rather than competitive) format, in which everyone gets a corvette and can pimp it out, run missions, upgrade, etc.
Changed jobs in August. Life things as per usual. But overall doing very well at the moment aside from no time for sim related shenanigans.
Was thinking about AE and NHU and Outer Rims Universe today. Sort of popped into my head out of the blue.
How's everyone else doing out there?
Behind on everything.
I'm still around - can usually post once a month or more if time allows.
Curious what folks remember/miss/enjoyed the most about the larger sims that ran in the AOL forum days? The combat? The stories? The empire management?
I think I enjoyed the combat (coordinated as a group) the most, and that resting on the back drop of a dynamic (albeit not super clever) economy, with units being built, resupplied, etc. Even though I didn't have much insight into how the economy was run, what was under construction, and things like that.
What about you?
The entire experience really was a blast. The sense of ownership, pride and empowerment of collectively giving this community driven idea life was maybe the strongest element. Watching it move and be in motion. The way they romantically talk about Baseball in movies with a narrative all american tone- it was like that for me.
All this night time Star Wars viewing makes me jones for some classic era simming, man.
I'm working on Twin Stars of Kira content myself currently.
Tell us more?
Aw, I deleted the folder (child board) I had for it less than a month ago in a 'mostly stagnant personal projects purge' but ill post some of the infographics I made for it in a tribute thread somewhere most appropriate. More or less a little sandbox story groove cut from the WEG Twin Stars of Kira Sourcebook. I wanted to show a distant yet involved angle of the immediate evolving of the battle of endor and the galaxy tsunami felt in the immediacy after
It would be fun to have a story that spans some known worlds (coruscant, alderaan, for example), but linked to intrigue/scenario in a single other world that could be either real or invented by us.
I just need to get of my ass and get this Corvette Commander game up and running.
Hey hale! Glad to see ya back around
Been playing a game called Dust Fleets that has gotten my simming desire back.
What do I do with myself.
We're slowly working on putting stuff together. Hopefully 2024 is the year we can get a game going with plenty of nostalgic appeal.
Let’s get back to this. Yeah?
Agreed! We've stalled a bit, need to dig out Eidolon from wherever he's gone off to.... perhaps reduce ambitions slightly as well for an initial launch.
dug =P
I just need to get of my ass and get this Corvette Commander game up and running.
Separately- anyone notice/think our post views have begun skyrocketing at some point in not too distant past?
Probably bots
Need. Sim. Let. Help.
We've got something pretty close to ready, actually. Let us pull it together in the next few weeks. Maybe Eid can throw details about timeline in here and how the cooperative player model we're going with will work... or I will if he hasn't answered yet and I have time tonight :D
Im working on cleaning up the Gal Map / Planet List / HS Travel thread to put up a main board for us. Is easier to work in open than in Dev thread with permissions etc to get help and get it rolling.
If you're interested Gal, you can help me work on Planet List in terms of identity/value of worlds. In terms of numerical value not yet but research/wookieeped the Planets and expand on the general verbal resource/values or possible loyalty of them. (between couple months to a year AE)
Also if you are apt at fashioning or digging up a suitable old one a battle grid that would help. square, planet in center occupying 4 spaces, maybe 8x8 or 10x10 tops probably. I'll get to doing a new one for us eventually if you and someone else doesn't throw one out.
But anyway, working on getting it at least Public publish worthy over next couple days then posting in a fresh board.
Hop & Gal
Posted AE board and Gal Map / HS Rules / Planet List thread and a sep thread detailing the assistance I could use with making it final ready.
When I made the AE Board I only allowed SWSF Members & Regular Member labels to have access. Intent being to cut out bot views. With this work?
Hop is Regular Member relative to SWSF site still or is it Regular Member like of some other forum hosting entity?
I'll take a look at this tomorrow and see how to help. :)
We apparently have shit posters in here. That jackflapper guy registered and posted some insane stuff in my VE thread for some reason but I deleted it. FYI, Hop.
Just read it in recycle bin. Odd.
Deleted the member.
Hope it doesn't become a recurring thing..
Thanks for the heads up, I might have to restrict sign ups again.